Minke's black technology

Chapter 167 Testing Potion

Chapter 167 Testing Potion ([100111011001] Rewards and Changes)
Titan Star Delays Aging Nanospores!
This anti-aging technology has been eliminated by the Titans for many years, because its life extension effect is only for the current remaining lifespan, and the effects of the medicines used during the effect of the medicine cannot be superimposed and accumulated.

To put it simply, the younger the person who uses anti-aging medicine, the more obvious the effect will be!

The reverse is also true, the effect of using it by the elderly is much worse, so it is a matter of course that this technology is eliminated.

The so-called 10% increase in the remaining lifespan is very much for a baby. Assuming that the human lifespan is 100 years, using this medicine can increase the lifespan by 10 years.

But for some elderly people, its effect is not so good.

However, Li Maoye still chose to manufacture it because the nanospores also have very good medical effects, such as stopping bleeding and repairing external wounds, or regulating hormone levels in the body, etc.

It can even be used as an anticancer drug under certain conditions.

However, these functional effects basically require targeted modulation, which requires special instrument control to be brought into play. Li Maoye has not yet manufactured the supporting equipment in this regard.

Even so, the effect of anti-aging medicine should not be as simple as prolonging life, it is very powerful and has a wide range of uses!

"If you want to know the specific effect of the potion, you still have to find someone to test it!"

Li Maoye patted his bald head and thought about who he should find to be the guinea pig. He was not worried about the problem of the medicine, but he just wanted to know the effect of the medicine and not want so many people to know.

After all, this kind of potion has too much impact on society. After the turmoil of the cloned blood project, he has a certain understanding of this problem, and he will no longer want to throw it out like before.

At least it's not the time yet, he plans to use it for his family first.

Anyway, no one pointed a gun at his head and asked him to develop this drug within the specified time limit. Even if he said in the video of station B that it could be done within half a year, it didn’t matter if he didn’t come out. The problem, at most, makes other people mistakenly think that he is talking nonsense.

"Finding someone to test is not a good way to keep a secret, or..."

As he spoke, he looked at Xiaoju, who was basking leisurely in the sun on the balcony next to him, and saw that the detailed information of the cat was displayed under the judgment of the CVI system.

【Animal: Orange Cat】

【Name: Xiaoju, Juxi】


【Physical status: healthy】

【Mood: This cat feels very comfortable and is enjoying the pleasure that nature brings to it. 】

"Calculate its remaining life..." Li Maoye gave an instruction to the CVI system in his heart, and soon got a rough value: "Xiaoju has about 15 years of life left!"

Generally speaking, the limit lifespan of felines is 20 years, most orange cats live 12 to 16 years, the average lifespan of domestic orange cats is about 10 years, wild cats are shorter and may be less than 5 years.

The lifespan of Xiaoju has surpassed that of most orange cats, and there are still 15 years of life left, which is considered a very remarkable longevity cat.

Of course, the CVI system is only deduced and estimated. If there is an abnormal situation in Xiaoju's living environment in the future, if she doesn't have enough food and sleep well, then her life span may be shortened.

"Xiaoju, come here!"

Li Maoye waved to his pet cat. After several months of special training, he has already made Xiaoju understand some simple vocabulary and movements.

Xiaoju's ears twitched a few times, then lazily got up from the ground, looking vigilantly in the direction of the master, hesitating whether to obey the order to go there.

Maybe it was caused by curiosity, or maybe it was caused by Li Maoye's lust, but Xiaoju obediently obeyed the instructions and trotted over, then jumped onto the experimental platform.

"Okay, stay still!"

Li Maoye thought about it, and decided to use the direct injection method to give Xiaoju anti-aging medicine. Although he could also choose to mix it into cat food and give Xiaoju a dose, the effect of that method was a bit slower.

Since you want to see the effect immediately, just inject it.

When Xiaoju was caught by a big hand, she immediately felt something was wrong, so she wanted to struggle, but the place where the hand was grabbed happened to be the neck of her weak back, and she couldn't move at all.

Fortunately, Li Maoye's injection process was very fast, his movements were precise and light, and he even felt comfortable, especially after the nanospores entered his body, Xiaoju felt a little dizzy.

That's a sign that the nanospores are working. Once the spores come into contact with the cell fluid, they immediately shed their shells and swim out tiny biochemical nanorobots.

These biochemical nano-robots look a bit like octopus. They are composed of multiple carbon and sodium atoms. The structure looks very simple, but they swim in the body fluid like tiny living organisms.

