Chapter 14

Chen Qianyi's campus life tends to be dull, but she also enjoys it.

But after a while, for some reason, she always felt a little restless, as if she had missed something very important.

Until noon that day, she went to the dining hall for lunch with her roommate; the seat occupied by her roommate happened to be right under the hanging TV.

So Chen Qianyi watched TV while eating with her roommate.

The noon news was being broadcast on TV, to the effect that a teenager was beaten by a group of people and became disabled, but those who beat them all ran away, and the teenager didn't know who beat him; the teenager's mother was very sad, Decided to arrest all these people.How hard it was for my mother to find the clues, and finally the police arrested all those who beat the boy.

After Chen Qianyi finished reading the news, her heart skipped a beat... She hurriedly called Wang Yan immediately.

Fortunately, on the phone, Wang Yan's voice sounded quite normal, and there was nothing wrong with it; Grievance with people or something...

Wang Yan was very busy, so he dealt with her a few words casually, and then hung up the phone.

Chen Qianyi could tell that he didn't take his words to heart at all!But she couldn't tell him clearly: Someone may come to beat you recently, you have to be careful, otherwise you will have a concussion, and maybe you will go crazy...

In desperation, Chen Qianyi had no choice but to call Mama Wang.Ask her to remind Wang Yan...he must go out less recently!
But at noon on Friday, Chen Qianyi suddenly received a call from Ms. Wang, "...Qianqian!" Ms. Wang cried on the phone, "...Wang Yan was beaten...a long line on the head Oh, there was a long gash, a lot of blood flowed... people fell down in the alley, luckily you Uncle Hu and Uncle Song saw it and called for help... those people ran away..."

Chen Qianyi was dumbfounded.

After a long time, when she realized it, she quickly asked her roommate to ask for leave for herself, and then ran out of the school alone...

There was only one reason why Wang Yan would go out at such a time - he was about to come to Jincheng to pick him up! ! !
She is so anxious...

Obviously there were so many bad things in the previous life, and almost all of them were narrowly avoided in this life, but why can't this one be avoided?
When Chen Qianyi rushed to the hospital, Wang Yan had already completed the operation and was sent to the ward. The doctor was explaining Wang Yan's situation to Wang's mother.

Chen Qianyi's eyes widened, and she walked to Wang Yan's bed step by step while holding her breath.

He was lying flat on the bed with his eyes tightly closed; his head and face were wrapped with thick gauze, and the facial features on his face were severely edematous, and there were bruising and purple scars...

These people...why are they so ruthless in attacking Wang Yan's head! !Chen Qianyi rushed to Wang Yan's bed and began to sob.

Wang Yan has a splitting headache!

He fell into a strange dream.A lot of fragmented information poured in from all directions like a tide, and finally all of them were squeezed into his head that was about to explode.

He seems to have seen and felt a lot of things; but he doesn't seem to understand what he saw at all...

In a daze, Wang Yan seemed to have heard Qianqian's cry.

After a long time, Wang Yan finally confirmed that Qianqian was indeed crying beside him. He barely opened his eyes, and sure enough, he saw a fluffy head lying beside him, twitching from time to time.

He moved his hand vigorously, trying to touch her head.

Sensing his hand moving, Chen Qianyi suddenly raised her head!After staying for a few seconds, she asked with a look of surprise, "Wang Yan, Wang Yan! Are you awake? Are you feeling better... Is your head still hurting?"

Wang Yan stared at her blankly.

She looks like Qianqian again, but she doesn't look doesn't look like her?
Those big iconic eyes are now red and swollen, and they can no longer be as bright and clear as before; the shape of her face seems a bit wrong... Although she has an oval face, her chin is too sharp ...

When Mama Wang heard Chen Qianyi's shout, she rushed over and asked repeatedly, "Wang Yan? How do you feel?"

Although Chen Qianyi was pushed aside by Ms. Wang, she had been observing Wang Yan carefully all the time. Seeing his dull eyes and dull expression at this moment, her heart skipped a beat...

He looked a little like the demented look of his previous life... Looking at Wang Yan like this, Chen Qianyi couldn't help feeling sad, and began to sob softly again.

Wang Yan still couldn't catch his breath for a long time.

The doctor arrived in a hurry, and after a simple examination for Wang Yan, the doctor asked the family members to calm down, saying that the patient needs to rest absolutely and not be subjected to any external stimuli.

Seeing what the doctor said was so serious, Ms. Wang and Chen Qianyi hugged each other and began to cry again.

The nurse came to feed Wang Yan the medicine, and Wang Yan fell into a drowsy sleep again; he fell into that grotesque dream again.

