Chapter 21

The next day was the first day of the Lunar New Year, because Wang Yan was drunk the night before, and Chen Qianyi reluctantly kept watch until after twelve o'clock in the middle of the neither of them woke up.

It wasn't until the sound of crackling firecrackers outside the yard, and the voices of children shouting "Happy New Year, Mr. Chen!" in the yard, that Chen Qianyi was startled awake.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she found herself lying face-to-face with Wang Yan, holding his strong arm in her arms... Chen Qianyi blushed, and got up from the bed with a bang.

She got dressed in a hurry, brushed her hair casually in front of the mirror, and then hurriedly opened the door and went out.

Several half-grown boys were waiting in the yard. Seeing Teacher Chen coming out, they smiled and wished her New Year, "Happy New Year! Happy New Year to Teacher Chen!"

Chen Qianyi laughed involuntarily. The village chief's wife once told her that the children in the village would go door to door to pay New Year's greetings, so at this time, she just had to take out the prepared candies and distribute them to the children.

Chen Qianyi hurriedly took out the small sieve that was prepared last night. It was filled with toffee, fruit candy, chocolate, melon seeds and peanuts.

The children cheered and rushed forward, one of them grabbed a handful of candies in the sieve, and then took a few steps back; they took out a few loose candies from their pockets, detonated them with a lighter, and threw them into the candy box. side.

The firecrackers made a loud noise. Chen Qianyi covered her ears and couldn't help but say to the children, "Be careful, don't hurt your hands..."

"It's okay!" The children said a few words to Teacher Chen indifferently, then turned around and ran away...

Chen Qianyi watched funnyly as the children ran and hurriedly unwrapped candies, stuffed them into their mouths and ate them. She shook her head, put down the sieve in her hand, and prepared to wash.

But just as she stuffed the toothbrush with toothpaste into her mouth, another wave of children came to pay New Year's greetings. The children first threw a few firecrackers in her yard, and then shouted loudly, "Happy New Year! Happy New Year to Teacher Chen!"

Chen Qianyi hurriedly rinsed her mouth casually, and went out with that little sieve again...

Wang Yan was finally woken up by waves of children who came to pay New Year's greetings. He yawned and sat up from the bed, and saw a glass of honey water on the small table beside the bed.

He crawled over from the bed, picked up the cup and raised his head, and drank the honey water in the cup.

Sporadic sounds of firecrackers came from the yard, as well as Qianqian's gentle voice, and the joyful sound of children distributing candies...

Wang Yan smiled, got out of bed, got dressed, opened the door and left.

The children who came to pay New Year's greetings had already left, and Chen Qianyi was busy making breakfast in the kitchen. Seeing him coming out, she hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Does your head still hurt?"

A hangover, it must be a little uncomfortable.But the taste of that cup of sweet honey water still seems to remain in Wang Yan's mouth... Now he feels that even the air he exhales has a sweet taste.

He smiled brightly at her.

Chen Qianyi also laughed and motioned for him to wash up quickly.

Today's breakfast was the leftover dumplings from last night. Chen Qianyi fried them with oil and made them into fried dumplings, and then rolled a sweet potato porridge. The two of them sat in the kitchen and ate sweet potato porridge with the fried dumplings.

It was almost noon, and there were fewer children who came to pay New Year's greetings.The two had just had breakfast and were not hungry. After discussing it, they decided to go for a walk around the nearby mountains.

It has been five or six days since Wang Yan came to Wangjiling Village. Except for going to the town twice, he has been staying in Chen Qianyi's dilapidated school, beating every day with a hammer, repairing the dilapidated school. Dirty classrooms.

So this was his first time climbing a mountain.

Chen Qianyi was brought by her students to play around here a few times.

But the landform here is the loess high slope; to be honest, the water, soil and vegetation here are not rich, and there is really nothing to see, but the yellow land that can't be seen at a glance is quite eye-catching...

Wangji Ridge is located in a remote place, and there are no people in the area for several miles, so Chen Qianyi did not dare to go too far, so she and Wang Yan climbed to a not-so-high soil slope and stopped.

Then the two picked up some dry and withered branches and plants, gathered together in a small pit and started a fire, and buried a few potatoes and sweet potatoes in the fire.

After doing all this, the two sat silently around the fire, seemingly caring for each other without saying a word.

Wang Yan seemed to muster up his courage, but he pretended not to care and said, " can go back for summer vacation, right?"

"Well," Chen Qianyi said, "It's going to be a year since the summer vacation, and the people here are actually quite nice..."

Wang Yan could hear the meaning behind her words, it was just because the people here were nice, she was a bit reluctant to go back?In a panic, he blurted out the words that had been hovering in his heart all this time, and said, "What's so good? No matter how nice the people here are, don't you, you can't go get married?"

Chen Qianyi thought of those bastard words he said after being drunk last night, and her pretty face flushed red in an instant.

She lowered her head, pulled out the potatoes buried in the ash heap with a small stick, and then pushed them back, continuing to cover them with the hot ash...

