Qing Chuan's Fu Jin is not easy to mess with

Chapter 301 Life is so hard, really so hard!

Chapter 301 Life is so hard, really so hard!

Between husband and wife, the most important thing is trust!

If there is no basic trust, then a little misunderstanding may turn into an unhealable chasm.

Lan Xi has seen a lot of couples, because of mutual distrust, they ended up becoming strangers.

Elder brother Shi's actions this time must be dealt with resolutely and fiercely, without the slightest appeasement.Otherwise, Lan Xi felt that Elder Brother Ten might make more progress.

In many things, taking the first step is the hardest.

It was the first time that Elder Brother Shi asked her for money so confidently.

Once the first time is satisfied, then, the second time, the third time, will it be far behind?
Well, Elder Brother Ten is talking about borrowing money!
If it is really borrowing money, then there must be a time to pay back the money when borrowing money, but no!
Can a loan without an agreed repayment time be called a loan?

At least, in Lan Xi's view, this is not a loan!
"Fu Jin, this, a slave can't do it!"

Gao Shengkui looked at Lan Xi pitifully, "Fu Jin, you can take pity on this poor servant, just give me some money, and let the servant go back to work!"

"Enhe, call Su Duomu and ask him to bring the account books of the mansion!"


Enhe agreed, and hurried to call Su Duomu.


Goldman Sachskui opened his mouth wide, stupid on the spot.

At this point, he shouldn't have to look at the account book to be sure that the mansion should really have no money.Several million taels of silver, is this all spent?
What an ancestor!

Gao Shengkui didn't know how to describe his mood.

At this moment, he really hoped that all this was just a dream!

Unfortunately, this is not a dream!
Su Duomu came very quickly, and someone behind him carried two boxes, bringing the account books of the mansion for more than half a year.

"Su Duomu, tell me, how much money is there in the account of the mansion?"

"Back to Fujin, there are still 790 three taels in the account!"

Su Duomu replied very respectfully.

These days, Su Duom's life is quite worrying, even the joy of his nephew Gargon's business success, can't make Su Duom happy.

The reason is naturally that the money in the mansion is getting less and less, and it is almost bottoming out!
"Fu Jin, this slave has something to say!"

After reporting the amount of silver deposits on the account to Lan Xi, Su Duomu took a deep breath and said decisively, "This money can't be spent anymore! These days, the servant has received feedback from many shops. I'm afraid the income will be much less! Also, we don't have many materials in stock,..."

Su Duomu blah blah blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

"Gao Shengkui, did you hear that?"

Lan Xi didn't respond to Su Duomu, but instead looked at Gao Shengkui, "This is the situation in the mansion now, you go back and ask Elder Brother Shi, if Ben Fujin is married, does it mean that he still has to shoulder the task of earning money to support his family?"

"If that's the case, then, from now on, Ben Fujin will take care of the child and let him come back to look after the child!"


Gao Shengkui didn't dare to say anything.

Does he dare to say this to Elder Brother Ten?
dare not!

Gao Shengkui really didn't dare to tell Elder Brother Shi this, but is it okay not to tell?

Life is bitter, really bitter!

Gao Shengkui wanted to cry, what could he do with such a master?Who will tell him and show him the way?

"Also, when you go back, take the ledger back with you!"

Lan Xi pointed to the two big boxes on the ground, "Okay, let's go on the road now!"

(End of this chapter)

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