Minke's black technology

Chapter 194 Don't forget the original intention

Chapter 194 Don't forget the original intention
After the operation and installing a robotic arm on Xiao Wu, the next thing has nothing to do with Li Maoye.

But he still couldn't slip away, and the experts surrounded him asking questions, as if they wanted to take the opportunity to drain his mind.

The bald man's explanation of black technology knowledge is still the same as before. He knows every word he said, but listening to it together makes people feel like listening to heaven.

On the contrary, it was much better to explain the problem of the robotic arm, which made the experts so fascinated that they almost forgot that everyone was still in the operating room.

After the operation, Xiao Wu touched his little left and was moved to tears. He took the opportunity to thank Li Maoye repeatedly, and vowed to do a good job in the security work of Meowstar Technology in the future.

However, Xiao Wu can't leave the Meow Star Lab yet. He has to receive training from the staff so that he can get used to the use of the robotic arm as soon as possible.

As for the experts who came to observe the operation, many of them left on the same day, but there were also a few who stayed, intending to continue to understand the manufacturing process of the robotic arm, as well as the user's feedback on it, etc.

After about a week, Xiao Wu finally completed the training on the use of the robotic arm.

He has been able to use the mechanical arm freely, and he has completely completed the running-in with Xiao Zuo. Not only can he punch several tons of force, but he can also use it to do some precise and subtle things, such as threading a needle and thread, holding an egg and so on. no problem.

In addition to those things that are normal for humans, he and Xiao Zuo can also do things beyond the limits of humans, such as through the intelligent AI aiming function, even with a sniper rifle, he can hit every shot without a hitch, and in electronic information warfare. powerful capabilities, etc.

However, these require additional continuous investment in research and development. Li Maoye just used the intelligent AI system of the assistant to lay a framework. If you want more powerful functions, you have to find someone else to implement them.

"Except for the relatively high manufacturing cost, which makes it impossible to popularize and promote, I can't find any disadvantages!"

"Even without controlling the ball, the technical level of this robotic arm is 30 years ahead of the world!"

"It is recommended to mass-produce and launch the product as soon as possible, so as to benefit the disabled population!"

The experts praised their respective reports, and they can't wait to see the robotic arm on the market as soon as possible. It is best to reduce the cost to a level that ordinary people can buy.

The strange thing is that the relevant departments did not respond to this. It seems that there are other plans for the robotic arm, but Xiao Wu was recruited by them. He may plan to study the practicality first, and it will not be too late to make a decision later.

Of course, before the relevant departments wanted to leave Xiao Wu, they first obtained permission from the Meow Star Laboratory, and Li Maoye did not express any opinion on this.

"That... how much does it cost?" The person from the relevant department asked

They want to pay a sum of money to the Meow Star Lab, which is regarded as the cost of installing a robotic arm for Xiao Wu, even though Li Maoye said before the operation that no money is required, it is regarded as an extra benefit for the company to the employees.

But people from the relevant departments still wanted to help Xiao Wu pay the money, but after they learned the exact value from Xie Linger, they were taken aback by the cost of tens of millions: "It actually cost so much money?"

Expenses that exceed the budget need to be reapplied. In addition, Li Maoye has always insisted on his promise and will not charge any fees. In the end, this matter will not be resolved.

Xie Linger was puzzled by Li Maoye's actions: "Mr. Li, since they are willing to pay, why don't they just accept it?"

She knows very well that a lot of money is spent on the operating room and the robotic arm. Even if the fee is only charged according to the current value, it is only to recover the cost, and the Meow Star Lab does not make any money from it.

Li Maoye didn't answer her, but just shook his head.

The reason for not charging money is very simple. He felt that he was partly responsible for the spore leakage accident, and he installed the mechanical arm for Xiao Wu for free to make up for his fault.

If he hadn't let the monkey be the CEO of the company, Meow Star Technology would not have caused accidents due to management chaos. He has to take a little responsibility in this regard, but he will not regret his original decision, after all What happened in the past has happened, and it is only reasonable to find a way to remedy it.

After dealing with Xiao Wu's matter, Li Maoye called Xiao Bai to the office, and then handed over a USB flash drive: "This is the coding tool and manual for Miao language. You can take it back and pass it on to others to have a look at."

Xiaobai was pleasantly surprised after hearing this: "Is there really such a language? I thought Li was always joking!"

Ever since they heard the name "Meow Language" last time, they have been busy making robotic arms. During this period, Li Maoye never mentioned this matter again, Xiaobai and the others almost forgot about it.

Li Maoye continued: "Write down the problems you encounter during use, and submit them to me every weekend for resolution!"


Xiaobai is very curious about this programming language that he has never heard of, and he can't wait to go out with the USB flash drive. He wants to see what the so-called bridge tool language is, and why it can solve compatibility issues when programming with it.

Meow language does not exist in the CVI system. It belongs to a special programming language created by Li Maoye himself. Its purpose is very simple. It is to solve the compatibility problem between the earth computer program and the Titan star technology program. It is a brand new tool language. .

