Minke's black technology

Chapter 174 She is an actress

Chapter 174 She is an actress (2 more)
Of course, Computer Angel 2.0 was not developed so quickly.

Even so, Zhao Baibing's research and development results are still used.

After Zhao Baibing and others initially solved the walking problem of AI intelligence, even if they cannot cope with the complex external environment, the people in the product department have a way to solve it, that is, simply prohibit it from being used outdoors.

Not long after Xiaoji went on the market, a new model of Computer Angel was launched every few months. Their version numbers could be Computer Angel 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and so on.

Each version has a code name. For example, the code name of version 1.0 is "Xiaoji", the code name of version 1.1 is "Tifa", the version of 1.2 is "Tokisaki Kurumi" and the angel of version 1.3 is "Emily". Asia"...

Corresponding to their code names are the heroine images of different animations or games. It looks like Two-dimensional characters have come to the third dimension, but they don’t look like real people anyway.

When version 1.1 was launched, the marketing slogan was: "The first bipedal smart home computer angel in history!"

It looks much more powerful than the first generation machine, at least it solves the big problem of Xiaoji’s inability to walk. Even if these angels can’t walk like real humans, it’s impossible to let them take care of people instead of nannies, but still let otaku Impressed!
"Long live! Long live Meow Star Technology!"

"Computer Angel is too powerful!"

"Buy, buy, buy! I must ask my family for enough money to buy one!"

Many nerds went crazy for this, not only buying one to use back, but also planning to buy a few more for collection.

Among them, the rich second-generation otaku who are not short of money are even more awesome. They simply bought back all versions of Computer Angel, and bought a few spares of the same version and model, one of which was used and one was kept as a collection. If there is more, just give it away.

"It's a big loss, what about my little Ji!"

"Can you make Xiaoji walk too!"

Many nerds who were early adopters bought the first-generation machine first, and they called Meowstar Technology to protest. They must let their Xiaoji be able to walk, and they are willing to accept it no matter how much it costs.

After discussing and researching with the marketing department of Meowstar Technology and the company's technical staff, they decided to meet the needs of users. When the 1.1 version of "Tifa" was launched, the upgrade service of version 1.0 "Xiaoji" was launched. Fifty thousand can give Xiaoji the ability to walk.

"Let your angels upgrade!" The slogan of the marketing department.

After doing this, the nerds were finally satisfied, and they happily ran around telling each other, "Xiaoji can walk now!"

From the user's point of view, Meowstar Technology's upgraded service is really a model of conscience. It would rather make a loss than make customers satisfied.

But this is not the case in fact. The update and upgrade of the first-generation machine "Xiaoji" is very simple.

They just returned to the factory to update the latest intelligent system. As for its main frame and various parts, only a few were replaced.

Whether it's Tifa, Tokisaki Kurumi or Emilia, they all adopt the same design structure as Xiaoji, but the outer rubber leather cover is replaced, and they use different versions of the voice database, and fine-tuned various items. After interacting with the parameters, it not only looks like a brand new model, but also has a completely different feeling when using it.

The simple explanation is that they are actually all the same product, even if there are so-called more advanced functions, it is all a sales gimmick!
But this is the ability of merchants to find money, and no one will feel that there is anything wrong.

The huge sales of the computer angel series products have allowed Meowstar Technology to earn all the money of otaku all over the world. In addition to a certain amount of image licensing fees for the major animation companies in the foot basin, there is still a large part of the licensing fees that need to be distributed to Meowstar Experiment. room.

According to the contract of the laboratory, after deducting the cost of research and development materials, a certain percentage of the authorization fee is used as a project bonus and distributed to the relevant research and development personnel.

Zhao Baibing and others have made a lot of money because of this. Even a part of the authorization fee is enough to allow them to achieve their life goals of financial freedom. In the future, when they spend money, they don’t have to consider whether it’s worth buying or not, but whether they want it or not. .

This is the first license fee split, and it already makes people feel dizzy. Judging from the current sales of products, they eat the "Computer Angel" license fee until they die.

Stimulated by huge sums of money, they devoted themselves even more fully to the development of Computer Angel 2.0, and their madness even reached the level of day and night. Every day, these guys can be seen busy in the laboratory with dark circles under their eyes.

Because of continuous work, the metal headbands on their heads have never been removed, and they have always maintained a connection to the mental LAN. The headbands seem to be embedded in the scalp, which makes people worry that someone will die suddenly.

