Minke's black technology

Chapter 311 Population Issues

Chapter 311 Population Issues
"You said that I am a civilian, how did I become the chief designer of the space agency? I am really not humble, I should hire someone else!"

At the coordination meeting held by the leaders of relevant departments, Li Maoye told the aerospace rabbits that he repeatedly declined the request for the airborne position above, and only planned to be a technical consultant easily.

Now that the Meow Star Group's space program is about to start, the Rabbit Space Agency can no longer sit still. The space station of the Meow Star Communication Center is four or five times larger than the "Tianhe" core module of the Rabbit, and the launch mass is as high as hundreds. tons.

And this is still a prototype. After it is finally formed, it will weigh thousands of tons, which is about 10 times larger than the official space station. It almost swells up my family's face.

So under such circumstances, the relevant departments wanted to take advantage of the technical convenience of the Meow Star Group, and wanted to take advantage of the [Earth Cannon] and the "Star Engine" to make Tiangong more majestic.

If the bald man is unwilling, then no one can force him to take office.

Besides, Meow Star becoming a spoiler is also of great benefit to the development of Rabbit Aerospace, at least it can provide another path choice, but this will make the resources in the domestic aerospace field more dispersed, which is not conducive to the practice of concentrating on major tasks.

In desperation, the Rabbit Space Agency had no choice but to settle for the next best thing, trying to recruit Academician Ma to take up this position. Now this academician Ma is already a hot figure in the field of aerospace, and he can decide on the deployment and use of the [Earth Cannon]. Its influence is definitely not weaker than that of Li Maoye himself.

Of course, Academician Ma would not jump into the fire pit. He shied away because he was not a professional in aerospace technology. In the end, he only agreed to the priority use of the [Earth Cannon], and guaranteed that under the same conditions, it would be launched by the Rabbit Space Agency first. Cannon, of course, this has to be done in accordance with market rules, and you must pay for the cannon.

In addition, Meow Star Group has to allocate part of the "Star Engine" to the space agency for use, and Zhou Lin will coordinate and arrange the specific affairs, and it is also not free to provide products to the other party.

The bald boss doesn't care about such troublesome things. His Meow Star Laboratory only needs to be responsible for technical issues, and business matters have nothing to do with him.

It's not that Li Maoye can't take care of it, but that he doesn't want to take care of it at all, so he has been able to cooperate happily with Zhou Lin and others for so many years without any problems.

For the requirements of the Meow Star Lab, Zhou Lin will also ask the Meow Star Group to fully assist. There is no problem in transferring money from the corporate account, but now the lab has accumulated a lot of funds in its hands, and then it has to hire a special accountant. personnel to manage.

Nowadays, it is recognized that the richest people in the country are not the two brothers of the Ma family, but Li Maoye, who has been in the forefront for less than ten years. However, this guy has never been on any wealth list, so everyone doesn't know how much money he has, just know that he Definitely richer than any rich man on the list.

Money is money, but everyone has no doubts about Li Maoye's money. At most, some people who are unemployed because of Meow Star Group are talking bitterly, but they will soon be drowned in the voices of praise for Meow Star Technology. After all, rabbits and even the world All because of black technology getting better day by day.

The natural environment is the most obvious change, especially compared with the environment of the flower growers' home country ten years ago, the gap is simply huge. Green mountains and green waters are no longer a slogan, but a real reality.

The improvement of the environment has also brought many side effects. The population of wild creatures has expanded again, and the number is much higher than that of half a century ago. With the development of urbanization, many remote villages have been abandoned and become wild animals. A gathering place for animals.

Even small and medium-sized towns have many animals running on the streets, and they will not run away when they attract crowds of onlookers. In the past, incidents of animals hurting people on the streets in foreign news have become daily news in China.

Against the backdrop of continued population decline, this kind of thing will only become more and more. Only in big cities will the atmosphere of the industrial age be maintained. There will be fewer and fewer people in small and medium-sized cities, and wild animals will become more and more. more and more.

Li Maoye has published relevant proposals on the population issue at the National People's Congress, which is to put forward the population needs of the universe age based on the current development of space technology. According to the current trend, the decrease in population will seriously hinder flower growers from becoming an interstellar nation, and everyone must pay attention to it.

"Without a sufficient population, it is impossible to support an interstellar country!" Li Maoye said solemnly.

His speech did not cause any waves in the society. After all, modern people are extremely indifferent to the concept of family and reproductive needs, especially those elites in big cities. It is the important task of social reproduction.

Originally, the aging society may cause the population to bottom out due to the issue of pensions. However, the listing of the assistant nannies has completely solved the problem of life difficulties for the elderly. Coupled with the large-scale use of carbon nanomachines, these elderly people have unprecedented vitality again. .

The emergence of meow star technology products has accelerated this development trend, especially the mass production of computer angels and assistants, so that human beings do not need to rely on others for emotional and life needs. Unmarriageism and DINK families are common in many economically developed countries. prevalent in the country.

