Chapter 492 Wedding Ring

When the grooms shouted these two words, applause broke out.After quieting down, Yu Fei asked again: "Ladies, when you hold his hand, from this moment on, no matter you are poor or rich, healthy or sick, you will be loyal to him, support him, help him, and comfort him." He, accompany him, for the rest of his life, forever, are you willing?"

Witnessed by applause, the ceremony has been completed, and the next link is an ancient ceremony, commonly known as worshiping heaven and earth.

"A talented man matches a beautiful woman, and the flower is perfect and the moon is full, and the earth will last forever! The bride and groom worship the heavens and the earth——"

"Bow to the aura of heaven and earth, there is a marriage relationship on the Sansheng Stone; --- Bow!"

Everyone bowed reverently, and there is a karma on the Sansheng Stone, which is what many lovers dream of.Legend has it that if you can engrave the names of those you love on the Sansheng Stone, you can get the blessings of fate and God, and you can get the love that will last forever. Even if you are far apart, you can find each other.This is a beautiful blessing, and everyone readily accepts it.

 "Second thanks to the kindness of the elders, raising my heart to teach me; --- bow again!"

Out of respect for the elders, this worship is necessary.Water has a source, and a tree has roots. As a human being, we must not forget the kindness of nurturing.Thanks to the elders for their love and raising them up.Even if crows know how to feed back, they must honor the elderly even more!

"Finally, the husband and wife worship each other. From today on, we will share the blessings and share the hardships; we will grow old together, and we will stand together through thick and thin——Bow!"

This obeisance, there are too many things to explain, one is to thank the other party for choosing me, and the other is to prove to the other party that I am willing to be with him (her) from today.We all know that ten thousand sentences of "I love you" cannot resist the touching feeling of "together".The two hearts that love each other finally don't need to be separated anymore.

"One oath promises to be with you for a lifetime, and a moment of emotion is enough to accompany you in a stormy life. At this moment, the sky sows the seeds of happiness, and the earth blooms with auspicious flowers. The happy couples are about to start their happy newlyweds. Opening up their new side, for the birth of this new family, they brought a precious token, which symbolizes two sincere and unchanging hearts, and also contains more responsibilities and commitments."

As he said that, he waved to the flower girls below, and continued: "I'm asking the little angels to give the two couples their tokens of love."

The flower girls put down the flower baskets in their hands, took the wedding rings prepared by the adults before, and came to the couple.

"Groom, sincerely look at your beloved wife, she is the choice you have no regrets in this life! Now please put the diamond ring on the ring finger of the bride's left hand."

The men looked at the beautiful wives in front of them, and immediately felt a sense of happiness. They took the ring from the flower girl's hand, and put it on the ring finger of their bride's left hand gently.An Xiaoxiao's ring is very special, it was designed by four men together.On the small ring, four lifelike dragons are engraved. In the middle diamond that can blind eyes, if you look carefully from above the diamond, there is a phoenix perched inside.Its implication is clear at a glance.

"Bride, sincerely look at your husband, he is your reliance on happiness in this life! Now please put the diamond ring on the ring finger of the groom's left hand."

(End of this chapter)

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