Chapter 126 The Whistle of Help

The next day, Qin Xiao and Song Qi, with their children in a car, took the car of the research institute to the town, and then transferred to the county seat.

The carry-on backpack is full of dried sweet potatoes and dried enoki mushrooms, which are dried with the help of children and uncles and aunts in the mountains.

Qin Xiao will not be able to go home until the winter and summer vacations. She is looking at the mountains behind her all the way, reluctant to part.

After seeing off the brothers, the remaining carrot heads squatted weakly at the entrance of the village to play in the mud.

Professor Bai passed by here, took a look, turned to the village head and said, "I think it's better to run a kindergarten first in the village. Don't teach other things, let them recognize plants and animals, read a few more words, and write their own words." name will do.”

"That's the way to say it, but I don't know who to teach it."

Su Su was busy with this matter before, and then Su Su went to the city to take care of the two children, and the time to come back was less. Except for Hei Chenyun and Qin Jiao who insisted on studying by themselves, these children began to be freed again. .

"Well, didn't Cao Gong's wife come here? She used to be a kindergarten teacher. I think she has nothing to do except take care of Cao Gong all day. Why don't you discuss with her and open a kindergarten for her to help teach? Teach the children?"

The village chief took a deep puff of his cigarette and nodded: "Okay, I'll go find Mr. Cao right away."

As long as the children have a future, it doesn't matter how tired or hard the adults are.

Qin Jiao and the others didn't know that preschool education was about to start, and they were still discussing whether to go to the mountain stream to find stone frogs.

In this group of children, the oldest is six years old, and the youngest is Qin Jiao, who is nearly four years old.The smaller ones will definitely not follow them up the mountain, nor can they climb.

Qin Jiao had already finished memorizing the Tangtou song, so old man Hei let her rest for two days, and then continued to teach her to read other medical books.This child is also strange, reading medical books is a talent, if you read it two or three times, she can write it down verbatim.But reading other books is not enough. After reading it more than ten times, the content of the article is less than [-]%, and modern articles are especially difficult.

A few old professors in the research institute didn't believe it, so they called Xiao Jiaojiao to try to teach her twice. Sure enough, no matter how complicated they were, they could recite ancient prose or poetry backwards.Once it comes to modern literature, even if it is a short poem or prose with a hundred words, she can still stutter.

"I'm afraid this child is talented in ancient Chinese. It's a pity that we are all engaged in scientific research, and no one specializes in ancient Chinese. Otherwise, we can teach her for a long time to confirm this."

Relatively speaking, the ones who are more proficient in ancient Chinese, besides the talented old man Hei, are old professors who study paleontology.Because there are descriptions of paleontology in many ancient books, they all involve reading ancient books, so it is not too difficult to teach a child.The difficulty is how to systematically discover the child's talent in ancient Chinese and how to systematically guide her to learn and study ancient Chinese.

This matter also made several old professors in the institute worry. It was not until Professor Bai received a call from an old classmate of hers that there was a turning point.

Now, before the turning point comes, Qin Jiao is still running around.

She has a snake in her left hand, a monkey in her right hand, and a white leather hat on her head. She leads her friends to the water stream in the ravine to look for stone frogs.

Stone frogs are a special product in the mountains, and they can be found in this season every year, and the number is not too large.They heard old people say that "Compendium of Materia Medica" proposed that stone frogs are "the best for treating children with tuberculosis and malnutrition"; It has the functions of dispelling sores and nourishing the weakness after illness, and its tadpoles can blacken hair, and the eggs have the effect of improving eyesight." ① I think this thing can already help Brother Ashu improve his physical fitness.

A group of children carefully entered the edge of the mountain stream. The water here is slowing down, and it is a secluded stream under the forest. From the water temperature to the environment, it is the stone frog's favorite.

"Shh, did you see that, there's a big one over there."

The children in the mountains are bold, cautious and steady, and it is not the first time that they have come out to catch stone frogs, but most of them have come out with their parents or older brothers before, and this is also the first time that a few children have come out alone.

The little python lazily coiled itself up on the tree, it was a little away from the mountain stream, because it was afraid of scaring away the stone frogs.

The little monkey was not interested in catching frogs. After entering the mountain, he pulled the little white leather hat and went into the deep forest.

At this moment, Qin Jiao followed the example of her younger brothers and tiptoed into the bank of the mountain stream to look for stone frogs.

After most of the day, a group of little guys ate the dry food they had brought out, and then searched for a while. Seeing that it was getting late, they packed up and prepared to go home.

As soon as he turned around, Xiao 29 kicked a rock on the shore, cut his big toe, and blood flowed all over his foot in an instant.

Xiao 29 is one year older than Jiaojiao, just turned five years old, not big in stature, rather naive, and a little timid.Seeing that his feet were bleeding profusely, the little guy burst into tears and held his big brother's hand and said that he didn't want to die.

The children were all panicked, they didn't know how to stop the bleeding, and they were all small, so they didn't know what to do for a while.

Qin Jiao decisively ordered Xiao Mang to roll up Xiao 29 and send it back, and they ran behind.

Jiaojiao is young and has short legs, so she can't keep up after running for a while.

"You guys go back first, I'll go home with my back on my back."

The oldest child glanced at the little sister whose face was pale, and handed the two bamboo baskets hanging around his waist to the little friend to take back, while he squatted down and asked Jiao Jiao to lie down on his back.

The Jiaojiao who was carried on her back raised her gaze a lot, and looked around with a pair of big eyes.

After walking about twenty meters, Jiao Jiao slapped her big brother on the shoulder fiercely.

"Brother Sixteen, Brother Sixteen, there is someone over there."

Little Sixteen was suddenly taken aback, put Qin Jiao down, leaned on a tree by the side of the road, looked in the direction she said, hissed, and gasped.

Sure enough, it was a person, like two people hugging each other. Looking at it from his perspective, he always felt that the two were young.

Thinking of the stories about Hei Mu and Meng Huan looking for treasures that the adults in the family laughed and told, Xiao Shiliu's first reaction was that these two also came to hunt for treasures.

He was so courageous that he told his sister to stay still while he slid down the slope by himself, and then slowly approached the two of them.

At any rate, he knew he couldn't go straight forward, so he broke a long branch on the side of the road, stretched it out and poked the two of them, but didn't see any reaction for a long time, so he leaned over cautiously.

It turned out to be a woman with a child.The child looked not much older than Jiaojiao, curled up on the woman's chest with a pale face.

Xiaoliu stretched out his fingers to probe, then retracted abruptly.

"Jiaojiao, blow the whistle, blow your whistle."

Qin Jiao obediently took out the military whistle on her chest, puffed her cheeks and blew it desperately.

This whistle was brought back by Qin Sheng, to prevent the child from going to the mountains and not being able to call for help if something happened.This whistle is extremely penetrating, as long as it is within five miles of the village, the sound can be heard.

Of course, this five miles is not five miles in plane distance, and it is also an ideal value that only adults can achieve.But Jiao Jiao is different, even if the sound she blows is not loud enough, the big snakes in the mountains can catch her whistle and come to her to protect her.

This was something that Qin Sheng discovered by accident when he was teasing his daughter.

At this moment, the whistle took advantage of this feature, attracting the closest couple, the big red couple, who were hunting nearby.

 Mark ① is quoted from Baidu Encyclopedia.

(End of this chapter)

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