Chapter 301

Qin Jiujiu knew his character well, that's why he did this.

She likes to see Ji Xifan's curious gossip, but for the sake of her own image, she refuses to ask.

In Qin Jiujiu's opinion, Ji Xifan's appearance is the funniest.
After Qin Jiujiu said goodbye to Ji Xifan, he went to the training room where he wanted to train.

Because someone showed her the way yesterday, and Qin Jiujiu's memory is quite good.

As long as she walks through it once, she will know how to go to that place.

In the training room of the Glory Guild, there are computers around the training room, and a few more in the middle.

Based on the number on the paper, Qin Jiujiu saw her own number on the computer desk in the middle of the wall on the left side of the door.

The computer configurations of all guilds in the top ten guilds are the same.

Because they are the top ten guilds, they have certain funds.

So they won't worry about whether they can afford a computer with high configuration.

This is something other guilds should worry about.

Qin Jiujiu turned on the computer and logged into his game character.

After training for an unknown amount of time, Qin Jiujiu completed the last kill.

The screen shows her character completing 170 kills.

170 two and consecutive kills, as long as they are professional players, they can do it.

Qin Jiujiu stretched, but suddenly felt as if he had touched something soft.

It seems to be elastic and sensual, just like the flesh on the face...

Qin Jiujiu was a little panicked, and quickly withdrew his hand, but there was no one in the room, what is this elastic fleshy texture? !

Could it be that she was hallucinating? !

No, is her hand hallucinating? !
Qin Jiujiu withdrew his hand and looked back quietly.

I saw a large group of people standing behind them, all of them were wearing clothes with the exclusive mark of the Glory Guild.

It is a uniform guild outfit.

It was different from when she saw the Glory team uniform at the game that day.

"Yes, is there something?" Qin Jiujiu stuttered a little.

She has a little crowd phobia.

As soon as she spoke, those people looked at her instantly.

Exchange guild members, this activity, only a few people in the guild know about it.

But that's not to say, don't let them know.

It's just that they don't know it yet.

They saw that Qin Jiujiu was wearing different clothes from theirs.

Looks like a normal shirt.

The Glory Guild has clear regulations. All members belonging to the Glory Guild must wear the clothes of the Glory Guild at the base.

What will happen if you don't wear it?

This is an easy answer. You can do it if you don’t wear it. If you don’t wear it, then you are not a member of the Glory Guild.

It was hard for them to enter the Glory Guild, and they didn't want to be expelled for not wearing the guild uniform.

Besides, the guild uniform is so good-looking, it is the guild uniform of one of the top ten guilds, and it was specially designed by someone.

Can it not look good?
Besides, being able to wear the uniform is a very proud thing for them.

This is equivalent to admitting that they are professional players!
However, they saw that Qin Jiujiu was not wearing guild clothes.

Immediately felt how out of place he was.

Someone couldn't help but said: "I said, if you don't wear the guild uniform, could it be that you don't want to stay in the guild anymore?"

Qin Jiujiu let out a bewildered "ah".

"Needless to say, you can see that he doesn't even wear the guild uniform, and he's still so aboveboard. You can tell at a glance that he doesn't want to stay in the guild."

"If you don't want to stay, don't stay. Anyway, our guild doesn't lack him, and I heard that the guild seems to be laying off staff in a few days. We will kick out those who have violated the discipline more and have not improved their skills significantly."

"I think this person is definitely going to be kicked out!"

Qin Jiujiu: ...

(End of this chapter)

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