Holy Physician Bodhi

Chapter 30 Such a doctor is easy to be

Chapter 30 Such a doctor is easy to be

Chapter 31 A doctor like this is easy to be
In order to let his younger sister drink his 'processed' cough syrup, Shen Yuan tricked his younger sister into saying that his medicine was the latest formula from a pharmaceutical company.

Now that Shen Meng listened to her brother's words, she believed it was true, thinking that what her brother said was true, this medicine was a new formula from a pharmaceutical company, otherwise why would it be so expensive!

Shen Meng heard Shen Yuan's words, she had no choice but to pinch her nose, and then drank the remaining cough syrup in one go.

Shen Yuan saw that his sister finally drank his 'immortal blood'.This time, he was happy.I think my sister will definitely speak this time.

Shen Yuan is a little excited now, he thinks, a girl can't speak for more than ten years, if she can speak now, then I don't know what is the first sentence she utters.

She might say, "Thank you bro, you made me talk."

Of course it is also possible that she will call 'mum and dad' first.Like a baby just learning to talk.

Shen Yuan was still thinking, when he heard his sister cough again.

At this time, the younger sister returned the bottle to Shen Yuan, then shook her head.It means, what is the use of your new formula!I still have a cough!

"Sister! Don't worry, this cure is so fast. After the medicine reaches the stomach, there is still a process of digestion and absorption. You just drank it, and the medicine has not yet broken down. How can it work!

You just study now!I promise you won't be coughing tomorrow.At that time, you can go back to school and go to school. "

Shen Yuan saw that his sister coughed again just after taking the medicine, so he hurried to comfort her again.I was afraid that she would feel that what she was drinking was the same medicine as last time, and it was useless at all.

After listening to Shen Yuan's words, Shen Meng started to study.I don't think about my cold anymore.

In order not to disturb his sister's study, Shen Yuan went back to his room alone.Then I started to study my precious medical book "Bodhi Heart Sutra".

Shen Yuan looked around now, and felt that the things mentioned in this medical book seemed to be of no use in treating diseases in life.

A lot of content in this medical book is about the influence of the meridians and pulse conditions of the human body on human diseases.There are also some very strange things like Yin-Yang and Five Elements.No matter how you look at it, it is just to say some big truths.It seems to have nothing to do with some specific diseases.Because there is no specific secret recipe for curing diseases in medical books.

Shen Yuan looked at it now, and felt that this medical book was a medical theoretical work, an academic 'journal'.Can't help yourself to become a miracle doctor at all!

Shen Yuan is now looking at this medical book, feeling a little disappointed in his heart, thinking that such a theoretical medical book that does not help much in treating diseases, really does not know how his ancestors would preserve it.

But when Shen Yuan saw the nine blank pages in the middle of the medical book again, he was very puzzled.Back then, he didn't understand what was going on with these few pages.Now he recovered his memory, but he still didn't understand what the blank pages in the medical book meant.Why did the author of this medical book leave a few pages blank.

Shen Yuan sometimes looked at these blank pages and felt very angry in his heart, thinking that such a useless medical book had several blank pages with no words on it.In a fit of rage, he really wanted to tear up those pages and forget about it.

But think about it, this medical book was left by the ancestors.Whether it works or not.That's the baby at home.Regardless of medical value.That must have cultural relic value!You still have to keep it.The big deal is that when the "end of the mountain" is reached, just take this "treasure" up for auction.

His mother Wang Ruifang didn't know about Shen Yuan secretly curing her sister's cold.That night, while having dinner, she heard that Shen Meng was still coughing, so she asked Shen Meng if she had a cold.Do you want to go to the hospital tomorrow?

"Shen Meng nodded first, then shook her head, and finally pointed at Shen Yuan!" She meant that she had a cold.But Shen Yuan had already shown it to her, and made her drink the special cough syrup he bought.

"Mom! My sister has a cold. However, I have already given him medicine. It will be fine tomorrow, and there is no need to see a doctor."

Shen Yuan looked at his younger sister, and said to his mother with some confidence.

"Hey! Son, you've started practicing medicine now! How did you treat your sister! Tell me about it!" Wang Ruifang heard Shen Yuan say that he had already treated her sister, which made her a little nervous. Funny, I thought, how could my son start to see a doctor.

"Ah! Mom! I didn't use any 'special' method, that is, I gave my sister a bottle of 'cough syrup' bought from the drugstore on the street. I think, as I expected, my sister will die tomorrow. Stop coughing."

Shen Yuan heard his mother ask how he treated his younger sister.He just said that he gave his sister the cough syrup he bought.

"Okay! Son, you are a very good doctor. When you cough, you give people cough syrup. I'm afraid everyone knows this! Haha! Shen Yuan, your medical skills are really 'superb'!"

When Wang Ruifang heard from her son that he just gave her sister a bottle of cough syrup he bought from a pharmacy on the street, she couldn't help laughing.I thought, son, this is seeing a doctor, is it just nonsense?

"Hey! Mom! Don't make fun of me. Let me ask you, is the cough syrup you bought for my sister last time not effective? My sister drank it, but she still coughed, and then went to the hospital to find a bottle for two days. of."

Shen Yuan looked at his mother, and suddenly asked such a sentence.

'yes!The last time I asked Shen Meng to drink a bottle of cough syrup, I watched the commercial on TV saying, 'stop once you drink it' as soon as you cough and drink it.I wanted to try it, so I bought a bottle.It turned out that the ad was way too exaggerated.Your sister drank 'One Drink and Stop' and it didn't have any effect at all.

Wang Ruifang thought that a few months ago, Shen Meng had caught a cold.Then she coughed continuously, so she went to the street and bought her a bottle of cough syrup, thinking that she would be fine once she drank it.Then there is no need to go to the hospital to spend money!
But after she bought it and gave it to Shen Meng to drink, Shen Meng still coughed. Not only did it not help, but it became more serious.Finally had to go to the hospital.

When Wang Ruifang heard her son ask her about buying cold medicine for Shen Meng last time, she was a little surprised, she didn't know why her son suddenly asked about this!Is the son imitating himself? Doesn't he know that cough syrup can cure coughs!

"Mom! That's right, it's because you bought the old formula and I bought the new formula! Of course the effect is different."

(End of this chapter)

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