Chapter 112 PK Begins

This pk mode is carried out in the way of siege.

There are three roads to attack the city, and each road has three small cities. After the small towns are conquered, the main city is finally attacked.

If you successfully conquer the main city, you will win.

This may be somewhat the same as a previous game called "Glory of the King".

However, the difference is that it cannot change heroes.

Because its role is fixed.

Everyone entered the game page and clicked on the pk mode.

After everyone agrees, the pk has officially started.

The big screen in the center of the auditorium started broadcasting the live broadcast, and of course there were also live broadcasts at the scene.

Feng Xiaoxiao's team has a battle mage who is half flesh and half mage.

As a battle mage, Peerless Fenghua needs mana very much.

Therefore, if other people can play well, they will usually give up the mana to her in the later stage.

The other two are Shadowmoon Assassins, this one is crispy, but his attack power and speed are extremely high.

In team battles, it is most suitable to kill when the enemy is half blood.

Yi Shuihan's trumpet Shadow Moon Assassin was named Chang'an.

It was obvious from a glance that it was a popular name, but that's what Yi Shuihan wanted.

The other two, one is a shooter and the other is a paladin.

This paladin can be regarded as a half-meat support.

On the opposite side are two swordsmen, one archer, one paladin, and one priest.

The priest is a nanny and a mage, as a role that can help them recover blood.

It must be placed in the middle for protection.
As the countdown ends, the characters appear in the main city.

In the early stage, the characters need to develop, either clearing the line of troops, or fighting wild monsters to develop.

The Shadowmoon Assassin has a high attack power and is most suitable for the development of wild monsters.

It's a pity that there are only two in the wild area, but there are two in the Shadowmoon Assassin.

If they are divided equally, they will develop very slowly.

So it depends on who of them will fight wild monsters.

After clearing the last pawn, Jue Dai Fenghua quickly hid in the grass closest to the wild monster on the opposite side.

And the archer on the opposite side had already beaten the second wild monster to half health.

Peerless Fenghua saw the right moment, went up and directly picked it with the long tassel spear, and then picked it again.

The wild monster was stolen, and the shooter watched helplessly as he managed to kill the wild monster to half health.

But it was snatched away by the enemy's battle mage, and he was so angry that he burst into foul language.

Then, use skills on the battle mage.

A battle mage wouldn't stand and fight him so stupidly, the moment he used his skills.

Jumping behind him and aiming at him behind him is a skill.

However, only one skill was used, and this skill has a stun function.

But only for one character.

After Peerless Fenghua used this skill, he slipped directly from the other side of the grass.

People sitting in the auditorium watching the live broadcast really don't understand.

Such a good opportunity, why not just kill the shooter to death.

"Is this battle mage stupid?! Such a good opportunity, why not kill this shooter now?"

"Isn't this battle mage a coward? Besides, the skill he uses has a stun function, and the shooter can't use the skill. If he kills it directly, he can get the first head?"

"This battle mage's skills are good, but his consciousness is not good. If I had killed this shooter directly."

People who watched the live broadcast in the auditorium expressed their opinions after seeing this.

It's just that they didn't look at the mini-map.

(End of this chapter)

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