Chapter 147 What are you going to do to my son

"This is Xiao Python?" Everyone was surprised, "Let me see, does Xiao Python still remember me?"

The blue and white python has become more beautiful, but also delicate and picky.People who are not good looking don't take a second glance.A group of burly men next to him said that Xiao Python had changed his mind and that they were injured.

It seemed that everyone turned a blind eye to the change of Xiao Python. It seemed to them that it was natural and reasonable for Xiao Python to become like this.

Xiao Mang leaned gracefully on the person he had chosen, and opened his mouth to swallow a piece of noodles that he brought over.

"Hey buddies, how bad you are, how can you let Xiao Mang eat noodles? Come here, here is a bowl of shredded pork for Xiao Mang to eat."

"Hurry up, hurry up, I still have the nectar I collected yesterday, do you want to mix it with water and give the little python a drink to moisten the throat?"

"You guys are enough." The team leader looked at the group of dramatists under him dumbfounded, "No matter how much you try to flatter you, it's impossible for the little python to take a liking to you, that's all, pack up quickly, those who should go out to patrol Go out to patrol. Remember, a group of three, bring the walkie-talkie, and report immediately if there is any situation."

A group of people came out of the cafeteria laughing and laughing, and disappeared into the forest after a while.

The team leader patted Long Jiu on the shoulder: "I'll take someone to the place Jiaojiao and the others said first, and you will check their bodies here, don't resist."

The second half of the sentence is for young people.

He didn't care what Long Jiu and the others were going to do, anyway, with him, he couldn't let others get hurt.

After everyone dispersed and only Long Jiu and Su Su were left to accompany them, the young man put down the bowl, wiped his mouth, and watched Qin Jiao eat.

"Can I have a chat with you alone?" Su Su asked cautiously.

Long Jiu was a little worried. He was afraid that the young man would say something that shouldn't be said, which would bring danger to Su Su for no reason.

"Not yet, let's talk about it later."

Su Su nodded slightly disappointed, and didn't say another word.

Qin Jiao yawned after eating, habitually climbed on top of her brother, hugged his neck and yawned again.

"Brother, I want to sleep."

She didn't care where the little python was paralyzed, anyway, it was impossible for her to jump up and bite her.

Sure enough, the little python, who was so oppressed by Jiao Jiao's head, struggled to get away from under her head, and stuck out his tongue around the shoulder on the other side.

"The little python seems to be much smarter now. But is it that small?"

"No, it can grow bigger gradually, and its wings can be retracted. But not now, it just came out of the egg, and it's still a baby dragon."

The transformation of a snake into a jiao and a dragon into a dragon is a legend that has existed in the East since ancient times.

In front of him is a real case of snake-like dragon, Long Jiu's hands are a little ready to move.

Before he could take action, the young man's sharp eyes locked on him.

Long Jiu raised his hand and rubbed his nose: "I just want to see."

Not wanting to care about what these adults are going to do, Qin Jiao is a little unreasonable and playful: "Brother, I'm going to sleep, I'm going to sleep."

"Jiao Jiao, my aunt will take you to bed."

"No, I want a brother." The little fat girl wrung the young man into twists, her voice was filled with the sound of little grievances.

"Okay, brother will take you to sleep."

Finding an empty room, he nestled on the single bed with Jiao Jiao in his arms, patted her on the back lightly, and after a while, he heard the little piggy purring.

Unlike Xiao Jiaojiao who fell asleep quickly, the young man didn't feel sleepy for a long time. He was lying on the bed, nestled in a ball of small pythons on the left side, and hugged Jiaojiao hot as a small stove on the right side, but his mind was chaotic. , the old memories of the past, those sweetness and pain, have painted a strong stroke in his short life.

He still remembers that when he escaped, the aunt who was with him told him that people have to look forward, all sufferings are the test of God, and when he is older, these are his precious life experiences.

It's a pity that the aunt did not live long enough for them to enter Dashan safely. Before she passed away, the aunt entrusted the two children to their care, telling them not to trust anyone, but also not to resist returning to normal society.

There are two roads in front of him now, one is to enter the mountains and forests, from now on it will have nothing to do with the past, and there will be no support for life and death for the rest of his life.The other is to return to human society, but endure surveillance and various inspections that may last a lifetime.The only good thing is that he might be able to find his relatives.

He obviously made a decision before, but when it came time to make a choice, he realized that it was really difficult to take this step.

There was a small snoring in the room, and outside the room, Long Jiu and Su Su stood opposite each other, Su Su looked at Long Jiu with extremely unfriendly eyes.

As a mother and a woman, she is keenly aware that the existence of Long Jiu seems to be a great threat to her son.

"Auntie, take a step to talk?"

Long Jiu thought about the original secrecy regulations, and finally selectively told Su Su what happened back then.

No matter from which aspect, as the family members of the few perfect test subjects, they have the right to know.

"You, you are devoid of conscience!"

"Auntie, it's not us. We are also victims." Long Jiu's voice choked up, "My teacher still can't let go of it. He really thought that his research was doing things for the country. How could he know that there would be such a big mistake. It was also used by some people for profit. When he knew about it, he destroyed all the research materials immediately, and he never forgave himself in his whole life."

"I don't care, it was you who did it. This is irrefutable, right? You can't say that you are not guilty because you don't know about it. After doing this kind of research, is it true that no one has ever suspected it? It's just that you didn't do it on purpose. Just asking."

Su Su's words pierced the thin, precarious fig leaf.This is also the biggest question raised by the victim's family and the public prosecutor's law after the incident broke out that year.

The two quarreled quietly in the corner. Of course, because of guilt, Long Jiu was so scolded that he didn't dare to refute.

Even if Su Su gets angry again, she still has an IQ.This matter probably has little to do with Long Jiu, otherwise he would not be allowed to join the research team.But she didn't dare to gamble. Obviously, her son's body now is very different from before. She didn't know if it was caused by the incident at the beginning, but as a mother, she still made the last move in a panic. Conducive to his son's choice.

"I don't care about other things. If you still want to do something to my son, I will fight with you to the end even if I risk my life."

"Auntie, you think too much." Long Jiu sighed, "Your son should be one of the few people who accepted the medicine well back then. But the research on the medicine back then was not finalized, so the drug in his body Those drugs may have unfavorable side effects. Now we find them, not to force them to continue research but to help them clear up the legacy of the year."

"I think my son is doing well now. Are you afraid you're lying to me?" Su Suming clearly expressed doubts on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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