Minke's black technology

Chapter 101 Google's Blocking

Chapter 101 Google's Blocking
All the Rabbit’s family went home for the Spring Festival holiday, but the Eagle Sauce’s family in the Western Hemisphere was not affected in any way. Google continued to carry out the plan to block Huayao Company.

In the face of Google's attack, Huayao has always been passive defense.

The Hongmeng system was originally Plan B prepared by Ren Tianxing, which was used to prevent Huayao from being banned from using Android by Google. Under several tentative attacks by Google, Huayao had to use Hongmeng as a shield, wanting to Resist all these attacks.

However, the appearance of the liquid cat plug-in made the offensive and defensive positions of the two sides change!
After the release of the P40 mobile phone, Huayao turned from defense to offense. In terms of data storage, Huayao defeated the mobile phones of the Android camp. It could only rely on the Android ecosystem that Google spent ten years to build to resist. The churn has continued.

But this can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause!
Even Apple, which has a closed system ecosystem, has been greatly impacted by the appearance of Liquid Cat. Many users abandon the nearly rotten Apple and start with P40 phones because the P2 phone can store 40T-sized files.

Not for anything else, just because there is black technology on this phone!

In just a few months, the P40 mobile phone has sold tens of millions of units!This was beyond everyone's expectations, even the people in the marketing department of Huayao Company did not estimate it.

There are many reasons for this, and one of the most important reasons is the announcement of Huayao's new 5G standard, which makes Huayao's 5G communication the best standard in the world.

The mobile phones of the Google and Apple camps have already lost points in terms of data storage. If they are far behind in 5G network communication, especially since Apple has not yet confirmed when the mobile phone will have 5G functions, it will be ridiculed.

The liquid cat plug-in and 5G data encoding are actually different products based on the same black technology, but they were used twice by Huayao, one for Google and the other for Qualcomm.

Both times achieved great success, and also influenced each other to cause linkage damage!
Now everyone knows that Huayao's mobile phone and 5G standard represent the most advanced technology, and Google, Apple or Qualcomm have long been the ones behind.

In particular, Apple was suffering, and Ma Mabi kept cursing inwardly.

Originally, after Jobs went to design a mobile phone for God, Apple, under the leadership of Cook, desperately made money from fruit fans, but did not expect that the dispute between Google and Huayao would bring disaster to Chiyu, making it unable to spend money happily. .

It's like when Wanglaoji and Jiaduobao competed fiercely back then, but in the end, He Qi, who was ranked No.3, was seriously injured, and he didn't recover for several years.

Many young mobile phone users can't understand Apple's approach, and just want to yell at Cook and others: "Go away! Guys who can only live on their laurels!"

Not long after the Spring Festival, in the face of Huayao's aggressive offensive, Google had to start to fight back: "Completely ban Huayao from using Google-related services! From now on, some Android system updates are not compatible with Huayao mobile phones!"

This move is really ruthless, although it has the meaning of killing one thousand enemies and injuring eight hundred, but its power is extremely powerful.

Google would rather lose the loyal users of Huayao mobile phone, but also cut Huayao mobile phone out of the Android camp!

Even though Huayao has the Hongmeng system of Plan B, its ecosystem has not yet been established, and it is still a newborn, so it cannot bear such a big damage.

The attempt of the smart screen has proved this point. The smart screen that lacks various application software in the ecosystem has died on the beach. Even with the blessing of the liquid cat plug-in, it can only attract a wave of users, and then it can no longer be sold.

Seeing the failure of the smart screen, many people in China shouted: "Google's Android ecosystem is unmatched, and even Huayao has no chance of winning!"

Immediately afterwards, Google continued to pursue the Huayao Hongmeng system, and issued a lawyer's letter to warn those who developed the Android virtual machine: "Stop related infringements immediately, or see you in court!"

The guy who was warned was a Russian, just because he got an Android virtual machine on the Hongmeng system, and he was able to use the Android system on the P40 mobile phone by running the virtual machine.

Even though he has stated that the behavior is non-commercial and he will not get a penny from it, and there are many people on the Internet who support his research and development work, Google still forcibly blocked his results.

If it is detected that someone has used the Android virtual machine on the Hongmeng system, the Android system will block the person's Google account and will not unblock it.

This time it really poked a hornet's nest: "Didn't your Android always emphasize the security of user information? Why do you know that I use an Android virtual machine on the Hongmeng system?"

In the face of the turbulent situation, Google remained unmoved.

Now Huayao mobile phone is really forced to a dead end, and its users have to make a choice, or choose the Hongmeng system, and abandon everything related to Google Android, such as account numbers, personal photos on the cloud disk, and used apps. application etc.

Either give up the Huayao mobile phone that represents the future advancement of technology, and the Hongmeng system equipped with black technology plug-ins.

"It's so deceiving!"

At the Huayao high-level meeting, Yu Chengdong scolded Google for its reneging behavior. More than a week ago, they had just negotiated with Google, saying that Huayao would not use the Hongmeng system in other mobile phone systems, in exchange for Google’s promise to let Huayao’s mobile phone continue. Use Android and Google related services.

But now it seems that all of these are the enemy's smoke bombs, a tactic to delay the attack!
After such a heavy blow, the originally rapidly developing Hongmeng ecology began to stagnate again. Everyone was watching from the sidelines, not daring to easily join the battle between these two big companies, lest they be accidentally injured.

"It's better to rely on yourself than others!"

Ren Tianxing was very open, he still had that smiling expression, he didn't seem to care about Google's big move, he really looked a bit superior.

"That being said, the establishment of an ecosystem cannot be done by one company. If other R&D companies or individual teams don't join in, our Hongmeng system will..."

The words of Huayao executives are quite clear, and everyone here is also aware of what is going on in this situation.

Under the pressure of Google, the major application development companies and teams can only follow Google's ideas and choose either one or the other, making most people choose to develop Android applications instead of running to develop Hongmeng OS. Applications.

HarmonyOS mobile phones lacking applications are even more unused. If no one uses them, there will be fewer applications developed. If this vicious circle continues, the Hongmeng system will die without Google's second trick.

This is really moving, it's amazing!
"Even so, we can't mess with ourselves. We still have to do what we need to do as planned!"

Ren Tianxing's immobility like a mountain made the people present calm down a little bit, which can be regarded as calming the flustered hearts of everyone.

"Will the stocking of P40 mobile phones still be done according to the original quantity?"

The person who asked the question was the head of the marketing department. They miscalculated the enthusiasm of users at the beginning, and as a result, the P40 mobile phone has been out of stock, so the number of orders placed with the factory has increased. Now that such a thing has happened, can the mobile phone be sold? If it is sold, it will be suspended.

When Yu Chengdong was about to discuss this matter, Ren Tianxing next to him had already made a decision: "Don't worry, just stock up according to the plan! If something happens, I will be responsible!"

okay!With Boss Ren's words, everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

This is a decision worth hundreds of millions, and if it goes wrong, no one can afford it!

Back in Pengcheng, Li Maoye immediately accepted the experimental data.

Those seven gourd babies have come back to do experiments a long time ago, and they were assigned last year. Xie Linger has been following up.

Qin Hua and the others won the end-of-year awards for so many years, not to mention a fat year at home, which also made them gain a lot of envy, jealousy and hatred, and worked hard with all their heart after returning.

"It's a pity that I didn't encounter any pretense when I went back!"

Li Maoye felt that when he went home, no rich second generation jumped out to make trouble, and spent the Spring Festival holiday safely!
This is really a great regret in life.

Just when he thought that the days would go on as usual, suddenly Zhou Lin asked him to report a big event.

(End of this chapter)

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