Chapter 466
The important thing now is to find out the real situation near the Sagittarius galaxy as soon as possible.

In the end, did the alien spaceship pass by by chance, or survive in this area, and then put all its strength into the space armament, striving to complete the energy armor in the shortest time.

The original warships in the galaxy are likely to be restricted to use in the solar system, and will be replaced by a series of ships such as large main battleships and unmanned cruise warships.

At the same time, mobile military bases like Macross will be established. If possible, the bosses even proposed to the Meow Star Laboratory to manufacture the Death Star.

When facing an unknown enemy, people always imagine that the opponent is very powerful, and many of them refer to aliens in film and television programs, so it is understandable that some people want the Death Star as the ultimate weapon.

Before there were no anti-gravity engines and energy armor, it was impossible to build a large spaceship. However, since energy armor entered mass production and became popular, people discovered that the strength of a spaceship does not depend on the material, but depends on the armor The size of the generator.

Before the energy armor is broken down, no physical means can have the slightest impact on the spacecraft, which gives the designer enough room to maneuver, and no shape, structure or size will have much impact on the spacecraft.

"Death Star?"

Seeing the embarrassment on Ms. Qin's face from the relevant department, Li Maoye couldn't help touching his bald head and said, "It's not that it can't be manufactured, but such a big killer is not widely used!"

The Death Star or something, if you don't consider its ridiculous Vital weakness, it is indeed a strategic weapon that can be called annihilation of stars. It is very useful for suppressing turmoil in the galaxy. Battlestar continues to block the stars.

But its cost is too high, the resources that can produce one Death Star can produce ten space fleets, and in terms of mobility, the Death Star will never be able to catch up with any kind of spaceship.

Ms. Qin didn't care about these things, but asked a little unexpectedly: "Academician Li means... the technology to make the Death Star is okay?"

"I can guarantee that the final shape is exactly the same as the Death Star, but if its super laser cannon is as powerful as in the movie, it depends on whether we have high-energy crystals to provide energy..." Li Maoye didn't say anything dead, but he had already let People from relevant departments were overjoyed.

Can't build a superlaser cannon?
It doesn't matter, as long as it has the function of a fortress, and then wait for the technical conditions to mature in the future, and then find a way to install powerful enough weapons on it.

Before that, filling enough peace warheads into the Death Star can already guarantee the lethality. If you encounter a powerful alien fleet, you can't beat it, and you can use it as a suicide weapon to attack directly. Jump teleports to the target location, then detonates the weapon of peace inside.

"Okay!" Li Maoye shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently: "Since you think it is necessary, then come out and have a look!"

However, all of this must still be kept secret, and it cannot be passed on to countries such as Bald Eagle and Maoxiong. If they know that the rabbit is trying to build a big killer in film and television works such as the "Death Star", it will definitely cause unnecessary panic.

Before the aliens find the solar system, humans should still have enough time to complete their armaments. Anyway, even if the rabbit wants to fight a space war, it will not bring a bald eagle and a bear.

Unless the aliens are really too powerful, so that the rabbit can't win, or even if they win, they will suffer a lot of losses, then they will consider pushing other countries to the front to block the gun.

Before the space armament is completed, the fortification of the curvature teleportation point is also on the proposal agenda. Experts from relevant departments want to build the teleportation point on the orbit of the Death Star, so as to ensure the safety of the teleportation point and suppress it through the Death Star. The region of the system where the teleporter is located.

"Then you must have strong industrial capabilities!" Li Maoye thought quickly in his heart, and found that such a deadly weapon as the Death Star not only has military uses, but also needs to build space colonial cities on it, as well as A large number of automatic weapon facilities can be placed, and there are also space ports for both military and civilian purposes.

"If possible, we can build space shipyards and mining bases on the Death Star, and even directly transform our moon into a Death Star..." Li Maoye became more and more excited as he thought about it.

Ms. Qin was taken aback by his bold idea, "The moon? This is not acceptable. If the moon is missing from the blue star, it will cause many problems!"

Li Maoye shook his hand and said, "Don't worry! You don't have to use the Blue Star Moon. There are many natural satellites on other planets. For example, Europa is a good choice!"

Even though it is an irregular satellite, people only need it as the core of the Death Star, and as for the outside, it needs to be wrapped with a thick metal layer, and even hollowed out and filled with a lot of equipment.

"So, the bosses still hope to have a big killer like the Death Star, no matter how much it costs, they have to build one and try it out?" Li Maoye said thoughtfully.

Regardless of whether he also understands that this plan is definitely not coming soon, the rabbit may not have the spare energy to build the Death Star, and it is even difficult to build large-scale warships in batches.

The flower planters' space industry is indeed very strong, but in the early stages of the entire industrial system, coordination and running-in are more critical, and the mass production of new main battleships does have a good impact on society.

At least there will be no lack of jobs in the country, everyone can arrange a job, as long as they are not lazy, the relevant departments can always find a way to use the idlers.

Industrial production on this scale has long surpassed bald eagles and bears. Even if all the data on industrial development in human history are added up, it cannot compare with the domestic industrial output value of rabbits today.

According to relevant plans, ten main space battleships will be launched every two years, and these main battleships will be as long as one kilometer, with a hull width of more than 2 meters and a height of more than 300 meters!

If it is not assembled and manufactured in the space shipyard, I am afraid that it will be a big problem to grow and even set up the keel on the surface of Blue Star, let alone manufacture so many main battleships in two years.

But once the terrifying upright ape starts to turn to war, many things that were difficult to solve become easier. For example, it is difficult to manufacture a main battleship like the current one, but now it is forced to plan to manufacture so many at once. Out.

This is doing everything possible to stimulate the war potential of rabbits. It has indeed affected the domestic economic development of the people's livelihood, but it has also solved the problem of many people's jobs, so it is hard to say whether it is a good thing or a bad thing overall.

