Chapter 30

Chen Qianyi has been very busy recently, not only preparing for the parent meeting, but also preparing for the children's final exam review. She was very busy; but on this day, when the parent meeting was over, Chen Qianyi didn't find out that Zhu Jia Parents never came!
The always good-tempered Chen Qianyi is angry!

She dug out the student's parent contact list, and called Zhu Jia's home phone number, but the woman who answered the phone was a dialect-speaking woman. I heard it was Zhu Jia's teacher; the dialect-speaking woman helped her Telephone.

It took a long time before anyone answered the phone.

Zhu Jia's mother had a strong nasal voice when she spoke. She didn't know whether it was because she had a cold or because she was crying. After she heard Chen Qianyi accusing her of not going to Zhu Jia's parent meeting on the phone, it took a long time to respond. Come over and quickly apologize, "Uh... Teacher, I'm really sorry, there are too many things at home recently, I forgot about Jiajia's parent meeting..."

Chen Qianyi is speechless, she doesn't care about children... No wonder Zhu Jia's temper is so weird!So Chen Qianyi directly asked Zhu Jia's mother on the phone to come to school tomorrow afternoon, and she wanted to discuss Zhu Jia's study with her.

Zhu Jia's mother naturally agreed.

After putting down the phone, Chen Qianyi was going to pack up her things and go home; but she saw Sun Qing coming back in a hurry.Chen Qianyi felt very strange, didn't Sun Qing say that she was going on a blind date after work today?Why are you running back now?
And Sun Qing's face was full of pain, she didn't have time to say anything to Chen Qianyi, she hurried to her seat, copied the toilet paper on the table, and then quickly ran to the toilet ...

Chen Qianyi understood that Sun Qing might be having a stomachache!
Chen Qianyi shook her head, and continued to pack her things; there was a parent-teacher meeting today, so school ended very early, and she would be able to help Mother Jiang with some housework and cooking when she went back at this hour.

Just as she was carrying her bag and was about to leave, Sun Qing came back with a look of exhaustion.

Seeing her sallow complexion and pale lips, Chen Qianyi asked with concern, "Sun Qing, what's the matter with you? Diarrhea? Go to the pharmacy in front of the school and buy a box of Smecta..."

Sun Qing said weakly, "Yeah, diarrhea! Hey, I don't know what I ate wrong... You don't know, I almost couldn't hold back at the parent-teacher meeting..." Before she finished speaking, the phone It rang.

She put the phone to her ear and hummed a few times, then said, "... Aunt X, why don't I go today... Please tell the other party, I'm sick today... I'm really uncomfortable ..."

The person on the other end of the phone seemed to be angry, and his voice rose an octave. Even Chen Qianyi, who was standing one meter away, heard the woman on the phone cursing sharply.

"Okay, okay..." Sun Qing was so scolded that she had no choice but to say helplessly, "Aunt X, don't be angry, I'll go, I'll go... I'll go right away!" Hang up the phone.

"You're already like this, why don't you go?" Chen Qianyi asked worriedly, looking at her weak appearance.

"No way, this Aunt X is very enthusiastic. The Section Chief Qin she introduced... Well, it should be that I have no fate with this person. I have made appointments several times before. Either my aunt is here or I have a fever. You Look, I still have diarrhea this time..." As soon as she said this, Sun Qing's face changed, she threw her bag at Chen Qianyi, and then ran to the toilet again holding the tissue tube.

When Sun Qing ran out of the toilet again, Chen Qianyi saw that her legs were fluttering, and persuaded her, "You'd better not go... If you are like this, not only is it troublesome to take a taxi, but when you get there, you will have to meet people." It’s never a good time to go to the toilet every 5 minutes!”

Sun Qing gritted her teeth and said, "I've already pushed it several's not appropriate not to go, and besides, this Aunt X is my mother's best friend, and she is offending her terribly, my mother will not let me go..."

As she spoke, she took her own bag from Chen Qianyi's hand, and shuffled towards the outside of the school.

Chen Qianyi followed, and accompanied her to buy a box of Smecta from the pharmacy in front of the school... Sun Qing couldn't hold back when she was in the pharmacy, and even borrowed the bathroom for use.

When she came out of the pharmacy, Sun Qing took Chen Qianyi's hand, watched her hesitate to speak, blushed for a long time before saying, "Qianyi, I can't help it, or...please help me Take a trip?"

Chen Qianyi's eyes widened, she didn't understand what Sun Qing meant for a while.

Sun Qing said, "Hey, in our blind date, in order not to embarrass everyone, we don't give our real names... Only when we see the right person will we tell the other party... So the other party doesn't know my real situation at all, so I just I just know his surname is Qin... You can walk for me, and just say you don't like it when you turn around... Don't worry, when you get to the restaurant, send me a text message, and then I'll call you... You After answering the phone, he said that there was something urgent at home and he had to go back immediately..."

Before Chen Qianyi agreed, Sun Qing's face changed again, and she hurriedly rushed to the bathroom in the pharmacy again...

When Sun Qing came out, even the pharmacy staff couldn't stand it any longer, and said to her, "Hey, you'd better go to the hospital to have a look... Looking at your situation, it seems like food poisoning... I guess it's because of Smecta. It's useless!"

Hearing that Sun Qing might be suffering from food poisoning, both of them turned pale, Chen Qianyi gritted her teeth and said, "Sure, I'll go for you, you should go to the hospital immediately!"

At this time, Sun Qing's feet were weak. Chen Qianyi helped her take a taxi, and asked the driver to take her to the hospital; then she got on the bus according to the address Sun Qing gave her, and went to find that place. restaurant.

