Holy Physician Bodhi

Chapter 46 Mom is very angry

Chapter 46 Mom is very angry

Shen Yuan now wants to cultivate the first stage of the 'Nine Lotus Heart Sutra'.Of course, we must follow the above.

From this moment.Shen Yuan felt that he was practicing 'Bigu'.The meal I eat tonight is the meal I will eat for these three days.He decided not to eat for three days.

From now on, Shen Yuan sat on his bed and started to practice the first stage of the Nine Lotus Heart Sutra.

But he sat for two hours, and he didn't feel anything.Because he has just eaten now.The meal has not been digested yet.His current 'sit in meditation practice' is actually not very useful.

But Shen Yuan is very excited now.He wanted to practice this 'Three Flowers Gathering' sooner.So that I can cure my sister's dumb disease.Make yourself a famous doctor.

Shen Yuan sat cross-legged on his bed for two hours.I felt a little unbearable.He just felt sleepy.After all, he had never sat still for two hours like this.

In the end, Shen Yuan couldn't bear it any longer, so he had no choice but to sleep.

Arrived the next morning.He got up early again.Then he 'sit upright' on his own bed.

He sat for another two hours.It may be because the food eaten in the morning has already been digested.Now it's time to 'sit still' again.He felt different from last night.A heat flow began to be slowly generated in the dantian in the body.

But it only appeared for a while, then disappeared again.

Shen Yuan thought, is this the vitality mentioned in the 'Nine Lotus Heart Sutra'?But this vitality may be too weak.Just let him feel it, and it slowly disappeared again.

But this also made Shen Yuan very excited, and he hurriedly meditated again.I want to regenerate that stream of heat.

But this time, no matter how hard he tried to meditate, the heat flow would not come out.

When Shen Yuanzheng didn't know what to do, he heard his mother Wang Ruifang calling him: "Son! What time is it, and I still don't get up.

You are not working now.Then I have to do some housework!You can't always be cats in your house!Go out and do some activities! "

Wang Ruifang got up early in the morning.While making breakfast.At the same time, I wanted to wake my son up.She thought that apart from her normal person in this family, the rest of her son was normal.

He doesn't want to go to school now.But this should also help me reduce some housework!I can't do anything, let me do it alone.I still have to work to support my family!
"Mom! Don't call me, I'm practicing!"

Shen Yuan was practicing, when he heard his mother calling him.He was still a little reluctant, thinking that it was his mother who disturbed him.

"Son, what are you practicing? Hurry up and help mom clean up. You said you don't go to school. You can't just stay in the house all day. You have to come out and do some activities. Why don't you help mom clean the living room. "

Wang Ruifang wanted her son to clean up.That's why I wanted to call him out.

But Shen Yuan was unwilling to come out.He wants to continue practicing!

"You child, what's the matter, why don't you come out, don't you hear me calling you!"

Wang Ruifang went to Shen Yuan's room while talking.She knocked hard on the door and said: "Son, come out quickly. Clean the living room for me. Really. Why are you getting lazy. Let you go to college, you don't want to go to college. Can you clean the living room, You don't want to, it's getting more and more outrageous!"

Seeing that Wang Ruifang didn't listen to her son, she asked him to get up, but he couldn't get up.This made her very angry.Come and knock on your son's door.

Shen Yuan was cultivating and had already found some feeling.But this was interrupted by my mother's knock on the door.

Wang Ruifang knocked hard on the door.Shen Yuan just couldn't practice with peace of mind anymore.

He had to get up from the bed, come over and open the door.Then he turned around and sat in front of the bed angrily.

Now Wang Ruifang came to Shen Yuan angrily and asked, "Son! What's your name? You didn't hear me knock on the door. What are you doing? Hurry up and clean the living room. Tell me, what's going on all day long?" Neither do.

I raised you up.Is it just to let you eat and sleep?You say you are already an adult.I have to help my mother with some housework.

You said, in our family, your father is a disabled person.Your sister is a mute again.This family is supported by mother alone, and you are not young anymore.Should be sensible.I should also help my mother share some of it! "

Wang Ruifang looked at Shen Yuan, chattering for a while.

Shen Yuan couldn't listen.Now he just wants to practice quickly, and then he can reach the level of 'three flowers gather at the top'.Then it will be possible to cure my sister of her dumbness.In that case, I can be regarded as a miracle doctor.My first goal has been achieved.

But mother didn't understand him.It made him angry too.

So Shen Yuan contradicted his mother and said: "Mom, let me tell you, I'm not sleeping late. I'm practicing. I want to cultivate to become a three-flowered head, and then I can cure my sister's dumb disease."

Shen Yuan was originally talking about something serious with his mother.But mother didn't listen to him.I think he is talking nonsense!

"Son, what nonsense are you talking about? Sleeping late is sleeping late. You still don't admit it. You also said to practice "three flowers gathering on the top". Then you practice "three flowers gathering on the top" today, and tomorrow you want to practice "four flowers gathering on the top" What! Are you talking in your sleep! Hurry up and clean up! Don’t tell me these useless sleep talk!"

Wang Ruifang didn't believe her son's words. She felt that his son was just sleeping in and didn't want to get up.This is what it means to practice three flowers gathering on the top.This is pure nonsense.

"Mom! How can I tell you, you just don't believe it! Look at what it is. This is the "Secrets of the Nine Lotus Heart Sutra". The vitality of a practitioner can treat ordinary people with various difficult and miscellaneous diseases."

While speaking, Shen Yuan took the "Bodhi Heart Sutra" over.Then I turned to the middle nine pages to show my mother.

"What's the matter? Isn't it just a few pages of blank paper that you forgot to print on? I said, son, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong with your brain? Why don't you show your mother a few pages of blank paper!"

When Wang Ruifang saw that there were nothing on the blank pages of the "Bodhi Heart Sutra" that Shen Yuan gave her, she was very surprised.I wonder if there is something wrong with my son's brain.How could you treat the white paper as some kind of practice secret book!

"Mom! This is really a practice secret book. I forgot to tell you for a moment. You can't read the words on it."

Because Shen Yuan was in a moment of anxiety, he actually forgot that ordinary people saw the words on it.Tell mom what's going on right now.

(End of this chapter)

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