Qing Chuan's Fu Jin is not easy to mess with

Chapter 584 In a good mood, play with you

Chapter 584 In a good mood, play with you
The sky was overcast and there was no wind.

When Elder Brother Ten brought Fudler and a group of guards to start a barbecue feast in the yard, it didn't take long for snowflakes to start falling from the sky.

Roasting fire, eating barbecue, drinking wine.

Elder Brother Ten felt that he was in a good mood again, and when she was in high spirits, she actually dragged someone into a wrestling on the spot.

As for wrestling, when the prince's elder brother grew up a little, he had already contacted wrestling in the cloth warehouse, and his wrestling skills were quite exquisite.Moreover, before Kangxi captured Oboi, he wrestled with a group of young guards in the cloth warehouse, which not only paralyzed Oboi, but also took the opportunity to cultivate his confidant guards.With Kangxi's Zhuyu in the front, the ten princes and other princes all strive to be the best in wrestling, which shows that they have inherited the excellent style of their own emperor Ama.

Elder Brother Ten doesn't like reading, but he likes to dance with knives and sticks, and the skill of wrestling is even more extraordinary.

A group of guards such as Fudler and Da Kun may be agile or powerful, but when wrestling, they are really not the opponents of Brother Ten.

"Haha, this king has won again, Da Kun, hurry up, bring the money!"

In a wrestling, the winner can earn five taels of silver, and the loser will get money.

This is the rule for Brother Ten to wrestle with the guards.

Encouraged by the money, the guards showed all their abilities, and they didn't deliberately throw water to please just because of the identity of the tenth elder brother.

It's a pity that Brother Ten's wrestling skills are here. The guards wrestled with Brother Ten just to give away money.

"Again! Just now, I almost won!"

Da Kun refused to admit defeat.

Obviously he is stronger and stronger, but why did he lose?

"Brother, stop making trouble, you can't win!"

Fudler could see clearly that when it comes to wrestling, none of them are the opponents of Brother Ten. "My lord, why not, let's compete in arm wrestling!"

Arm wrestling is purely an explosive skill to compete with one's own strength and arm strength.

In this respect, both he and Da Kun are slightly better than the ten elder brothers.Of course, in actual operation, it is really hard to say whether you win or lose.

"Come on, arm wrestling!"

Elder Brother Ten is in a good mood, so naturally he doesn't care about anything.

Besides, in the previous wrestling, he won a hundred taels, which was enough for him to lose.Of course, he may not necessarily lose.

The idea is good, but Elder Brother Ten overlooked a situation.

He had wrestled nearly thirty times with the guards before, and to him, this was a battle of wheels.Although Elder Brother Shi won all the wrestlings, most of his strength was consumed.

"Haha, I won!"

"My lord, take the money!"

The first one to break the wrists of Elder Brother Ten was naturally Da Kun, who had lost several times in a row in wrestling. Moreover, this big man won the first battle, which greatly boosted the morale of the guards.

"It's my turn, I'll come, I'll come!"

Fudler jumped out excitedly. Just now, he discovered the fact that Elder Brother Ten lacked strength.After a little thought, he understood why.

In order to prevent Elder Brother Shi from realizing it and ending the game, he jumped out impatiently, and won back the money he lost first.

Without any suspense, Brother Ten lost again!

Moreover, Brother Ten never won a single arm wrestling.

Later, Elder Brother Shi understood why he lost, but he was still a bachelor who would not refuse anyone.Grandpa is in a good mood, just play with you.

It's just, little ones, if you use this method to earn your master's money, the money is not so easy to get!

(End of this chapter)

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