Super Dandi Rebirth City

Chapter 2352 Winner

Chapter 2352 Winner
Ian Reid wants to use this opportunity to let everyone understand that Ruihui Pharmaceutical is invincible.

This can be regarded as mobilization before the war.

As the leader, Ian Reed certainly knows the importance of this matter.

When other people say these words, there will definitely be a wave of opposition.But when Ian Reid said these words, no one objected.

Not only because Ian Reed is the most powerful person in Ruihui Pharmaceutical, but also because Ian Reed has made the current Ruihui Pharmaceutical one of the strongest pharmaceutical companies in Xingmi.

Before this ability and vision, no one can lightly question it.

Although they still have doubts, because they are fully aware of the strangeness of the primordial medicine.It was a drug that replicated exactly the same ingredients, but it still had no effect in the end.

For such drugs, they really have no confidence.

Without confidence, but at the same time they did not dare to ask, everyone could only keep their doubts in their hearts.

Ian Reid took everyone's expressions into his eyes.

Ian Reed certainly knew what they were thinking.

In fact, Ian Reid doesn't even know what anyone's thinking.

"For Zhiyuan Medicine, we have obtained the most critical drug ingredients." Ian Reed told everyone.

John Gwen was moved. He hadn't expected Mr. Ian Reed to believe in him so much.Just by notifying myself, I immediately believed myself.

Seeing John Gwen's expression, Ian Reed naturally knew what he was thinking.In fact, Ian Reed would not believe John Gwen's words at all. After receiving the news from John Gwen, Ian Reed immediately confirmed the matter to different people in the Zhikuai Testing Center.

Even with the confirmation of these people, Ian Reed still called the monitoring records of the Zhikuai Testing Center, which was completely confirmed.

Therefore, Ian Reed can have the full confidence to say these words.

Ian Reed waved to John Gwynn.

John Gwen was taken aback for a moment, but he had also worked in the workplace for a long time after all.Immediately understood Ian Reid's intentions.

John Gwen held up the safe in his hand and opened it respectfully.

In the huge safe, there is a transparent reagent.

"This is the key ingredient of the primordial medicine." Ian Reed smiled lightly.

This time, everyone was shocked.Everyone looked at the crystal-clear test tubes in the box, their eyes flickered, revealing surprise and longing.

"With this thing, it is a certain thing to obtain the key molecular formula structure with the ability and knowledge of the R&D personnel of Ruihui Pharmaceutical." Ian Reed is very satisfied with their attitude, "Get the same drug as Zhiyuan Pharmaceutical , then Zhiyuan Pharmaceutical will be vulnerable."

Ian Reed certainly has the confidence to say this.

Because the production enterprises of Ruihui Pharmaceutical are distributed in many countries, the sales channel terminals have penetrated into the remote areas of most countries in the world.

Take Ruihui Pharmaceutical's production capacity and sales capacity.Zhiyuan Pharmaceutical has no power to contend at all.

Thinking of the pressure Zhiyuan Pharmaceutical brought to him, not only all the employees present, even those with a deep temper like Ian Reed, not only smiled.

The darkness above his head was completely emptied.

The depression in my heart disappeared completely.

This world, this God, is in the same position as Ruihui Pharmaceutical after all.

Only Ruihui Pharmaceutical is the winner who is truly favored by the world.

(End of this chapter)

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