However, in the face of unknown dangers, it is not sure whether there will be wars with aliens in the future, so this approach of the relevant departments does seem to be a rainy day.

But many of the bosses above did not feel too nervous. Perhaps human beings have long been used to war, at least since the birth of human beings, it has been accompanied by endless killing.

In any case, flower growers have also had conflicts in the past 20 years, although each time the conflict was not too big, and under the influence of the black technology of the Meow Star Group, they quickly won an overwhelming victory.

But it can be regarded as a feeling of combat training. As for the bald eagle, it is even more experienced. Not to mention the disputes they provoked on the blue star, even aliens have become their expected enemies.

Alien fleets often appear in Hollywood movies, and bald eagles can always find ways to win foreign wars. No matter how absurd and illogical the victory process is, they have long imagined what happens when they conflict with aliens. encountered things.

When the florists faced the unknown aliens this time, they had many plans and ideas based on the "Hollywood experience" of the bald eagle, and then selected the ones that suited them for use.

For example, the "Death Star Project" is such a result, and many designs in the main fleet also have elements of Hollywood movies. As for the domestic sci-fi movies of the florist, there is basically little value that can be used as a reference.

As for whether the experts in the relevant departments are worried that the alien technology is beyond imagination, they are naturally quite worried, so they attach great importance to the design of the main battleship, and they can't wait to put all the conceptual weapons in science fiction movies into it.

But the rabbit has stepped out of the solar system on behalf of mankind, so before the real loss, it is necessary to fight against unknown aliens, and they also have the trump card of the black technology of cats.

Maybe the bald guy can come up with a black-tech weapon in a few days, even more powerful than the Death Star, and it will not be human beings who will be afraid, but aliens who have not yet known whether they are enemies or friends.

From the perspective of the worst plan, even if human beings are defeated, they still have the ability to escape. After all, they have the curvature super-light speed navigation technology in their hands. If they really can't win, they will flee to the depths of the universe.

If you think about it this way, it seems that aliens are not so scary!

Since entering the space age for so many years, the domestic population of rabbits has grown to a total of 20 billion. The main reason is that the natural death rate has been decreasing year by year in the past two decades, and the mortality rate caused by various major diseases has almost dropped to zero.

In addition, after the complete liberalization of family planning, even if the birth rate has not increased, the population has always been growing, and the gradual population decline has finally been reversed.

Not only has the population of flower growers increased, but the population of several other space powers has also increased a lot, especially in a country that was originally in the predicament of aging, since the cyborg surgery began to be popularized, making the elderly Regained a new life.

Only a large population can support the space colonization plan. Compared with other non-space technology powers, the members and quasi-members of the Space Development Cooperation Group are the future of Blue Star humanity.

"The population of the entire Blue Star is tens of billions. Could it be that they can't beat the aliens?" Some experts thought to themselves.

In the case of continuously strengthening its armaments, Rabbit's first main battleship finally took shape. The three main battleships and many unmanned cruising warships together formed a super large space expedition army.

When this fleet appeared near the Saturn teleportation point, the space nations such as the Bald Eagle and the Bear who were monitoring were stunned. They really didn't expect the rabbit to build such a powerful space army quietly.

"What is the rabbit going to do?"

"It doesn't look like they are going to deal with us, but they are going to an alien galaxy!"

"Did the rabbit find something outside?"

"Don't you offend the aliens?"

Under the various conjectures of others, this space army came to the Sagittarius Galaxy through the curvature teleportation point one by one, and then used it as the center to explore outwards to find aliens.

Bald Eagle and other countries don't know about aliens, but they have guessed something, but they haven't been able to confirm it yet, so they hurriedly held an emergency meeting in the space development cooperation group.

"Rabbit! You have to give us an explanation!"

"That's right, building such a powerful space army, is it really a movie with aliens?"

In addition to the bald eagle and the bear, associate members such as the John Bull Hans cat and the foot pot chicken also attended the meeting, and they were also very interested in the big movements of the rabbit.

It's just that Rabbit's reply is very official. Anyway, it doesn't admit that the alien spacecraft has been discovered, nor does it say the mission purpose of the fleet's voyage.

Everything can be excused by saying that there is no comment, and that it is related to national military secrets. When the cooperative development team was formed, it was said that only what happens in the solar system, as for other outer galaxies, it depends on its own ability.

The countries that have mastered the core technology are so awesome. If other countries are not convinced, then don't use the technology products of the Meow Star Group!
See if they can still freely enter and exit the atmosphere of the blue star like they do now?

I am afraid that even the domestic medical level and people's life expectancy will be affected. With such a strong advantage, the Bald Eagle and other countries can only shout a few words in the organization, and they dare not even speak out about this matter.

In fact, Rabbit is not worried that Bald Eagle and other countries will speak out about their expeditionary space fleet, because this will obviously improve their international status, and at the same time, it will further damage the prestige of Bald Eagle.

If the expedition fleet really encounters aliens, maybe the rabbit will take the initiative to broadcast live to the world, if the aliens are not too strong.

"Bald eagles can only fight aliens in Hollywood blockbusters, how can it be like we are really fighting aliens!" The experts said with a smile.

But this is only the best case scenario, that is, the aliens encountered are not as powerful as the Blue Star human technology, or simply put, the alien technology is not as good as the meow star black technology.

Originally, this was just a joke. Experts from relevant departments thought that even if the bald man used human technology that has been used for hundreds of years, it might not be as good as the technology of aliens.

But the situation was a bit unexpected, because not long after the expeditionary fleet set out to search, it soon encountered an alien, and the other party turned around immediately after seeing the unmanned cruise ship that was several times larger than his own spaceship and ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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