Chapter 99
Chapter 110 Five Famous City

"Okay! Then I'll find someone to make a special 'miracle doctor' certificate'! Yes! Dr. Shen, with such miraculous medical skills, how can he issue an ordinary medical practice certificate! Let's get a special 'miracle doctor certificate'!"

After listening to Xiaomei's words, the director also felt that it made sense.So he decided to give Shen Yuan a special medical certificate.

"Thank you, Director!" Shen Yuan raised a glass of wine and toasted the Director as he spoke.The director laughed and drank it down in one gulp.

In this way, Shen Yuan broke up with the director after having dinner with the director and Xiaomei.

A few days later, the director gave Shen Yuan his special medical certificate.Look at that special red book.Shen Yuan was very grateful to the director.The director also felt that Shen Yuan should have such a medical certificate.

With the miracle doctor certificate, Shen Yuan can finally 'open business'.

Shen Yuan then chose an auspicious day.Officially began to see a doctor for the people.On this day, the director personally came to congratulate Shen Yuan.He also told some onlookers that Shen Yuan is a genius doctor and how amazing his medical skills are.He also took his own things as proof.

This time, Shen Yuan's outpatient clinic became famous as soon as it opened.The nearby citizens saw the director of health personally congratulate Shen Yuan on the opening.He also talked about how superb Shen Yuan's medical skills are.Now, that was an advertisement for Shen Yuan.

Of course, on this day, Qinglian also came to congratulate Shen Yuan.She saw that Shen Yuan got his medical license so quickly.Moreover, it was a special miracle medical certificate, which made her very puzzled, and she didn't understand how Shen Yuan got it.

Even the Director of Health came to congratulate Shen Yuan, which made Qinglian a little puzzled.He also wondered if the director of health and Shen Yuan had relatives.

"Hey! Shen Yuan, how did you get your medical certificate? How did you get it done so quickly? I heard that it takes a month for others to get it done!" Qinglian looked at Shen Yuan and couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"This! Of course it's because of my excellent medical skills---" Shen Yuan saw Qinglian asking him this.He purposely got close to Qinglian, sniffed the fragrance on her body, and briefly told him how he obtained this miracle medical certificate.

"Haha! You are so amazing. Even such a serious disease can be eradicated with a single injection. It's like a 'celestial art'!"

Qinglian heard from Shen Yuan that he cured the chief's wife's breast tumor with only acupuncture, which shocked Qinglian very much.

She couldn't believe that Shen Yuan had such superb medical skills. Although she also knew that Chinese medicine had acupuncture, she had never heard that acupuncture could treat such a serious disease.

Now that she heard Shen Yuan's words, she admired Shen Yuan very much in her heart, and was also full of curiosity about such a young man.

On the day when Shen Yuan Clinic opened, it was full of people, no matter if they were spectators.Or people who come to see a doctor.After a while, his small outpatient clinic was crowded.

Shen Yuan saw that his popularity was so 'prosperous'.This was somewhat unexpected to him.

In this way, Shen Yuan treated thousands of people in the first month.Whether everyone's illness is minor or serious, in front of Shen Yuan's fairy needle, it can be cured by acupuncture.There is no illness he can't cure.

In just one month, Shen Yuan had already earned tens of thousands of yuan.In this regard, he also tries to keep the fee as low as possible, and only charges more for some serious diseases.For some minor illnesses, he doesn't charge at all.

This month not only Shen Yuan's 'business' is very good.Even Qinglian's clothing store next to him was ruined.After all, there are a lot of people going to the Shenyuan Clinic, and there are many people queuing there every day.

Some of the people in the back line felt that there was nothing to do, so they stopped by Qinglian's clothing store, and some bought some clothes as well.

This is how Qinglian's clothing store has been since Shen Yuan's clinic opened.Her income this month has doubled compared to the previous month.

Qinglian is very happy now.She sincerely thanked Shen Yuan for opening this outpatient clinic, which gave her a lot of glory.

After several months of getting along like this.Shen Yuan and Qinglian fell in love.After all, the two have known each other for a long time.They both have admiration for each other.

Shen Yuan can be said to be proud of his spring breeze now, and his small outpatient clinic is very prosperous.Although his outpatient clinic is just an inconspicuous small clinic on this street, but because of his great reputation.That is, many people came to him for medical treatment.It can be said that Shen Yuan is now a famous city.

Most citizens now know that there is a magical Chinese medicine doctor named Shen Yuan in this city, and his acupuncture skills have reached the point of perfection.No matter what kind of disease it is, he cures it with one shot.

More importantly, he also reaped his love, which turned out to be the heart of Miss Qinglian.To have a girlfriend as beautiful as Qinglian.Shen Yuan felt very proud.

