Saiyan Age

Chapter 4 Robbery

Chapter 4 Robbery
In such a difficult environment, having food to eat and clothes to wear is simply happiness. Zhang Yu stretched out and lay on the ground, the dappled sunlight shone down, his heart felt warm, and suddenly he felt that the world became gentler.

At this moment, a car is driving on the wasteland, making a rut along the grass waves, and pressing out deep marks.

There were two people sitting in the car, and the driver was a bear-headed man, with thick brown hair all over his body, and a burly figure, more than two meters tall.The co-pilot sitting next to him had a fox face and was thin but looked very capable.

In the Dragon Ball world, there are many animal people, and even the king of the earth is an animal person who looks like a cat or a dog.

They, like the different nations of the major planets, are collectively referred to as human beings.

"Hey, Japa, do you smell anything?" Wuke the fox asked, "It smells so good."

"It seems to be the smell of barbecue!" Bearman Gappa licked his lips, his nose twitching.

"Great, it shouldn't be far away! Let's go, let's eat barbecue!"

"It must be someone else's food, but it may not be shared with us." Gapa said.

"Give or grab, isn't that what we do?"

Wu Ke's stomach suddenly growled, as if to second.

Gapa hesitated: "Are you going to rob again?"

Holding the steering wheel, he once again doubted his career.

The two seem to have neither the talent nor the foresight to rob, and they often stumble before they even make a move. Occasionally, they will meet stronger peers and be counter-robbed.

Stumbling all the way down, the life of the two of them was even more unbearable than before, and all their property was only this car.

But Wu Ke was not discouraged at all, and she followed the temptation: "Don't give up easily, we can always succeed once. Think about it, what else can we do besides doing this business?"

Gapa thought about it seriously and shook his head.

Wu Ke said: "Anyway, we can't do other things well, right? Then there is only one way to go to the end! We must succeed today, this is a matter of dignity!"

When he said this, Japa suppressed the tension in his heart, stepped on the accelerator with all his strength and rushed towards the source of the smell of meat.Although they are just grabbing a piece of barbecue, they must have aura and the momentum of a robber.

The speeding wheels brought up billows of smoke and dust, rushing swiftly.

The roar of the engine approached quickly, and it fell on Zhang Yu's ears, which was very clear.

Have a car?

It would be great to have a car pass by this ghost place, lest he have to go all the way.

The speed of the car was extremely fast, and it was galloping like a howling wind. Zhang Yu was afraid that the other party would pass by, so he stood up and waved his hands and shouted.At this time, he saw clearly that there was a bear and a fox in the car.

The two opened their mouths wide and shouted against the wind: "Robbery—!"

robbery?Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment, probably because he met a robber.

But he didn't even have any decent clothes all over his body, so he couldn't grab anything even if he grabbed it. On the contrary, Zhang Yu fell in love with the other party's car.

Since they are robbers, you don't have to be polite, just requisition them in the name of justice.

Here -! ! !
The old car slid a long way before coming to a stop, and there were two wide indentations on the ground. Jiapa and Wu Ke jumped out of the car, pretending to be gangsters, and approached Zhang Yu fiercely. .

"Quickly make it worth it..." Halfway through Standard's beginning, the two of them froze suddenly.

Although the boy in front of him had a handsome face and a strong body, he seemed to be young, and he didn't even have any clothes, so he was obviously worse off than them.

"Ahem, listen carefully, we are the famous 'Miracle Duo', if you don't want to get hurt, quickly hand over... the food!"

"Wuke is right." Gapa responded honestly.

"If you want food, I can share it with you, and I can exchange things for you."

Just as Jiapa was about to nod, Wu Ke said first: "No way! We are robbing, how can we make a deal! If you want to share, we must grab it and give it to you!"

Zhang Yu was speechless for a moment.

It makes sense to ponder this logic carefully, and it seems that the two of them are quite professional.

"It's not a serious robber to be able to get along to the point of starvation." Seeing the two of them staring at the food with red eyes, Zhang Yu suddenly felt helpless and amused.

But he couldn't give up the barbecue in vain, so he stretched out his hand and said, "If you don't agree, I will do it."

"Boy, you made a mistake, we are the ones who are robbing! Did you see Gapa? This strong body is strong enough to fight against dinosaurs! We still have guns, guns, do you know?" Wu Ke pointed to Gapa and held it pistol, and raised his fist threateningly.

Zhang Yu said honestly: "I also knocked down a dinosaur just now."

Wu Ke laughed wildly, and the furry fox tail swayed straight: "Hahahaha! Do you know what a dinosaur is? It's more than ten meters tall, and the kind that yells 'hoo hoo hoo'..."

In the middle of speaking, Wu Ke's face suddenly turned pale, her tongue shrank back, her mouth was open and she couldn't make a sound.

In his trembling pupils, the figure of an earth dragon was reflected!

On the top of the mountain wall, stones and dust rolled down under the huge soles of the feet, and the domineering body faced them, dripping saliva between the teeth.

The smell of barbecue not only tempted them, but also attracted the nearby earth dragons.

"Roar!" The giant screamed wildly, sliding down against the rocks.

Fuck, it's really here!

It really was called that... Wu Ke stepped back tremblingly, her legs trembling.