In order to come up with this language, Li Maoye spent a lot of time and energy to get it done. Even though the CVI system was used to assist in the deduction, it took a total of more than a month to get it done.

After all, he wants to create a language tool that does not completely belong to Titan Star Technology, so it largely depends on his own programming level, and then he can use the CVI system capabilities to perfect it and realize the original idea.

"This language... is strange!"

When Xiaobai and others first came into contact with the meow language, they always felt weird, like singing pop songs in a dialect, and felt something was wrong all over their bodies.

But when they got to know it better, they were immediately attracted by the subtlety of Miao's language, and finally everyone treated it like a peerless martial arts secret book.

Just because it can realize a kind of bridge function, the transplanting work of Xiaobai and others became smooth, and the little assistant AI system was modified and modulated very smoothly, and then transplanted to Computer Angel for use.

During the period, I may have encountered many problems and sad hurdles, but it is no longer like the past. Obviously everyone thinks that the work is very good and the code is not wrong, but the actual operation will report errors everywhere.

"Meow language is really amazing!"

Xiaobai's code is flying, and the more he uses it, the more he feels the benefits of the meow language, as if it was specially written for them.

Originally, after they put on the "Tianxin Lotus Ring" and connected to the spiritual LAN, they were able to understand the codes in the bald man's black technology products, and they were able to adjust and optimize the source codes to realize certain customized functions.

But when they are written out of the original framework, they will always encounter all kinds of unimaginable problems, which makes it impossible to even transplant.

Now there is no such problem at all, the logic is still the original logic, but once the Miao language is used for programming, those inexplicable problems disappear.

Meow language quickly spread in the laboratory!
After Qin Hua figured out the usage of the meow language, he immediately regarded it as a treasure, and realized that once it spread, it might cause a great impact.

Zhao Baibing has a different opinion on this: "Are you worried that people outside will also learn the meow language? Then I don't believe it!"

Others also think this is unlikely. After all, they are blessed by the spiritual local area network, and their brain speed is much faster than ordinary people. If they don't wear the "Tianxin Lotus Ring" headband, they themselves can't understand the black and white words they wrote. tech code.

"There are so many programming masters out there, it's not uncommon for one or two people to be able to learn the meow language. Don't you want everyone to be able to understand the black technology code written by Mr. Li?" Qin Hua explained.

Xiaobai hesitated immediately after hearing this: "Anyway, I won't pass it on to other people casually, so you can rest assured!"


While Li Maoye was busy transplanting a robotic arm to Xiao Wu, the "Fantasy Forest" playground project developed by Meow Star Technology continued.

Under Zhou Lin's arrangement, the project successfully completed the first phase of construction, realizing the ability to process tens of thousands of tons of garbage every day, and at the same time initially built a mushroom forest on the surface.

Immediately afterwards, Meow Star Technology took the already completed first phase of the project, plus the land of the entire playground to mortgage, and quickly borrowed enough funds from the bank for the second phase of construction.

According to the project plan, when the second phase is completed, the playground will not only increase the amount of garbage to be disposed of, but also mark out a safe Mushroom Forest recreation area. At that time, it will also be able to earn project operating funds by collecting tickets.

"The entire playground can accommodate 1 tourists at the same time, and the estimated daily flow of tourists is 5!"

The person in charge of the project said at the meeting.

Someone next to him asked: "Why can it accommodate 1 people at the same time, and the maximum number of tourists in a day only increases by 5 times? Is it because of safety considerations?"

"It's not all because of safety factors, but because the area of ​​the amusement park is too large, tourists will spend a long time in it. We calculate it based on an average of 3 hours per person, and then the amusement park is open for 15 hours a day... ..."

The project leader explained.

In the end, CEO Zhou Lin made the decision: "Then it's decided, and the park will open on time next Monday."

This means that the second phase of the Fantasy Forest Amusement Park has been completed and entered the third phase of the project. In fact, the main purpose of the third phase is to replicate the successful experience and gradually spread it to other major cities.

In order to complete the third phase of the project as soon as possible, Zhou Lin decided to adopt a chain operation method, that is, Meow Star Technology provides technical support and spore purchase licenses, and local franchised companies or individuals provide funds and personal connections, and then join hands to create one by one full of fantasy. Mushroom forest.

As long as these mushroom forest playgrounds are built, the local garbage disposal stations can be gradually replaced, so Zhou Lin believes that the best partners may be the local government or the Environmental Sanitation Bureau.Only with the full support of these local snakes, then the Fantasy Forest project will surely be a great success.

"At that time, the second step of the big plan can be carried out!"

Zhou Lin knows where his ultimate goal is, and will not forget his original intention because of the small profit in front of him. He must realize the ultimate goal of the big plan!

"World Garbage Cleanup Plan!"

 Everyone will definitely not believe that Zhaimao wrote this chapter behind her back!

  Literally, my daughter was sick with a cold and suffered from tracheitis. After sending her to the doctor, she refused to sleep and could only stand in front of the computer with her behind her back to type!

  Yes, Zhaimao has always coded standing up, because standing does not hurt the back!
  There is Chapter 2 tonight, so there should be time!

(End of this chapter)

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