Chapter 516 Major Clients

"Can we keep a low profile? This looks like a nouveau riche!" Liuli followed the two mothers and sons mournfully, carrying big bags and small bags.

Since leaving Tianya Haijiao, the three of them quickly changed their attire to hide their abilities.

But now, An Xiaoxiao, An Youchen, and Liuli are just like ordinary people, people don't realize that they have any power.An Xiaoxiao is like a nouveau riche, shopping frantically in the city's department stores, buying things she needs and doesn't need.Whatever she likes, regardless of whether it is useful or not, she will directly swipe the card.

In the past, cultivating mana was just a ridiculous joke in Wangyou Continent.Later, through An Xiaoxiao's hard work, the world's attitude towards cultivation gradually changed.Some people even laugh at those who have no mana and cannot practice mana.

However, rich people, no matter whether they have power or not, will not be disliked wherever they go.

The waiters warmly received An Xiaoxiao and the three of them, fawning and recommending the most profitable items.

"Miss, this outfit is a new design this year by the famous fashion designer of Xueying Country. The brand he created is the favorite of all the ladies in the Wangyou Continent."

An Xiaoxiao held the dress, touched its material, and looked at its style. She really liked it, but
"Is this new?"

"Yes!" The waiter replied politely with a smile on his face.

An Xiaoxiao asked again: "What day did you receive the goods?"

"Miss, the goods just arrived this morning, we are the only flagship store that represents this brand in the entire Wangyou Continent."

"That is to say, I am the first customer of this dress?"

The shopping guide didn't know what An Xiaoxiao wanted to express, so she answered honestly: "Yes, yes, you are the first person to try on this dress."

An Youchen was very disgusted by the stupid look of the waiter, frowned and said: "My sister doesn't like people wearing the same clothes as her, so let's find the one who has the final say and negotiate a price!"

An Xiaoxiao is not the kind of person who likes to eat alone, but looking at the waiter's appearance, reminding her how expensive and special the brand is all the time, she was a little disgusted and wanted to hit her.Coincidentally, she also wanted to know what kind of person the designer behind this dress was.

The person who can make such beautiful clothes must be a smart person with a delicate mind and a flexible mind. Moreover, the clothes he designed seem to be able to penetrate into the depths of people's souls. They have a kind of magic power that makes people eager to see them want to get.

Looking carefully, the clothes on this plate exude a tempting power.It can make people feel that this dress is a lifelong pursuit of women.This is so strange!

An Youchen naturally understood her, what she was thinking, this son, could guess it without saying it.

However, such a generous method was somewhat beyond An Xiaoxiao's expectations.

In fact, An Youchen has many methods, but this method can quickly and directly meet the designer behind him.

The shopping guide looked at the three of An Xiaoxiao in surprise, and the stunned shopping guide unconsciously took out the walkie-talkie from his pocket: "The store manager, contact the manager, there is a big customer here!"

(End of this chapter)

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