Gapa was more courageous, and immediately raised his pistol in desperation, aiming at the earth dragon sliding down the steep slope.

Bang bang bang bang!
After firing five shots in a row, the bullets hit Earth Dragon's body solidly and sparked, but it didn't have any effect, and instead irritated it.

Wu Ke trembled: "Japa, run! And that kid, don't want the barbecue, get in the car and run for your life!"

The dinosaur was approaching with strides. Gapa saw that it was useless to shoot, so he turned around and ran away.

And Zhang Yu stood there firmly, facing the big dinosaur, and the figure that was rushing violently was reflected in his eyes, which was extremely clumsy.With his first experience, he was not afraid at all.

"Dinosaurs have rough skin and thick flesh, your kind of attack can't touch it."

Zhang Yu took a step forward with dangling arms, clenched his fists, "This is the only way!"

Stand firm on your feet, twist your hips and punch, and your fierce strength explodes in an instant!
The arms and thighs of the earth dragon shook hard, and there was a muffled sound, and the whole body of the earth dragon backed up, coiled into a ball and rolled away at high speed.

Knock down many big trees along the way, as if the earth has been ravaged again.

Gappa and Wu Ke froze on the spot, dumbfounded.

Zhang Yu shook his arms and moved his fingers, as if nothing happened.He turned and approached the car, making them both shudder with terror.

They gasped, looked at each other at the same time, and shouted in unison: "Forgive me!"

When Zhang Yu heard that Wu Ke had called him when he ran for his life just now, it can be seen that their hearts were not completely bad, so they didn't make things difficult for them.

"Undress me."

"Okay, okay!" Jiapa and Wu Ke scrambled to take off their underwear.

They lamented in their hearts, how did they mess with this guy who can fight dinosaurs with bare hands? They were just bragging, but this kid actually meant the truth.

How can ordinary people do this? It's terrifying!Judging by his appearance, he is only thirteen or fourteen years old, right?

Zhang Yu glanced over while putting on his clothes: "You guys eat."

Wu Ke shook her head quickly, and the fox's tail kept swinging from side to side.Gappa is an honest man, he nodded when he heard eating, but was pinched by Wu Ke before changing to shaking his head.

"Don't be afraid, I really treat you to eat. First, it's a change of clothes, and second, I want to take a ride." Zhang Yu said very sincerely.

Wu Ke and Jiapa looked at each other, then at Zhang Yu, and nodded.

"My name is... Beria, how about you?"

In the world of Dragon Ball, Zhang Yu decided to use the Saiyan name, Belial.

He chatted with the two not only to use the car, but also to learn some information about the world. He was new here, and the more he knew, the better.

"I, my name is Uke, he is my partner, his name is Japa. We are actually..."

"The porter of wealth, I understand." Beria replied lightly.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Wu Ke seemed to have found a bosom friend, saying yes repeatedly.

The three of them sat around and divided up the barbecue. Gapa and Uke were instantly shocked when they saw how Beria devoured the meat.I thought that powerful people are different, they also eat a lot, no wonder they are so strong.

After eating the barbecue, Gapa and Uke fulfilled their promise and asked Beria to get in the car.

They don't dare to offend this great god now, they even speak respectfully, and they don't dare to be as arrogant as before.

Bella opened the car door.

Click it.

The high-strength steel plate was as brittle as the Wangwang snow cakes I ate when I was a child, and it shattered into Beria's hand together with the handle.

"Haha... I'm sorry." Beria quickly pulled his hands away, scratching his head in embarrassment.

Gappa and Wu Ke's eyes were wide open, their voices were dry: "It's okay, it's okay, it's because our car is not good."


Immediately afterwards, the entire car door fell to the ground and smashed at Beria's feet.

Jiapa and Wuke smiled tremblingly: "It's okay, it's okay, just sit down."

"Then I'm welcome."

Beria blushed, a little embarrassed, "I will pay, and I will pay when I get to the city."

"No, no, no, this car should have been scrapped long ago." Wu Ke smiled flatteringly, narrowing her narrow eyes.

"I really pay!" Beria patted the seat.


The sturdy seat was dented, leaving a deep five-finger mark.

Gappa trembled, his forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and his hand holding the steering wheel shook violently: "I really don't need to pay! No need!"

Wu Ke quickly covered Japa's mouth: "Don't talk nonsense..." He took out a money bag and brought it to Beria, "I know what you mean, this is all our money, please let it go car."

Beria smiled wryly, this is treating me as a robber.Alas, I really am not.

Thinking about it, he slapped Wu Ke on the seat again, and there was another crack in an instant.

"No, we really have no money..."

The two robbers wept sincerely and pitifully.

Beria explained for a long time before they wiped away their tears doubtfully.

The strength is too strong, no one even believes in being a good person?

Now his strength is far beyond the limit of ordinary people, and he can't control it well.

Just like during Cell's game, Sun Wukong and Sun Gohan, who maintained their Super Saiyan state of cultivation, had difficulty controlling their overpowering power at the beginning and caused a lot of destruction.

All of a sudden, he has extraordinary strength, but he still follows his past behavior in every gesture, so it is inevitable that he uses too much force.

You have to get familiar with your body as soon as possible and adjust to a normal living standard.

(End of this chapter)

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