The power source of biochemical nanorobots is various sugars in the living body. As long as there is sugar, they can continue to operate, but this will also cause users to often feel dizzy, which is caused by hypoglycemia.

With enough energy, they will act, and the goal is very clear!
That is, for every cell in the organism, as long as the cell has not been adjusted, there will be a nano-robot swimming past, landing on the surface of the cell like a spaceship, and then spreading out like a starfish, just adsorbing outside the cell.

Once fully locked in, the nanorobots extend their tentacles and penetrate the interior of the cell, finding a small protein complex at the end of a eukaryotic chromosome.

This protein complex is actually the so-called cellular DNA telomere, which is composed of simple and highly repetitive sequences, and the repeated information written in its DNA is "TTAGGG", and then it keeps repeating.

Together with the telomere-binding protein, it forms a special "cap" structure, whose role is to maintain the integrity of chromosomes and control the cycle of cell division.

Inside the cap, there are discrete protein complexes that were originally part of the terminal but have been detached during previous cell divisions, forming areas of scattered parts around it.

The nanorobots made of carbon and sodium atoms can enter without hindrance. When it penetrates the tentacles into the hat, it will immediately carry out cleaning and repair work. This process will last for a long time, but the repair progress has been increasing, which is faster than the consumption of terminal particles. Much faster.

The length of the telomeres is actually the lifespan of the cells. It is also known as the "mitotic clock" of the cells. Every time the cells divide, the telomeres will be shortened. The dead are either broken down or excreted from the body.

The job of nanorobots is very simple. It is to turn back the hands of the mitotic clock by repairing telomeres, but this process is quite tedious and requires precision.

However, this batch of nanorobots can just be used to do such things. They are all driven by a set program to continuously write the information of "TTAGGG" into this protein complex, thereby keeping the length of the DNA terminal particle at a certain level .

However, this behavior cannot continue forever. When the same cell has been repaired with about 10% of the functional telomere length, it is difficult to continue, because there are not enough parts to repair the cell telomeres, unless it can be repaired through external Import "ingredients" to continue.

This kind of cell telomere repair work will last for a long time, and it will take more than a month to complete. By that time, most of the nanorobots will also be exhausted. After all, it is only a consumable, not forever machine.

Due to structural problems, nanorobots cannot continue to operate normally, and after losing power, they will automatically loosen the cells and then excrete them with the flow of body fluids.

Under normal circumstances, fully functional nanorobots will not be excreted from the body, they will anchor the cells tightly, and circulate around the organism together with the cells.

However, there are also special circumstances, such as cell death when traumatized, and finally decomposed and excreted from the body.

After injecting Xiaoju with the medicine, when he looked at the pet cat again after more than an hour, Li Maoye found that its lifespan had only increased a little, but it was still increasing.

"Well, it should work!"

Li Maoye roughly estimated, and found that this dose of medicine should add 5 years to Xiaoju's lifespan, which is much more than the theoretical 10% life extension effect.

Logically speaking, Xiaoju has about 15 years of life remaining, and the 10% life extension effect of the medicine is only 1.5 years, so it is impossible to increase it by more than 3 times.

"Could it be that the CVI system made a wrong judgment?"

For such a phenomenon, Li Maoye was a little puzzled, so he continued to analyze in depth for half an hour, and finally found out that the reason why Xiaoju can prolong his life by 5 years is that the nano-robots helped him prevent the risk of diabetes!

The energy source of the robot is a variety of glycogen, which is a panacea for diabetics!
Even if there is no diabetes, it can be prevented. If nano-robots can be used all the time to keep this state, the blood sugar will naturally not be too high, and there will be no so-called diabetes.

Without the risk of disease, you can certainly increase your life expectancy by several years.

"Xiaoju! You're so fat that you're about to have diabetes!"

Li Maoye decided that from now on, he must help pet cats lose weight, so as to prevent diabetes from developing and becoming serious. Now it seems that there should be no major problems, but we still have to pay attention.

The anti-aging potion worked well, and the tests found no problems.

Now he still has four potions left in his hand, two of which must be reserved for his parents, and the remaining two... Forget it, let's use one for his younger sister, and he hasn't decided who to give the last one to. .

He himself used the longevity serum on Titan, and no matter how many injections of this technically backward medicine, it would not be effective, so the extra one was put away first.

(End of this chapter)

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