Qing Chuan's Fu Jin is not easy to mess with

Chapter 595 Forcing the Palace!

Chapter 595 Forcing the Palace!

Two bloody bitches!
Who is this talking about?
Kangxi wanted to pretend to be confused, but he couldn't.Because, the party is here!
Who else can make the prince hold grudges like this, except for Brother Jiu and Brother Ten who smashed Suo'etu with a wine jar?

"Emperor Ama!"

Elder Brother Shi looked at Kangxi, and said in a somewhat depressed voice, "Is my son a low-born son?"

"Yinji, the prince didn't mean you!"

Kangxi subconsciously chose to defend the prince.

Then, Elder Brother Shi did not discuss this issue with Kangxi, but turned around and rushed towards the study of Yuqing Palace.

Kangxi stood in the snow in astonishment, the snowflakes were flying and fell on his face, it was icy cold, just like his current mood, it was also icy cold.

"Who do you call a bastard?"

Elder Brother Shi rushed into the study of Yuqing Palace and roared directly at the prince.

"I am talking about you!"

When the prince saw Elder Brother Ten appearing, he didn't know what was going on in his head, he didn't think about why Elder Brother Ten appeared in the study of Yuqing Palace, but yelled at Elder Ten directly.

"Do you think that if you do it carefully, Gu can't guess it. Did you do it on purpose?"

"For the sake of a Mongolian Fujin, you actually murdered the important officials of the court!"

"What are you not a bitch?"

The prince is also upset.

Because of Suo'etu's accident, he felt that many things were inconvenient, as if he had lost his backbone.If Suo'etu is still there, this time, he will definitely be able to show off.

"Grandpa made your mouth stink!"

Elder Brother Shi directly punched the prince, hitting the prince's mouth.

The prince is also capable of both civil and military skills. Although he did not expect that the ten elder brother would dare to attack him and was hit by surprise, he tilted his head back promptly so that half of the force of the ten elder brother's fierce punch did not fall on the prince. mouth.

If this punch really hits the target, at least a few of the prince's teeth will fall out.

"Bitch, how dare you fight alone!"

The prince covered his mouth and looked at Elder Brother Ten angrily.

Just when the prince was about to rush over to fight the ten princes, the ten princes turned around and walked out of the study.

"Want to go? It's not that easy!"

The prince shouted angrily, and started to chase after him.

When he came out of the study, he saw Kangxi, eldest brother and other princes all at once.

"Huang Ama?!"

The prince was dumbfounded, what's going on in this situation?Who killed him?
Thinking of what he said in the study just now, the prince felt that his world was pitch black.

"Emperor Ama!"

Elder Brother Ten knelt down in the snow in front of Kangxi and looked at Kangxi, "Did you hear that just now? In the eyes of the prince, Erchen and Brother Ninth are low breeds. Then Fifth Brother must also be low breeds!"

"Well, it seems that our brothers have become bitches!"

In the Qing Dynasty, the child was as valuable as the mother.

As for Kangxi's sons, except for the prince who was born by the empress, the rest of the princes were all born by concubines. Well, for example, the seventh elder brother and his biological mother, Dai Jia, have no status so far.

"Huang Ama, tell me, what should I do?"

Elder Brother Shi punched the prince, but the matter was not over.

"Emperor Ama!"

After the tenth elder brother finished speaking, the eldest brother, third elder brother, fourth elder brother and others all knelt in the snow.

Kneeling in the icy snow on this cold day is really not a comfortable thing.But at this moment, they have to.

The ones who were humiliated by the prince today were the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother, so what about tomorrow?What about the day after tomorrow?Besides, what the ten elder brothers said is reasonable, according to the prince's theory, what dignity do these prince elder brothers have?They are all bastards!
(End of this chapter)

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