Chapter 245

"However, Darling, you must cook him a bowl of hangover soup!" The female tenant said, her face suddenly became serious.

The female tenant spoke a little fast, Xie Lingui listened in a daze, but he didn't understand what the female tenant said.

However, he didn't dare to ask the female tenant to say it again, so he could only nod his head, pretending to understand.

Xie Lingui smiled politely: "Then thank you sister, I'll go in and cook him a bowl of hangover soup."

Seeing Xie Lingui like this, the female tenant nodded in satisfaction.

The moment she turned around and went back, she suddenly seemed to think of something, "Darling, can you cook hangover soup? If not, I can help you~"

After finishing speaking, he raised his eyebrows at Xie Lingui.

Xie Lingui suddenly felt goosebumps all over his body.

It's not that he hasn't played with women before, but all of his women are pure.

Like the female tenant, although she has a hotter figure and a warmer personality, he has never seen a similar girlfriend.

Xie Lingui swallowed hard, and said with a dry smile: "No, thank you sister for your kindness. Those friends of mine are often drunk, so I often make hangover soup for them."

He said that, in fact, implied meaning in it.

I have made hangover soup for my friends so many times, and now making hangover soup is just a matter of my fingertips.

"That's it." For some reason, Xie Lingui always felt that there was some disappointment in her words, "Since this is the case, then I won't bother you, thank you for your hard work tonight!"

After the female tenant finished speaking, without waiting for Xie Lingui to say anything else, she closed the door without saying anything.

Xie Lingui shrugged inexplicably, and then looked at Tang Zixi who was slumped on the ground and had fallen asleep.

He sighed helplessly, and dragged Tang Zixi in again.

After he carried Tang Zixi to his only bed, he went to the kitchen to make Tang Zixi sober soup.

In fact, he had never cooked any hangover soup at all.

He told the female tenant that he made sober soup, but that was just a lie.

In fact, he didn't want to have anything to do with this female tenant. To be precise, he didn't want the people behind the female tenant to know that he had something to do with this female tenant.

This female tenant moved in suddenly a few days ago. In theory, there is nothing to say between strangers.

But when the female tenant came, she immediately talked to herself.

Even if there is no topic to talk about, she will try her best to find something to talk about.

It's not that Xie Lingui doubts her, but Xie Lingui thinks that no matter what happens, it's better to be cautious.

That's why Xie Lingui told the female tenant that he could cook hangover soup.

However, Xie Lingui will be stumped this time.

He has never cooked hangover soup before, and now he is suddenly asked to cook hangover soup. He doesn't even know the ingredients of hangover soup, how do you ask him to cook hangover soup.

So Xie Lingui scratched his head in confusion facing the empty pots and pans.

Just thinking about making Tang Zixi aggrieved and uncomfortable, he would stop drinking the hangover soup.

Just when he turned around and was about to go out, Xie Lingui's mind flashed, "Yes!"

I am so stupid!

Even if I don't know how to cook hangover soup, wouldn't I know how to check it online? !
There is everything online!

So Xie Lingui searched the Internet, and then easily cooked hangover soup.

At the beginning, Tang Zixi, who was hazy, didn't drink, but later Xie Lingui lied to him that it was wine.

When Tang Zixi heard that it was wine, he drank a bowl foolishly.

But halfway through the drink, Tang Zixi fell asleep again before swallowing the hangover soup in his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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