Chapter 93
Chapter [-]
Shen Yuan saw that his mother had already agreed with his idea.He was secretly thinking about how to open his small outpatient clinic well, so that the common people can truly benefit from traditional Chinese medicine and get rid of their physical and spiritual pain.

In this way, Shen Yuan went to the street to look for a suitable front room the next day.At this time, Shen Yuan thought, if renting a house in a lively place, the rent must be very expensive.How can I afford it if I haven't earned any money yet.

But if you rent to a more remote place.That will affect the popularity of the clinic.Now Shen Yuan was walking up and down the street.I don't know what kind of facade room to choose is more suitable.

But at this moment.I heard a familiar girl's voice shouting: "The robber is caught. Someone robbed my bag."

Shen Yuan looked back at this moment, and saw a young man riding a motorcycle with a women's bag in his hand, riding past him quickly.

A girl behind was pointing at the young man on a motorcycle and yelling, 'Stop the thief!Catch the thief! 'Due to the relatively long distance, Shen Yuan did not see the girl's appearance clearly.But look at her slender figure.The face will definitely not be ugly.

Shen Yuan understood immediately after seeing it.It seems that the kid on the motorcycle is a speeding thief.Otherwise, how could he have a female worker's bag in his hand!

Shen Yuan thought that he was the only one who was closer to the speeding thief.Don't do it yourself.Who are you waiting for?How could this opportunity to be brave to do justice be passed up!As he thought about it, he tried his best to chase the speeding thief.

But because the speeding thief was riding a motorcycle.How could Shen Yuan catch up with two wheels with two legs!

Now I can see that the speeding thief is getting farther and farther away from Shen Yuan.For a moment he wondered if he would not be able to catch up with the thief.But at this time.He suddenly thought that he had cultivated into the 'Six Lotus Gathering'.Does that also help you run faster?

When Shen Yuan thought of this, he suddenly channeled all the vitality in his dantian into his legs.Then he tried his best to chase the speeding thief.

Then something strange happened.Shen Yuan ran faster and faster.In the end, it turned out to be flying up, just like the scenes in some martial arts TV dramas.He turned out to be a 'volley flying step'.

This time, the speed is much faster.He actually caught up with the speeding thief within a few minutes.Then he kicked the speeding thief to the ground with a flying kick.His motorcycle also overturned on the side of the road.

These passers-by and the girl were all surprised to see this volley flying shot that can only be seen on TV or movies.All of them stared wide-eyed.Can't believe this is true.

Even Shen Yuan himself was surprised.He also didn't expect that once he used the six lotus vitality, it would be so powerful.He could actually make himself fly in the air.This made him overjoyed.

Shen Yuan now snatched Nakun Baobi from the speeding thief.Then kicked him hard again.

"Oh! I beg the hero to spare your life! Just take the bag away. I'm already injured. Don't hit me again!"

The speeding thief is also very surprised now.He never thought that this time 'work' would meet such a powerful 'passer-by'.What on earth is he doing, how can he 'fly in the air'!It's amazing.

"Okay! I won't beat you. But after a while the police will come. They will take care of you." Shen Yuan said while calling the police number 110 with his mobile phone. A police car drove over after a while.Capture the speeding thief and take him away.

At this time, the girl also came to Shen Yuan's side.When both she and Shen Yuan saw clearly who the other was.Both Shen Yuan and the girl were stunned.

"Miss Qinglian, how could it be you!" Shen Yuan was a little surprised.It never occurred to him that the speeding thief just robbed Qinglian's Kun Bao.

Now Shen Yuan gave the package to Miss Qinglian while talking.

"Thank you, Shen Yuan, you helped me again! You——how can you 'fly in the air'! You are so 'handsome'. It is even more exciting than what you saw on TV!"

Qinglian nodded to thank Shen Yuan, and took the bag Shen Yuan gave her.

"I——I don't know, anyway, I saw that the speeder was getting farther and farther away from me. I was very anxious all of a sudden. Then I ran faster and faster. Suddenly I 'flyed' up.

This is the first time for me too.I don't even understand it!Maybe it has something to do with my practice of the 'Nine Lotus Heart Sutra'! "

Shen Yuan now heard that girl Qinglian ask him this.He didn't know how to answer.After all, this is the first time his function has appeared.He didn't know he could 'fly' before!
"Nine Lotus Heart Sutra, what kind of martial arts is that! Why haven't I heard of it!" Miss Qinglian was very curious.I don't know which school of Kung Fu Shen Yuan is talking about.

"This! It's not kung fu, it's just a kind of spiritual practice I read in a medical book at home. I thought it was something for self-cultivation. I didn't expect it to be so powerful!"

Shen Yuan faced Miss Qinglian.It's not easy for him to say what 'Nine Lotus Divine Art' he is practicing.He just said that he saw some ways of 'self-cultivation and self-cultivation'.

"Ah! That's the way it is, so look at it this way. What you cultivated is not some mental method. It must be some magical skill. Hey, you can make martial arts TV dramas like you. Isn't that even the 'Wia'!"

Qinglian and Shen Yuan are now acquaintances.So we can say whatever we want together.Now the two of them chatted while walking on the street.

"Hi! What are you talking about Qinglian. I'm not interested in acting at all. I still like my medical skills. Now I want to find a shop. I want to rent it out. Open a Chinese medicine clinic. I will make a living from it in the future!"

While chatting now, Shen Yuan also talked about his purpose of coming to this street.

"You're looking for a store! It's just right. I opened a store selling clothing near here. There is also a clothing store next door to me. She is my classmate. I don't want to do business now. I want to sublet. You see If it's appropriate, I'll help you talk about it."

When Miss Qingmiao heard that Shen Yuan wanted to rent a storefront.She thought that the family next door to the facade she rented was about to sublet it, and it just happened to be for Shen Yuan.

"Hey! Qinglian, you are doing small business here. I thought you were a white-collar worker working in a big company!"

Shen Yuan thought that when he was in a car accident, he saw Qinglian wearing a black and white women's professional suit, no matter how you look at it, she was dressed for work in the company!Now why open a door to do small business again.

"Hi! That's all in the past. The clothing company I worked in was not doing well and was losing money year after year. The boss had no choice but to lay off employees. Of course, the office staff like us will bear the brunt of it!"

(End of this chapter)

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