Human beings have even less need to reproduce!
However, the population of the earth has not decreased because of this. On the contrary, due to the influence of native religions, certain populations have increased. For example, the youth problem in the suburbs of Gaul has become extremely serious. Soon the country will be completely changed.

All in all, the population problem does not exist for florists. It is a serious challenge to governments all over the world, and a little carelessness will cause social unrest.

The advancement of science and technology has solved many of the original problems, but it has also brought some new ones. The situation on the rabbit side is quite good. Many people do not realize that behind the prosperity is a major crisis.

Li Maoye's words did not attract the attention of ordinary people, but the leaders at the top paid great attention to them. They had already noticed this problem, but the rapid economic development covered up all the contradictions, so they didn't take it seriously.

But when the bald man pointed it out, the relevant departments were immediately alerted. After big data analysis and expert research, they came to a conclusion, "Population is an extremely important resource in the interstellar era!"

At present, the black technology of Meow Star Group may allow flower growers to take a step ahead in the interstellar era, but if they want to go further and more steadily, they must have sufficient population as the backing, so the rabbits continue to let the population decrease. , I am afraid that countries such as the Bald Eagle will have a chance to come back.

Although everyone is aware of the problem, as a basic national policy on population, it is impossible to suddenly adjust it. We can only guide people to restore their fertility needs step by step.

After Li Maoye sent out the proposal, he never paid any attention to it. He felt that he had fulfilled his duties as a representative of the National People's Congress, and left the rest to the professionals, who didn't need to point fingers at all.

Next, he is going to participate in the "Cat Castle" service ceremony. In this year's time, the drone carrier was finally exposed, which is also impossible.

No matter what the Bald Eagle media say about this thing, it's big and useless, and it's not useful, as long as it is approached by a fighter jet, it can be shot down with missiles, but in the bottom of my heart, it is extremely fearful.

"As soon as the cat castle is released, the Bald Eagle Air Force may lose its air supremacy!" The experts said privately.

"With a group of three Wraith Killers, our Air Force fighter planes cannot approach within [-] kilometers of Cat Fort!" The experts came to this conclusion after data simulation.

If you want to shoot down Cat Fort from [-] kilometers away, you have to launch multiple nuclear bombs, and the ghost fighter can also shoot down missiles, and even Cat Fort will take the opportunity to move to a safe place when the nuclear bomb falls.

If the battlefield is not one UAV aircraft carrier, but multiple aircraft carriers, then even if one of the cat castles is shot down, the other cat castles will take over the extra drones, and will not let their own combat power suffered too much loss.

"Unless we can shoot down all the cats and drones, it will be difficult to win this battle!"

Anyway, no matter how I analyze it, I feel that the Bald Eagle Air Force is powerless to compete. Unless unconventional weapons are used to fight a nuclear war, there is no chance of winning against this kind of flying drone carrier.

What's more terrible is that the aircraft carrier of the Rabbit Navy is also equipped with "ghost killers", which puts the first-class and second-class people in the same embarrassing situation. The Bald Eagle is more concerned about the development of its own unmanned fighter jets. Need to get it out before the bunnies make more cat castles.

The Rabbit Navy has successfully converted its aircraft carrier into a drone carrier. For today's largest shipbuilding country, the Rabbit Shipbuilding Industry can easily complete the aircraft carrier transformation task in terms of technology and scale.

"In order to cooperate with the super electric propulsion engine, you specially rebuilt a Type 004 nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. In addition to retaining some manned fighter jets, you can also load an additional 150 Wraith Killers! Why don't you just replace them all with drones, maybe It can surpass Maobao's [-] unmanned drones!"

Li Maoye commented casually, but the officer accompanied by the navy rabbit just smiled and did not answer the question.

On the contrary, comrades from relevant departments explained: "Now the production of super electric propulsion engines is limited. After meeting the needs of the Air Force, there will not be much left for the Navy!"

There is no way around this. Three hundred Ghost Killers will require thousands of engines, and spare engines must be used as maintenance parts. The Navy is already satisfied with getting so many Ghost drones.

After watching the transformation of the UAV aircraft carrier, Li Maoye found the warship that the navy was building when he passed by the shipyard. It was a warship that had almost completed the hull. Construction of the superstructure had just begun. The entire hull had been completed, and the nuclear reactor was being hoisted. .

Li Maoye noticed that twelve electromagnetic main guns were installed on the battleship, but such power is still sufficient, and then checked the detailed information, and it was indeed a 510mm electromagnetic cannon developed by the research. Only this kind of firepower can satisfy Rabbit request.

"This is really an unprecedented naval heavy artillery!" Li Maoye asked casually, "Should the test be completed?"

The navy rabbit still didn't answer the question, but the expression revealed all the information. Then Li Maoye remembered that the Meow Star Laboratory had indeed cooperated with many electromagnetic gun experiments recently. In addition to the navy's electromagnetic cannon, there was also the army's electromagnetic rifle.

That is an electromagnetic sniper rifle for mechs. It is said that it is very powerful. The specific test data has not yet been obtained, but the results should be available in the next few days.

(End of this chapter)

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