But Li Maoye didn't know anything about it, he didn't care about these guys at all.

He is now more interested in the news on Twitter. After sparring with people a few times last time, he found that this thing is really good to use, and he can take pictures of things that are a little fart.

"No wonder the Commander likes to use Twitter so much!"

While reading the news, Li Maoye sparred with some anti-science netizens.

This guy actually said that clean water algae and garbage mushrooms are destroying the earth's ecology, which is simply confusing right and wrong.

The big northern country has made quite a big move. It not only imported cloning engineering technology from the rabbit, but also bought a lot of clean water algae and garbage mushrooms for use.

The effect is really immediate. No matter what the water quality is, it can be purified into second-class water for you. No matter how much garbage is, it can be decomposed and absorbed, and all toxic substances are enriched into nuclei. It is easy to recycle polluted and toxic substances.

Many Southeast Asian countries have also followed suit. Unfortunately, the production of Meow Star Technology can't keep up, and it can barely meet the needs of the country and the big northern countries. As for other countries, they can only wait in line first.

The environmental protection princess expressed her dismay at this, and gave speeches everywhere, trying to prevent the popularization of this kind of black technology environmental protection products by awakening environmentalists from all over the world.

"She's just a kind but ignorant teenager being used by adults!"

To put it bluntly, Xiong Da thinks the princess is stupid and sweet, so just ignore it.

"She's an actress!"

The implication of the commander is that the princess has no skills, she can only act to attract attention.

"That's very correct, I agree very much!" Li Maoye replied below, still in Chinese.

Not long after his Twitter account replied, it immediately attracted the attention of many people, especially those netizens who follow technology news. Of course, they know this bald guy who specializes in black technology. Although he is from civil science, But the technological effect produced is unrivaled.

"Wow, Great God Li has appeared!"

"Is this account fake?"

"The Bureau of War and Disregard has begun to act! Master Cat is the big boss inside!"

"Don't be ridiculous, Zhan Suju Bureau didn't exist in the first place!"

Everyone was curious about Li Maoye's behavior. Many people left messages under his reply, and some asked when the new version of Computer Angel would be released, and they wanted Xiaoji, who could walk, to accompany him.

"I declare again, Xiaoji was not developed by me!"

Li Maoye's statement was gorgeously ignored by everyone. In the eyes of ordinary people, a robot like Computer Angel, which can chat and communicate with people, must use some kind of black technology.

Goodness see you!Li Maoye did not participate in this project at all. He just provided some programming tools and built a spiritual local area network to improve the ability of the experimenters. Everything else was done by Xiaobai and the others.

"Let Xiaobai be the father of computer angels!"

Li Maoye still felt that "The Strongest Minke" was suitable for him. Now that no one knew his name, even the Dynamite Award Committee began to feel regretful. They sent a message to him through a middleman and wanted to repair the relationship between the two parties.

In fact, not only Master Andre issued an article questioning the fairness of the Dynamite Award, but also many judges objected to kicking Li Maoye out of the candidate list, believing that the World Science Award must stay away from political topics, and that ideology should not affect the award results.

At this time, Li Maoye simply declared to the outside world that he would never receive the explosive award again, and would not accept any explanations from them.

"How do you suddenly know how to change your attitude now?"

Li Maoye felt that something was wrong, so he asked Lao Zhou to find out.

Only then did we know that the western countries saw that after some countries purchased environmentally friendly black technology products, the domestic environmental pollution has been greatly improved, especially the piles of garbage that have been piled up have been properly dealt with, which shocked them.

Therefore, Western countries also want to buy clean algae and garbage mushrooms, and even propose to introduce a cloning blood project to increase the source of medical blood, which can at least reduce the cost of surgical blood.

Even Eagle Sauce, who has a tough attitude, has begun to show signs of softening in this regard. After all, since the rabbits stopped collecting garbage, their country’s garbage has nowhere to go. Even if it is transported to other small countries, it cannot be digested. There are still many garbage transport ships was driven back.

Seeing that the garbage piled up like a mountain at home, and it is getting more and more every day, the domestic elites are really anxious, and they have thought of various ways to solve this problem.

The black technology of Rabbit's family is very good, but it's a pity that the silly Baitian in his family has been limped by fools, and has been opposed to accepting clean water algae and garbage mushrooms.

Human beings have a natural resistance to unknown technology!
Even so, governments will have to plan ahead and make private deals with rabbits.

"So that's the case, so what's the plan?"