In the dream, Wang Yan saw a middle-aged obese man going crazy. The man picked up the hanger for drying clothes and started dancing aimlessly. Bowls, plates, etc., were all messed up by him with a clothes stick; the scrawny Qianqian rushed forward to stop him while crying...

Then, all the clothes stays in the man's hand fell on Qianqian's body with a clatter, and soon, the skin on her body that was exposed outside the clothes became blue and purple.

Wang Yan gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

But he saw Chen Qianyi stretching out her two skinny hands, tightly hugging the man's fat waist, and shouting in a trembling voice, "Wang Yan, don't be afraid, don't be afraid... don't be afraid, I'm Qianqian, Chen Qianyi..."

Wang Yan was stunned, his heart suddenly clenched tightly...

Why did Qianqian call her name to that middle-aged man?
Strange to say, this sentence from Chen Qianyi actually made the middle-aged man calm down slowly, and then... the fat man threw himself into Qianqian's emaciated arms like a child, and burst into tears.

Wang Yan had a faint bad feeling...

Why did this middle-aged man give him such a familiar feeling?As if this himself?

Wang Yan felt bad all over. He opened his mouth wide, but felt that he couldn't breathe at all.

What's wrong?In this strange dream, why was he... a madman?
Those fragmented memories, like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, were automatically pieced together in his mind, and slowly, his memory became complete...

Wang Yan finally remembered!

In his dream, he partnered with a most trusted brother to make online games, he provided technology, his good brother provided money, and the two cooperated seamlessly... and their online game soon became popular all over the country up.But one day, someone suddenly went to the court to sue him, saying that Wang Yan plagiarized other people's works, and his good brother and partner split the shares with him in a hurry to clear the responsibility.

And in the dream, Wang Yan lost the lawsuit with someone... The other party filed a huge claim, and the company shares he held in his hand were not even enough to compensate, and finally he lost all the money in the family. Only barely paid the compensation.

Immediately afterwards, his parents died in a car accident, and he was severely beaten... All kinds of unhappiness made him bear a huge psychological burden.

Finally one day, he lost himself...

Wang Yan was frightened into a cold sweat, and finally struggled to wake up from the dream.

Qianqian was lying on his hospital bed and fell asleep... The headlight in the ward was turned off, and only the wall lamp on the wall was on; the faint light shone on her beautiful side face, and even the residual light on her cheek could be vaguely seen. tear stains.

"Qianqian..." Wang Yan called her softly in a hoarse voice.

Chen Qianyi was probably terribly tired, and fell asleep lying on his bedside, motionless.

Wang Yan looked at her carefully.

She frowned, her lips were tightly pursed, even in her sleep, she looked sad, maybe she was worrying about herself...

Wang Yan sat up from the bed and reached out to touch his head, but he only touched a thick gauze.

His thoughts were still stuck in that bad dream...

In the dream, Qianqian had to hold three or four jobs in order to maintain the two of them's livelihood. The heavy life shackles made her completely breathless... Besides she had to deal with these heavy physical jobs, she usually worked every now and then. You will be slapped with a black nose and a swollen face by the sick self...

Fortunately... fortunately, this is just a dream... It's just that the reality of this dream is too high!It's frightening...

Wang Yan gasped heavily, thinking to himself that fortunately this is just a nightmare!But I can't let my life become like in a nightmare... That's really terrible!

It took him a long time to get his breathing evenly balanced, but his head was still very dizzy, and it still hurts...

But this does not affect his recall of what happened at noon today:

After lunch, he went out, ready to go to Jincheng to pick up Qianqian; but when he walked to the alley, he ran into Chen Xueyi!
Chen Xueyi?Didn't she already move away?What are you doing running back again?
According to Wang Yan's personality, he would definitely walk past Chen Xueyi without looking sideways.

But at that time, there were a few sleazy men beside Chen Xueyi, and these people seemed to be trying to harm her; so Chen Xueyi kept calling Wang Yan's name loudly, apparently hoping that he could help.

After all, this is the place where he has lived since he was a child. Wang Yan is full of confidence. Although Chen Xueyi is very annoying, he can't just watch her being molested by hooligans.

Wang Yan yelled, "What are you doing? Bullying a girl... Is it amazing?"

But I didn't expect those hooligans to be so courageous, they moved their hands at Wang Yan without saying a word.There is only one person in Wang Yan, but there are four or five people on the other side... and they all have sticks in their hands...

Wang Yan is also ruthless, but he only has one person!

As for Chen Xueyi... Wang Yan never saw her again...

(End of this chapter)

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