Traveling through the eighties, squeamish Longbao is three and a half years old

Chapter 331 Establishment of the first monitoring base station

Chapter 331 Establishing the first monitoring base station

The guards from the Qinjiagou Training Center are mainly responsible for long-range attacks, and the close combat is left to their companions from the back mountain.Regardless of the fact that there were only two of them, they blocked the sneak attacking monsters to 15 meters away.

Not only that, but they also looked very relaxed, and even the researchers who were protected in the middle quickly calmed down after experiencing the initial panic, and they still had the energy to observe the appearance characteristics and attack methods of the sea monsters that came to sneak attack.

Most of the sneak attacks this time were the tentacles of the octopus. They hid under the ice floes. Their long tentacles could quickly pierce through the hard ice and wrap around humans.

The man at the front was holding two dagger-like cold weapons, with a tentacles in each hand, slashing and pulling towards the crowd, chattering a lot.

"What is he talking about? Does this need research?"

A young Western female researcher next to him asked the guard who was helping to collect the tentacles with a small notebook.

The guards were able to come out to pick up the mission, and they could speak at least two foreign languages. There was no problem communicating with her, but he really didn't know how to answer this question.

The older bald boy next to him laughed a few times and helped him out: "No, he heard people say that grilled octopus tendons are delicious, so let's remember to put them away for him and take them home. He wants to try them."

Unexpectedly, the beautiful researcher became even more enthusiastic, and kept asking her if she could come and have a taste.

"I want to know whether these sea monsters will be different from ordinary octopuses after living for a long time, such as taste and whether they are poisonous."

The bald-headed guard glanced at her and smiled, "Alright then, let's have a seafood BBQ when we get to the base."

The researchers who were guarded by them became excited when they heard that there was Huaguo delicacy, and the speed of collecting specimens could be seen with the naked eye.

The sneak attack ended in the failure of the sea monsters, and finally everyone dragged the big loot box to the first monitoring point for support.

The conditions at the monitoring point are definitely not as good as those at the base. All they eat are convenience foods, and some canned fruits are opened by them to celebrate everyone's safe arrival.

People in Qinjiagou have basically learned a few tricks to cook food in the wild since they developed the back mountain.After all, the world of Houshan is so big, they can't come back for ten and a half months once they go out, and they can't bring supplies for ten and a half months, the best is to use local materials.But no matter how delicious the ingredients are, they can't save the handicapped party. Later, everyone's training courses added a cooking crash course!

The snow houses built by the people who came before were not very authentic, after all, they were built in a hurry.Now that there are more people, it is bound to expand.

They did not ask the researchers to help, and the young men who came to support them worked together, and under the guidance of the experienced senior researchers, they built four new snow houses in a short time, which was quite solid.

The original igloo would use the fur of sea beasts to stick on the wall to keep warm. They definitely can’t do this. With the support of Jinli’s special research institute behind, the insulation materials pasted inside the igloo are all the latest man-made fibers. There is also the effect of temperature sensing.

While they encountered a sneak attack, the rear also received information feedback.

Jin Li wasn't too worried, the ones who were attacking now were only small characters, and the real threat was still cruising in the deep sea.

After Wuzhiqi knew that Jiaojiao was coming, he ran back to guard Jiaojiao and refused to leave.For it, protecting the safety of its cubs is the most important thing, and it really has nothing to do with him whether other people die or not.

The countries that are friendly with China are okay. When the guards are insufficient, they can go out to sample around and borrow guards. Most of the time, they can be satisfied, but those countries that are not in harmony with Hua have never succeeded.Jin Li said that it's not that they don't want to help them, but that their idea is to consume our combat power, go out without bringing our own security personnel, and even take our people to dangerous places, their heart is to be punished.

Although it is a joint investigation team, everyone is well aware of the internal disagreement. Now we can coexist peacefully before the danger comes. When the danger comes, they will be kind if they don't stab us in the back.

Since the opening up and development of the country, it has reached a new level every year. All this makes the so-called powerful countries feel uneasy.In the past, the country was inferior to them in any aspect, but now in just seven or eight years, the gap has narrowed by a large margin, and they have also come to the forefront in the exploration of new things, which makes them sleepless.This time the joint investigation might not have a hole dug specially for the Hua people.

Jin Li was very clear in his heart, he didn't say anything, but privately mentioned some people on his side, and specially prepared some gadgets for them to save their lives.

Wuzhiqi was also dragged by Jin Li and muttered for a long time. Its boss got a lot of advantages, so he reluctantly nodded and agreed to save everyone's lives at the most critical moment.

In the years since Wuzhiqi followed Qin Jun, Jiaojiao seldom stayed alone with him.Now that I have free time, I took Brother Hou to go fishing at the beach.

Seeing the actions of these two, Jin Li just shook his head with a smile, and didn't try to stop them.

But his laissez-faire made others feel that there was an opportunity. Not long after Jiaojiao and the others went out, the other team also went out with tools, talking and laughing, and also said to go fishing.

"Gold Institute, here, did they go after Jiao Jiao?"

Jin Li glanced at the backs of those people, confirmed that there were no researchers among them, heaved a sigh of relief, and smiled: "The sea does not belong to our family. If Jiao Jiao and the others can go, so can others. Besides, there is no place here. Everyone knows about safety, and if something happens, you can only bear it yourself."

He said this to those foreigners who pricked up their ears, including several female researchers who had a crush on Jiao Jiao, who looked at him disapprovingly.

"Mr. Jin, she is still a child, you should send someone to go with her, or try to dissuade her from going to dangerous places."

"I know, but Jiaojiao is a sensible and good child. She has a sense of proportion. Thank you for your concern." Jin Li used other topics to draw the researchers' attention to Jiaojiao, "Tomorrow is the day when the predicted storm will hit. , I guess those deep sea monsters may choose this time to attack our base, are you ready?"

All the replies to him were OK gestures.

Jin Li knew in his heart that those marine creatures would come to attack them before the blizzard came, and the final decisive battle would be at the moment of the blizzard.

If you want to successfully lead everyone to retreat, the difficulty of the task is close to the level of hell.

Jiaojiao took Wu Zhiqi to find an inappropriate place for sea fishing, surrounded by jagged rocks, and hidden eddies under the sea surface, whoever would choose such a place for sea fishing would definitely be scolded by fans as NC .

However, Jiaojiao's original goal is not sea fishing, and whether the surrounding environment is good or not has little influence on her.

(End of this chapter)

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