But now their love is only their own.Their parents haven't given their consent yet.Now Shen Yuan thought, let's go through the test of his parents first.After all, his husband, Qinglian will live with her parents when the time comes.You have to get their consent first.

Now Shen Yuan wants to bring Qinglian to his home so that his parents can 'appreciate' it.

But the situation at that time was beyond Shen Yuan's expectation.When Qinglian appeared in front of Wang Ruifang.That took her by surprise.

"Oh! Girl, didn't you save the girl from our family Shen Yuan on the road last year? Did you meet the girl from our family Shen Yuan who had an accident!"

Wang Ruifang looked at Qinglian's appearance.She immediately connected with the beautiful girl Shen Yuan met on the road on the day of the accident.

"Auntie! You——you are the young man's mother that day!" Qinglian was very surprised.Although when he saw Shen Yuan, he connected Shen Yuan with the young man who had a car accident he had met.But Shen Yuan did not admit it.

See Shen Yuan's mother now.That Qinglian immediately knew that Shen Yuan was the young man she had rescued on the road.

"Ah! That's right! How did you two know each other!" Wang Ruifang looked at Qinglian and Shen Yuan very strangely.

"Mom! It's like this---" Shen Yuan recounted the process of the two of them getting to know each other.

"Oh! This is really fate! I didn't expect Shen Yuan to have an accident for a year. The two of you have become 'friends' again." Wang Ruifang was both very surprised and very happy now.

"Shen Yuan—are you really the young man who got into a car accident on my way to work last year!" Although Qinglian already knew the truth of the matter now.But she still wasn't sure.Because Shen Yuan was seriously injured at the time.And half a month after his accident, I actually saw him in Hailing Temple.How is this possible.How could he recover so quickly!It was so badly hurt.

"Haha! That's right! I am that young man named Shen Yuan." Shen Yuan had to admit it now.At the same time, I was a little embarrassed.Because only he and Qinglian knew how he got into a car accident.It was because he was attracted by Qinglian's beauty, and when he looked back, something big happened.

"Then your injury---" Qinglian still looked at Shen Yuan in astonishment.She couldn't believe that a person was injured so badly in a car accident.It turned out that he fully recovered within a few days.

"Haha! It's a long story. I'll tell you when I have a chance!" Shen Yuan didn't want to talk about the car accident when Qinglian came to meet her parents.One is that there is no time.After all, he still has to see patients.Now he has many patients waiting to see a doctor every day!
Also, it is inappropriate to talk about marriage and the car accident now!

"Okay! Let's talk about it another day!" Although Qinglian was very curious, she also felt that now was not the time to talk about it.

Now Shen Chenghe is here too.He was handicapped at the time.Wasn't there at all, so he was just surprised too.But he didn't say anything, after all, he didn't know the situation at the time.

However, looking at Qinglian's flowery and jade-like appearance.He had already agreed in his heart that she should be Shen Yuan's girlfriend.After all, they are just an ordinary family, and he and Wang Ruifang are just ordinary parents.Even a little poor.

That is, the leg that Shen Yuan healed for Li Dajiang just now.Only then did they get a new building, which made their family a wealthy family in the eyes of outsiders.But how do others know what Shen Yuan's parents do.

"Mom and Dad! What do you think of Qinglian? Do you agree with our marriage?"

No matter how surprised Wang Ruifang was.Shen Yuan still wants to bring this matter to his parents and ask them to make a statement.

"Haha --- son! You said that in our family, being able to marry a beautiful girl like Qinglian into the door, isn't that a blessing from your previous life! What do you and I disagree with?" Wang Ruifang Looking at Shen Yuan and Qinglian, he immediately agreed to their marriage.

Of course Wang Ruifang would agree.Because Qinglian is not only beautiful.They also saved their son. If they hadn't called the emergency call in time, the consequences would have been disastrous.

"Dad! And you, do you agree to Qinglian being my girlfriend!" Shen Yuan saw that his father hadn't spoken for a long time, so he had to get him to agree!

"Haha --- son! Your mother agrees. I have nothing to disagree with. Treat other girls well. This is a blessing from the previous life, don't know how to cherish it."

Since Shen Chenghe became disabled, he has been ignoring family affairs for so many years.Whether it's big or small, it's all up to Wang Ruifang to decide.Speak the truth.As the head of the family, that's just a false name.

Over the years, he has gotten used to it.Wang Ruifang may also be used to it.No matter what happened, she agreed directly without discussing it with Shen Chenghe.

Now facing Shen Yuan's savior.Another very beautiful girl.Of course she agreed without hesitation.At the same time, it was very 'arbitrary' to not give Shen Chenghe the right to speak.

But Shen Yuan wanted to respect his father at this time, after all he was also a man, he didn't want to let his mother have the final say on everything.

(End of this chapter)

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