Chapter 443

After the top lane and bottom lane pushed to the high ground of the Star Troopers, their battle mages, shooters, and magicians rushed to the middle lane to join Qin Jiujiu and the others.

"The team battle is about to begin! So excited!!"

"What are you excited about? It's not the first time I've seen them team fight."

"What do you know! Every team battle is performed by my W Daxiu. Sigh, you won't understand even if I tell you."


Before attacking, they set up their camp in advance.

It is also a very common camp, and the battle mage is naturally at the forefront.

Because the battle mage is half flesh, and as half flesh, it is natural to resist some damage for his teammates.

Shadowmoon Assassin and Swordsman depend on the team battle situation.

The shooter outputs in the back row, and the magician assists in the distance.

This is the camp that will surely win the match against the Scarlet Jiangnan Guild.

The battle mage pushed the city all the way to the high ground in the middle.

It can be said that there is no hindrance.

"This time, Star Wars will definitely lose."

"You don't need to say that! We can see clearly!"

"What are you doing? Don't let me tell you!"

"Why, you still want to fight!"

"Come on, you think I'm afraid of you..."

The swordsman goes up from the side, because Star Troopers' battle mage is there.

The first thing to kill is the battle mage.

The first skill is thrown up, and the second one makes up the knife.

However, it's not over yet.

"The next step is W's self-made skills!"

"I've watched this wave of operations at W University many times, but every time I read it, I find something different!"

"But I prefer the position of w! By the way, do you think the position of w looks familiar?"

"Is there? It doesn't feel like it. Isn't the position of many professional players like this? You must have seen the position of a professional player, so you will feel familiar when you look at the position of W University. Ann Lah, the positioning of many professional players is almost like this."

"I hope so."

Maybe I was really wrong.

In the auditorium, many audience members who already knew the routines told the swordsman brother's routines.

That's right, the swordsman brother's next attack is also the last attack.

Self-made skills.

The damage value of the swordsman's self-made skills is the highest, so just hit it right.

It is the existence of a stable win.

With the fall of the supplementary knife, the self-made skills followed closely.

Originally, the fans thought that the swordsman brother could take the head of the battle mage of the Star Troopers, but they didn't expect what happened in the next second.

But the fans were dumbfounded.

Because the little brother swordsman's big move was empty!

That's right!

It's just empty!

This is something they never expected.

How could a professional player like Little Brother Swordsman miss his ultimate move? !
This is simply impossible!
But now it is really happening before their eyes!
"What's going on?! Why is W big's big move empty?! And I just saw that the battle mage didn't move!"

"That's right! Even the Battle Mage didn't move, why is this big move empty?! It's just incredible!"

"No, I seem to have seen W big's hand shaking accidentally, I think it should be the big move that was empty at that time!"

"How could this happen! If the big move is empty, then it's time to do it next time?"

"What are you afraid of? Don't you believe in the operation skills of the swordsman brother? Besides, if only one self-made skill is empty, do you have to have self-made skills to be able to take other people's heads?"

Not only the fans in the auditorium saw that the swordsman brother's self-made skills were empty.

The members of the Reaper Team and the members of the Star Team also saw that the swordsman brother's self-made skills were empty.

(End of this chapter)

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