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Chapter 211 Conspiracy 2

Chapter 211 Conspiracy 2
With the in-depth observation, Jiang Yuheng's face became more and more ugly, "Take out all the wild wolves and burn them all!"

"What's wrong?" Everyone looked at Jiang Yuheng in surprise.

"It took only half an hour to kill these wild wolves, but their internal organs have already rotted." Jiang Yuheng's tone was particularly heavy.

He directly asked the earth-type superhuman to find an open space, and then made a huge pit, and all the wild wolves were thrown into it. The fire-type superhuman burned these wild wolves to ashes, and the earth-type Bury it with the soil.

Jiang Yuheng pointed to the place where the leopards were, "Let's go, get rid of those leopards, they probably have antibodies on their bodies, Yuanyuan, this matter is beyond your ability to solve, if you know someone above, you can get rid of these leopards Bring them the body."

Now that one batch of leopards has appeared, there may be a second batch.

"Okay, brother-in-law, leave me a live one. I think it's better to study it alive." Yuanyuan thought about this matter, so she could only contact Liang Yuanxu, and this kind of matter was the scope of their solution.

Jiang Yuheng quickly dealt with these leopards, but kept a little leopard and locked it directly in a cage.

It's also thanks to Jiang Li's collection of many things, otherwise there is really no way to control the live leopard.

They dealt with only two of the leopard corpses, and then handed over the live leopard to Yuanyuan. At this time, it was nearly two hours, and Jiang Li and the others had to leave.

The group left after sending Yuanyuan home.

When they got back to the boat, it was still a little dark outside, but it was already early morning, and some people who got up early had already made movements.

When Shao Xiaogang and the others saw everyone coming back, they excitedly asked them for prey.

Except for a rabbit brought out by Lu Ye, the others didn't hunt anything.

Shao Xiaogang and the others were shocked, especially Lu Feng, who couldn't help but said in disappointment, "All of you are above the fourth level of abilities, right? You didn't even hunt ordinary prey?"

At this time, Lu Ye pulled his brother and said, "We hunted a pack of wolves and a pack of leopards, but they all burned in the end."

"Eh? What happened?" Lu Feng's eyes widened. Isn't that place in a peaceful era?

Lu Ye sighed, and then narrated what happened to them at that time. In fact, it was because they were all soldiers, and that kind of responsibility guided them to help Yuanyuan solve this big problem.

If it was Yuanyuan, she might not be able to discover the problem in the wild wolf's body. If she really ate it, the virus is very likely to infect humans.

The internal organs directly rot...
This kind of thing is really terrible!

It's the end of the world here, and there's really nothing they can do about things like testing.

But at this time, Yuanyuan arrived at home and she looked at the sky. It was still dark, so she couldn't wait any longer, so she stepped on the mutated eagle and headed towards the city.

This matter must be done as soon as possible. Those who caused the sabotage did not know where they were hiding. My brother-in-law used his mental power to observe the surrounding area and found no hidden secret caves.

Yuanyuan was in a hurry. After she flew to the city, she first found the small courtyard of the godmother's house. There was no one there, followed by the unit building, which was also empty, and finally the courtyard near the hospital.

Here, Yuanyuan found that not only Liang Yuanxu was there, but several of his brothers were also there.

When Yuanyuan landed in the yard, a group of people rushed out without getting dressed.

Liang Yuanxu directly pushed the others back to the room, and he pulled Yuanyuan with a serious face into his room, "What's the matter, what happened?"

If there is nothing wrong, the little girl must have something important.

Yuanyuan talked about the fact that the viscera of the wild wolf bitten by the leopard rotted within half an hour, and Liang Yuanxu's complexion immediately became bad.

They had received some news that some spies were carrying out experiments with wild animals, but they haven't found the location of the laboratory until now. Yuanyuan's discovery now shows that their experiment has been successful.

"There are a total of twelve leopards in a group. Now there are two dead ones and one alive one. Do you need someone to study it? Pay special attention to the live ones. Don't let people be caught, but they will die." Yuanyuan opened her mouth to remind.

"I'll ask them to call for someone, and you can put the things in the yard later." Liang Yuanxu sent all the people out, and then asked Yuanyuan to release the corpse and the cage.

It was also fortunate that the live leopard was in a coma. If there was any roaring here, it would be scary to death.

Liang Yuanxu looked at Yuanyuan, "Are you going hunting in the middle of the night?"

"I didn't go alone." Yuanyuan found that Liang Yuanxu's eyes were a little dangerous.

"With whom?" Liang Yuanxu's eyes were like black holes, and Yuanyuan shrank her neck in fright.

"My sister, my brother-in-law, my brother-in-law also discovered the rotten internal organs of the wild wolves they bit, but all the wolves' bodies were burned, and my brother-in-law said that he was afraid of some kind of plague." Yuanyuan shrank her neck, why? She now feels that Liang Yuanxu is so scary?
"Where did my sister and brother-in-law come from? Why don't I know?" Liang Yuanxu had investigated Yuanyuan before, and he asked directly, as if he wouldn't give up if he didn't tell him the truth.

Yuanyuan shrank her neck, "If you have a destiny, you will see it, if you don't have a destiny, you will never see it."

"A master who comes and goes without a trace?" Liang Yuanxu narrowed his eyes slightly, "You learned your kung fu from them?"

Yuanyuan nodded like a chicken eating rice, "I learned it from my sister."

Liang Yuanxu thought about the miraculous things on Yuanyuan's body, especially since the bodies of these two leopards and such a huge cage could be taken out. I guess those two are also miraculous people, right?
At this time, the sound of a car stopping came from outside.

Someone eagerly opened the courtyard door and rushed in. The people who came were several people in white coats. These people were called out directly from the laboratory.

When they saw the leopard's body, they rushed up directly, without any time to say hello to Liang Yuanxu and Yuanyuan.

"Hurry up, take it away, we have to experiment quickly, how contagious this virus is, everyone wear gloves, be careful not to get scratched."

Soon, the cage and the bodies of the two leopards were carried away, and these people also left cleanly. Liang Yuanxu did not follow, but someone in their team followed.

Seeing that the sky is not yet bright, Yuanyuan misses Xiaocao when she was home, so she is anxious to go home. Although she asked the puppet to leave a message for Xiaocao, she still misses her too much.

"I have to go!" Yuanyuan looked at Liang Yuanxu.

"How to get there? It's almost dawn, I'll drive you back!" Liang Yuanxu pulled Yuanyuan and walked out.

Yuanyuan pushed him away with her hand. "Don't be so troublesome, I'll hurry up!" After speaking, Yuanyuan released her mutant eagle directly, and then stepped on the eagle's back.

Liang Yuanxu was shocked, he could feel a very powerful force on the eagle.Before he could react, Yuanyuan had already stepped on the eagle and soared into the sky.

At this moment, Liang Yuanxu only felt that the gap between himself and Yuanyuan was huge...
(End of this chapter)

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