When she was sitting on the bus, Wang Yan called for routine check-ups; but Chen Qianyi didn't dare to tell the truth at all... So she lied, saying that she would help her colleagues get things, and she might come back later home; he asked her where to get things, and Chen Qianyi just made up a random place.

After dealing with Wang Yan, Chen Qianyi hoped to find the restaurant quickly, leave quickly, and go home quickly...

She finally found the restaurant and found seat 79 as agreed.

A middle-aged fat man with a slightly bald head was sitting there impatiently.

Chen Qianyi has never been on a blind date before, and she doesn't know what kind of opening remarks to make, but before she can speak, the middle-aged man began to scold others, " you know how long you were late? ? Ah? Aren’t you a teacher yourself? Don’t you know the saying that an inch of time is worth an inch of gold?…”

Chen Qianyi was stunned.

The middle-aged man was spitting and admonishing her, but he kept looking her up and down, and suddenly his eyes lit up!
Yo, the girl in front of me is so beautiful!And she looks very young and has a good figure... Such a girl is going on a blind date?Then I really picked up a treasure this time!

So the attitude of the middle-aged people changed all of a sudden.

"Come on, come on, sit down!" The middle-aged man greeted her enthusiastically, "Don't just stand's cold outside? Waiter, hurry up! Serve hot tea!"

Chen Qianyi thought she should sit here for 3 minutes before leaving, so she sat down.

The middle-aged man kept looking at her, and the more he looked at her, the happier he became, and he said eloquently, "My name is Qin Shou, and I am 39 years old..."

Following the man's words, Chen Qianyi involuntarily looked at his bald head, and then silently repeated Qin Shou's name several times—she suddenly understood, lowered her head quickly, and tried her best to hold back her laughter.

"...I work in the Grain Bureau. I'm not very talented. I'm the section chief. can call me Section Chief Qin...don't underestimate me as the section chief. After all, it's a job within the system. A teacher who has to sign a contract every few years is completely different..." Qin Shou said eloquently.

Chen Qianyi only felt a strong bad breath coming from Qin Shou's side towards her... So she subconsciously shrank to the innermost side of the seat, trying to get as far away from Qin Shou as possible. farther away.

But in Qin Shou's eyes, this small action became a representative word of charming; he quickly made wishful thinking in his heart, this time he really found a treasure!It must be settled as soon as possible... It is best to take her home tonight to spend the night, as long as she gets into his bed, where else can this little beauty go?

But his basic conditions should still be explained to her.

"I...uh, I'm divorced, and my ex-wife left a daughter... She's 17 years old this year..." Qin Shou felt a little uncomfortable at this point, so he quickly changed the subject, "I have a two-bedroom house, but It is still being mortgaged... Do you know how expensive the house price in Beijing is? Ah? With an elementary school teacher like you, you will not be able to afford it in this life or the next... So, after we get married, you You can tell others loudly that you are also a person who owns real estate, you know? So you also have to bear the responsibility of repaying the mortgage, huh? Women can hold up half the sky..."

What Qin Shou said later, Chen Qianyi didn't have the heart to listen anymore, she just heard this man said that he was divorced and brought a seventeen or eighteen-year-old daughter here...

Sun Qing's condition is not bad, right?She looks pretty, and her family is considered well-to-do... Why would her mother's best friend introduce her to such a blind date?
How could this be Sun Qing's mother's best friend?Dare this girlfriend come to Hei Sunqing's house specially?
At this time, Qin Shou had stopped introducing himself, and then looked at Chen Qianyi expectantly, as if to say, I've finished talking now, it's your turn.

Because Chen Qianyi was distracted just now, she didn't hear what Qin Shou said later; but she remembered what Sun Qing said. Let's talk about the situation...

So what does Qin Shou mean...he has a crush on him?
Chen Qianyi couldn't laugh or cry.

Although she is already very hungry now, with a man like this sitting opposite her, she really has no appetite at all...

Wang Yan invited customers to eat nearby, and after seeing them off, he walked along the street to the parking lot.This is a busy place for business, so he couldn't find a parking space when he came, so he had to park his car on the second floor of the shopping mall.

As he walked, he looked at the advertising banners displayed by the merchants on both sides of the street. It was nothing more than some Christmas is coming, and he (she) wanted to give a big gift to his dear.

While looking at the dazzling array of products in the roadside shops, Wang Yan was thinking about how to take advantage of the pretense of Christmas to buy something or make something to make Qianqian happy...

He suddenly saw a familiar figure from the window glass of a restaurant... Wang Yan stopped in his tracks, frowned and looked at the girl who was sitting in a ball by the window, her whole body shrunk into a ball.

It really is Qianqian! !

She huddled in the booth by the window, seemingly calm on the surface, but Wang Yan knew that under her perfectly concealed expression, she was actually showing a very impatient expression; his eyes continued to move in parallel, and then stopped. On the bald man with a beer belly sitting across from Qianqian...

Wang Yan squinted his eyes and looked at her for a few seconds, and then the anger rushed from his heart to his brain!

When he called her that time, she also said to help a colleague get things... Then why did she come out here and eat with a fat and bald middle-aged man?
What the hell is she doing?
Wang Yan speeded up, walked to the restaurant in two or three steps, and pushed the door open.

When Wang Yan just walked to the seat where Chen Qianyi was sitting, he happened to see the man spit and spit, "...after marriage, you will pay half of the mother may also come over We live, and there is Tingting...Aren't you a teacher? Go and ask your principal to see if Tingting can also become a teacher in your school...Oh, by the way, are you still a virgin? I don't want second-hand goods……"

When Wang Yan heard the word "marriage", he was so angry that his lungs exploded!
She is getting married?Marry whom? ? ! !

At this moment, Chen Qianyi also stood up with a flushed face, holding the water glass in her hand, and poured it on Qin Shou!

(End of this chapter)

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