Holy Physician Bodhi

Chapter 27 Planning for the future

Chapter 27 Planning for the future
Chapter 28 Plans for the future

Shen Chenghe actually heard the quarrel between Shen Yuan and his mother in his bedroom.But he pretended not to hear.

To be honest, before when he was not hurt by a fall, he often disciplined his son.After all, he is a normal person.If you want to beat or scold your son, that's fine.

But since he was injured and became disabled.His temper and character also changed.He was no longer the man who was so angry at every turn.Now he has become very measured, no matter what it is, he is not angry.

This may be because he has no ability.People often say that people with great ability have great temper, and this is the truth.You said that you need others to take care of your life, so what kind of temper can you have.

Shen Chenghe was also angry with his son's 'stubbornness'.But think, the son is already an adult.Let him decide for himself.Our parenting is just to help him.If he doesn't want to go to school.Then let him do whatever he wants!
"Chenghe! What's the matter with you. Shen Yuan doesn't plan to go to college anymore. You don't worry about it. You also hope that he will graduate from college in the future. Becoming a doctor is also your wish." , why do you want to 'let him go' now."

Wang Ruifang looked at her husband's disappointment.She was a little sad.Xiang Chenghe always wanted Shen Yuan to go to college.Now my son is dropping out of school.Why isn't he worried!Let him do whatever he wants!
"Ruifang! It's not that I don't care. I can't! If you say I'm like this, how can I care about him? I can't beat him, and I can't see him if I scold him. I——I am of no use! "

Now that Shen Chenghe thought of his useless body, he couldn't help but sigh.Hearing Ruifang ask him this way.He put the medical book on the bed.Hold your head in your hands and slowly lower your head to your chest.It looked very helpless and pitiful.

"Chenghe! Forget it, don't be sad. Although this son doesn't want to go to college, he still wants to be a doctor. In my opinion, let him do as he pleases! At least he hasn't forgotten his ancestral legacy! "

When Wang Ruifang saw himself talking about Shen Chenghe in this way, he seemed very helpless.So he comforted him with nice words.After all, he is a disabled person.He wanted to do many things, but couldn't.Even if it was such a daily thing as teaching his son a lesson, he couldn't do it.Can this not make him very inferior!

"Ruifang! I'm sorry, it's all because of my incompetence. No matter what is going on in this family, you worry about it. Shen Yuan's going to school also makes you run around. But my son is not up to date. He still doesn't want to go to school.

This is I'm sorry for you!If one day, my legs will be fine.I must 'repay' you well.I must let you 'enjoy happiness' at home every day and do nothing. "

Shen Chenghe asked his son to go to school, and now he thought that his family was all supported by Ruifang.Let him be a middle-aged woman, carrying the burden of the family alone.Shen Chenghe often felt unbearable.But there was nothing he could do.

"Chenghe! What are you thinking? Although your legs are inconvenient. But our son has grown up. He can share some things for our family. You don't have to worry about it. As long as you live happily every day That's it."

Speak the truth.Wang Ruifang is an infatuated and good woman.Although Shen Chenghe became disabled.But he has never disliked him in the past few years.Never complained about anything.

To say that she was not disabled before.But because of the mole on her face.That is also considered an 'ugly woman'.She should not dislike Shen Chenghe.

But no matter what she does now, she can be regarded as a "mature old lady".If she dislikes Shen Chenghe, that's what she should do.Even if she wants to marry again, she can marry a 'rich' man without any problem.

However, people have feelings.As the saying goes, 'one day a couple hundred days of grace'.Wang Ruifang and Shen Chenghe have been married for nearly 20 years no matter what.Both sons and daughters are now grown up.Even if Cheng He became a disabled person.But their relationship will never be 'disabled', this is the result of their love for so many years.

Regarding the son Shen Yuan's reluctance to go to school.In the end, Wang Ruifang and Shen Chenghe could only let it go.After all, Shen Yuan is already an adult.He has the power to determine his own future.

Wang Ruifang saw that her son had made up her mind.Shen Chenghe didn't have any opinion on his son's actions.Wang Ruifang had no choice but to agree with Shen Yuan to drop out of school.

Now after discussing with Wang Ruifang and Shen Chenghe.She came to Shen Yuan's room again.I want to have a final discussion with him to see if my son can change his mind.

"Shen Yuan, what are you thinking? Are you really giving up on going to college? This is not a joke. You are an adult now. You have to take care of your own future. Anyway, you If you don't listen to your parents, then what are you planning on doing!"

Wang Ruifang came to Shen Yuan's room to hear about his future plans.

"Mom! Don't worry. I will be successful even if I don't go to school. Mom! You see, the medical skills in this "Bodhi Heart Sutra" are very special. I feel that these are not found in other medical books.

I plan to study this ancient medical book in the next time.If you can study it thoroughly.Must be a good doctor.When I become famous, the big hospital will naturally hire me.At that time, I will directly become a medical expert.Why are you still in college?

Even in college.That would take two years to graduate.This is another year of internship.Then you can become an ordinary doctor.If you want to be an expert.Then you have to study hard.What a hassle!

Simply, I directly master the superb medical skills.Then it's just for experts.Wouldn't my income be high then? "

Shen Yuan told his mother about his plan.This was something he had thought about in his room just now.After all, it was his own decision not to go to college.Then he also needs to plan for his future!You can't just drop out of school blindly.Then do nothing.How can that work.I am also an adult.No matter what you have to think about your future!

"Hmm! It makes sense. However, I don't know if it's useful. Can you really understand this difficult ancient medical book?

Also, are the above medical skills really useful for modern people's diseases?What if it's all 'on paper'!You are not studying it for nothing. "

Wang Ruifang listened to her son's words, although she felt that there was some truth.It does sound like a better deal than going to college.But this is a dream after all.It is not certain whether it will become a reality!

(End of this chapter)

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