Li Maoye is not opposed to the export of his own products, but he must ensure that after the domestic demand is met, good things are of course used by himself first, and then it is the turn of outsiders.

Lao Zhou smiled at this: "How else can we plan? Our current production can just meet our own and neighboring countries. As for other countries wanting it, we should first replace it with products of the same technology!"

What this means is that if the higher-ups want to use Meowstar Technology’s products to exchange for something, they must at least open up the same technology. In the past, they had no choice but to develop their own technology. Now, of course, they have to reach out and take it when they have the opportunity.

Not only is environmental black technology favored by Western countries, but even cloning technology is coveted by them!
Although on the surface, all countries strongly oppose the promotion of this technology, in fact, they all wish that this kind of black technology belongs to their own country. After all, years of scientific propaganda say that whoever masters the cloning technology will dominate the future technological development!

Now those who oppose the Rabbit’s cloning project, except for those who are genuine environmental fanatics, many people understand but pretend to be confused, shouting all kinds of opposing slogans, but in fact they are stepping up their own cloning research work in private. One day earlier, Li Maoye's cloning black technology could be cracked.

"Maybe they secretly conducted a lot of physical experiments!" Lao Zhou commented.

Li Maoye didn't care much about other people's affairs, so he didn't continue to ask for information in this area, and quickly shifted the topic to Meow Star Technology Company.

"Now the company is developing well, and there is no shortage of personnel and funds. It's just that the company is expanding too fast, and there may be some confusion in management."

Such an answer was not beyond Li Maoye's expectation.

There are already more than 3000 employees in Meow Star Technology. This is the result of several expansions. It must be a headache even if it is replaced by other people. What's more, monkey tanks and others are less capable and have little management The experience of large companies, of course, will lead to the problem of management chaos.

Li Maoye was already prepared for this, but he didn't discuss it in depth after a little understanding, and Lao Zhou would not continue talking about his own shortness, and then the two ended their discussion.

When Lao Zhou left the laboratory, he was a little surprised to find that Lao Qin and others had all shaved their heads and wore a metal headband on their heads, a bit like a bald monk in a temple.

"This is the Tianxin lotus ring?"

Old Zhou had heard about this a long time ago, and this was the first time he saw it today. He thought that the so-called "Tianxin Lotus Ring" would be effective as long as it was worn on the head.

People didn't expect to have to shave their heads, but the effect should be quite impressive.

In fact, he doesn’t know much about this kind of technology. It’s not bad for people like Lao Qin and others to shave their heads. If it’s the brain wave detector developed by Musk, then they have to drill holes in their heads.

The international conventional practice is to let the tester shave their hair, and then wear a hat filled with electrodes, and require the electrodes to be as close to the scalp as possible, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling the machine with brain waves.

Li Maoye's "Tianxin Lotus Ring" is very black technology. Although it cannot realize the direct communication of human-computer brain waves, it can form a spiritual local area network to improve the brain power of users.

"Things like this are so useful!"

Lao Zhou knew that the relevant departments were considering how to use this technology, but he was worried that this black technology would have too much impact. After all, it involved the brain, so there was no action for a while.

Before Li Maoye took the initiative to hand over the technology, it was difficult for others to ask for technical information.

After all, it is a privately developed technology, and how to deal with it is not something that other people can decide. Even if someone wants to mess around, it is estimated that even Li Maoye himself will not be able to see it!

Now the Meow Star Laboratory is different from the past. It has become a high-tech research and development center protected by the state.

Maybe in the eyes of ordinary people, only the Meow Star Technology Company exists, but the intelligence agencies of all countries in the world know that the laboratory is Li Maoye's lair. If you want to obtain black technology, you must start here.

Lao Zhou and the others certainly understand things that foreigners know well.

The relevant departments have even arranged for special personnel to wait for several kilometers around the laboratory, and will follow up any abnormal incidents throughout the whole process, making this place like an iron bucket.

This is also a helpless thing, the Meow Star Laboratory is too important!
And Li Maoye is such a wayward cat, he won't move his nest at all in such a ghostly place!

Whoever made him a civilian scientist has no public office at all, and is not bound by any official organization. He can do research wherever he wants!
As long as Li Maoye doesn't take the initiative to die, no one will care what he does.

 Today's second update, the number of words is a bit too lazy to divide chapters, continue to code Chapter 3, correct today can pay off the chapters that add rewards and updates!

(End of this chapter)

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