Wang Yan was also a little uncomfortable, but he was a man after all, so why should he be ashamed of his future daughter-in-law!So he struck while the iron was hot and said, "When we go back, let's see where you are allocated, and then we will buy a house nearby, so that you can walk to school after get off work... As long as the location is good, we don't care about second-hand houses." ...Hey, tell me, is it better to have three rooms or four rooms..."

Seeing her keeping her head down and not speaking, he continued talking to himself, "...if a boy and a girl are born in the future, and a study room is added, wouldn't the fourth room be just right? ... But the fourth room will It won't be too big... I'm afraid it's rare for you to do hygiene... How about hiring a part-time aunt?"

Chen Qianyi's eyes widened!

They are not married yet!He just thought of a boy, a girl or something, and the part-time aunt?Could he be thinking too early and thinking too much...

Seeing that his gaze fell on her again, Chen Qianyi blushed and lowered her head, revealing a section of her snow-white neck.

Wang Yan was distracted, and leaned towards her quietly.

Just when he stretched out his arms and wanted to pull her into his arms... "Mr. Chen?" Several childish voices suddenly sounded around the two of them one after another.

Wang Yan's hand froze in mid-air, and after a long while, he didn't realize it, and took it back unwillingly.

A few radish heads appeared around the two of them, and Chen Qianyi saw that they were really the boys she taught.

"Why are you here?" Chen Qianyi smiled, "Come on, the teacher is baking potatoes and sweet potatoes here, do you want to eat?"

The children cheered.

The children in the mountains were all raised and raised, so they didn’t recognize their birth at all; besides, it had been several days since Wang Yan came to their village... Everyone gathered around the fire and ate baked potatoes and Roasted sweet potato.

The children knew that Mr. Chen liked to listen to the old people in the village telling about ancient times. In order to adjust the atmosphere, everyone rushed to tell Mr. Chen some beautiful and moving stories that they had passed down orally from generation to generation in Wangjiling Village.

Even Wang Yan was fascinated by the stories told by the children.

Unknowingly, the sun slowly slid into the other side of the mountain, and the adults at the bottom of the mountain stood in front of their houses, calling their children to go home for dinner.

Chen Qianyi and Wang Yan stood up quickly, put out the fire in the pit together, and then followed the children down the mountain.

Wang Yan also accompanied Chen Qianyi back to cook.

Today was supposed to be a great day to confess to Qianqian, but unfortunately it was disturbed by those little bastards... However, Wang Yan was not very angry.

For these few days, he and Qianqian have been staying together, leaving all other work matters aside, and for no reason, he still feels quite relaxed.

He even realized a sentence that he always thought was very pretentious before: the years in the mountains are quiet... But now, he seems to have finally understood this sentence - if he just stays with Qianqian like this, he will live a long life The country life like a weaving woman looks pretty good.

Seeing her orderly preparing dinner under the dim kerosene lamp, Wang Yan only felt peace in his heart; he accompanied her to prepare dinner, and then the two of them sat in the kitchen and finished the meal.

The first day of the new year passed so quietly.

A few days later, Wang Yan had to go back to the capital.

He has been here for more than two weeks, and if he doesn't go back, the employees and senior management of his online game company will probably panic.

No matter how reluctant Chen Qianyi was, she couldn't show it.So I had no choice but to forcefully smile and start to prepare the luggage for him.

There are not many good things in the mountains, but some time ago, her students gave her a jar of real wild honey. This is a natural good thing, and you can't buy it even if you have money in the city.Chen Qianyi was not willing to eat it herself, so she divided the bottle into three parts, and asked Wang Yan to bring one bottle to her father, one bottle to Wang's mother, and let Wang Yan take the remaining bottle to the company to drink.

Then put the red dates, dried mushrooms, wild walnuts and so on that the parents of the students gave her in a big bag for Wang Yan to take back; Wang Yan took her to the town again, wishing to take her back. All the things in the canteen in the town were pulled back for her, as if she was relieved.

When the day came when Wang Yan was about to leave, Chen Qianyi reluctantly sent him to the long-distance bus station in the county.

Seeing her trembling lips, red eyes and nose, Wang Yan felt uncomfortable.

"Go back!" He said casually, "Why are you crying? Don't go in the wrong direction when you go back later..."

Chen Qianyi tried hard to squeeze out a smile for him, but she found that she...couldn't smile no matter what, even if she pretended to smile, she couldn't do it...

But she also stubbornly refused to leave first. No matter what Wang Yan persuaded, she stayed by the bus he was on, and refused to leave; until the long-distance bus Wang Yan was on had already started, she Just ran behind the car...

Wang Yan looked back from the car window, and he saw Qianqian running after the car for a long time, until she couldn't catch up, then desperately waved his arms in the direction he left...

Slowly, Qianqian's figure also became farther and farther away, and he saw in a daze that she seemed to squat down, her arms hugged his arms, and she seemed to be crying...

Wang Yan's heart was sore and swollen, and his eyes were uncomfortably hot.

It's only half a year, isn't it?When the weather gets hotter, Qianqian will be able to return to the capital, and then the two of them will be together every day...

He took out a few roasted peanuts from Qianqian from the side pocket of the travel bag, peeled them slowly, and then stuffed them into his mouth to chew until the crispy roasted peanut flavor completely filled his heart. Those sad feelings are all suppressed...

(End of this chapter)

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