Chapter 742 Seal
"It's the poet, he broke through the seal and left my body."

"Poet? How did he break through the seal so well? Is the energy of Gathering Soul Jade exhausted?"

"I replenished the energy of Juhunbi not long ago, it can't be because of this reason"

"That is to say, poets have always been able to break through the seal?" Speaking of this, Su Wen unconsciously felt a burst of fear. "But if that's the case, then why did you choose today? Where is the poet now?"

Hearing this question, the girl looked at Chu Qing who was still in a coma.The leopard head regarded him as an ordinary victim and was conducting this inspection on Chu Qing.

"Half of the energy is in my body, and the other half and the core part are in his body." The girl pointed at Chu Qing.

Hearing the girl's words, Su Wen stared at Chu Qing's pale face, and said in surprise: "In his body? That means, he has been captured by the poet."

Then Su Wen turned her attention to the leopard head who was inspecting Chu Qing.The leopard head gave Su Wen a sign that she was still alive.

Su Wen couldn't help widening her eyes after receiving the message, and gasped.

"Leopard head, get rid of him immediately." Su Wen said without the slightest hesitation.

"No!" The girl stepped forward to stop the leopard head regardless of her injuries. "Although the poet is in his body, I believe he is not controlled by the poet."

"Zhixing, whether he is controlled by the poet or not, now is the best chance to get rid of the poet. And the poet has finally left your body, isn't this the best result?"

"I won't let him die. If it wasn't for him, I'm afraid I would be lying on the ground now."

"I can understand your feelings, but when he wakes up, he will be controlled by the poet? At that time, the whole world will fall into hell. We can't take risks for such an irrelevant person."

"He was never an irrelevant person to me."

"What? Could it be someone you know? Why didn't I know you had acquaintances in Jinmen?" Su Wen approached and looked at Chu Qing's face, "Huh? Isn't this the young master of the Bai family? His The matter spread all over the streets and alleys of Jinmen, but he himself came here as a hero to save the beauty. What? Do you know him?"

"It's just been seen twice."

"According to your tone, it's not as simple as meeting twice, right? Seriously, what's your relationship with him?"

"It doesn't matter, don't make guesses"

"Well, since you don't say it, I'll ask him when he wakes up. But are you sure he won't be controlled by the poet?"

"I gave half of the Soul Gathering Jade to him, and I believe he will defeat the poet."

"What? You said that the Gathering Soul Jade was divided into two halves? It is a unique Horcrux in the world, and you just cut it like this? Are you sure it is not broken?"

"I can feel the energy of the half of the soul-gathering jade on my body, which is completely normal, but the amount of soul power that can be stored has decreased."

"You really have the spirit of exploration. Since you have done this, let's save this kid first. But I want to take him back to check first, and make sure that his half Will the soul jade work? If he is still controlled by the poet in the end, I'm afraid."

"I believe in him."

Su Wen ordered the leopard head to carry Chu Qing.On the other hand, he supported Lin Zhixing, and the four boarded the plane.

Back at the Mowu district headquarters, Su Wen ordered the medical staff to treat Lin Zhixing first.And Chu Qing was taken away by the leopard head for a series of inspections.

(End of this chapter)

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