Holy Physician Bodhi

Chapter 42 The Master Explains Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism

Chapter 42 The Master Explains Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism

Qinglian heard the master say that all of this is a predestined word.She just didn't understand.I got into a car accident, so what does that have to do with 'Yuan'!

"Master! The little girl doesn't understand. I got into a car accident and it has nothing to do with 'Yuan'. Please tell me clearly, Master!" Qinglian wanted Master Guanghui to give a clear explanation.So that she can master the meaning of this sentence.

"Haha! Miss. Although you worship the Buddha, but your study of Buddhism is not yet deep, so you naturally can't understand what I mean by these words.

But as long as you can concentrate on studying Buddhism, one day, you will understand.Now you don't have to ask.You have to know that all accidents have causes and consequences.What kind of cause will bear what kind of fruit!

You get into a car accident like this.That is the result of a 'karma'.It's because of you and the guy who got in the car accident.There are past karma.So let's meet in this world.All of this was preordained in the dark.You can't hide even if you want to. "

"Master, if you say this, I can understand a little bit. However, since I and that young man had karma in the previous life. Then why did you let us meet in this way again? What good will there be!

What I am most worried about now is because the young man glanced at me.Then there was a car accident and he left this world forever.This makes me feel unbearable.What kind of fate can I have with him!

To tell you the truth, I have been blaming myself for the past few months.Our ancients always said "beautiful women are in trouble".I didn't agree with this sentence before, thinking that it was the prejudice of the ancients against women, especially beautiful women.

But since the last time I watched that guy get into a serious car accident because he was attracted by my beauty.Now I don't know if it's life or death.

I have been living in pain these past few months.I feel like I'm a sinner.If it wasn't for me, no matter what happened to the young man, it would be impossible for such a thing to happen!

I often dream at night that the young man is questioning me, saying that my beauty has hurt him.This makes me sleepless.

Maybe it's because I have been extremely kind-hearted since I was a child.Anyway, I really want to know what happened to that young man now.If he is still alive.Then I might feel better.If he is no longer alive.Then I may have to repent for him for the rest of my life.

Master, this is what I want to say to you.I don't know if the master can open Qinglian's heart knot. "

Qinglian told the master these words that had been held in her heart for a long time.I just want the master to guide me in the maze, so that I can escape from the sea of ​​self-blame.

"Haha! Qinglian! I didn't expect you to be in pain for an accident for which I have little responsibility. It seems that I really want to open my heart for you. Let you escape from the sea of ​​suffering.

Let me tell you, Qinglian, you have to remember that the so-called "beautiful beauty is a disaster" is just the narrow-mindedness and paranoia of Confucianism.These so-called Confucian masters.It is entirely to safeguard the interests of the ruling class.Just impose the fault of the emperor and general on the woman.

This is pure nonsense.It makes no sense.Since the emperors and generals know that "beauties are a disaster", why do they want "three officials and six courts" and "three wives and four concubines".This is obviously a practice of self-deception.

They clearly know that the success or failure of the country is entirely the responsibility of those in power.But they want to lessen their guilt.This is what it means to be a 'beautiful woman'.It was as if they were victims.You say it's not funny.

I am a monk.I was a Taoist priest before, and now I am an abbot.Is the so-called 'Buddha is the Tao'.Our Buddhist thoughts and Taoist thoughts are the same.

But Confucianism completely rejects Taoism and Buddhism.For thousands of years.Confucianism can flourish.This is mainly because it has a beautiful and charming coat.This beautiful and charming coat is exactly what the ruling class needs to practice the so-called "government of benevolence".

Why did Qin Shihuang depose a hundred schools of thought to respect Confucianism?It is precisely because his brutal rule needs a 'magnificent' reason.He needs a beautiful coat to cover his blood-stained body.

The subsequent dynasties.They all understand the cleverness of Qin Shihuang's approach.This has followed suit.Let Confucianism spread widely in China.So deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Miss Qinglian, although you have a heart for Buddha.But because you live in a country where Confucianism has a great influence.Then it is impossible not to be swayed by their thoughts.

Now I just took a look because of that young man.It would have been his fault.But you have trouble sleeping and eating because of it.It is because you are too kind.

If you want to get rid of the sea of ​​self-blame, you must devote yourself to studying Buddhism.Let Buddhism remove the shadow of Confucianism in your mind. "

Master Guanghui looked at Qinglian and said a lot about his understanding of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.This made Qinglian feel half-understood.

"Master, what you said is very reasonable. I feel that my mood is much better than when I came here. I seem to have seen a bright window. There is a charming scenery outside."

"Miss Qinglian, that's a good point. However, if you want to go out to the beautiful scenery through the window, you need a little courage. I don't know if you have the courage. To face an unknown world."

"Master! If you have something to say, you might as well just say it. Qinglian is willing to listen. As long as I can stop blaming myself for that car accident, as long as I can find peace in my heart. I am willing to do anything."

Qinglian seemed to hear that the master wanted her to do something.It can free her from the sea of ​​suffering.

"Qinglian, if you want to get rid of the shadow deep in your heart, it is best to devote yourself to worshiping the Buddha. Let the radiant Buddha's light shine on your closed heart window. Then you will get eternal peace of mind."

The master still didn't say what he meant directly.But now it is obvious.That is to make Qinglian convert to Buddhism.

"Master, do you want to take me in as an apprentice!" Qinglian tentatively asked Master Guanghui at this moment.She felt that this was what the master said just now.

"Qinglian, what I mean is that you can be like Shen Yuan. Become my lay disciple. I know that you are all people who have not yet fulfilled your fate. It is impossible for you to become a monk with all your heart. So I want to accept you as my disciple. My second lay disciple. As long as you can often come to listen to my poems with Shen Yuan, you will soon gain peace of mind. You will also soon get out of the shadow of the car accident."

(End of this chapter)

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