Chapter 570

Chapter 569

Chang'an, in the palace.

An unprecedented Dharma conference is underway.

Many benefactors and monks of the temple who violated the invitation also looked in the direction of the palace.

Today, almost all the high-ranking officials and dignitaries in Chang'an were invited to this water and land conference, and the scale was unprecedented.

Moreover, the host of today's ceremony is the legendary eminent monk Xuanzang, and many monks also want to enter the palace to find out.

However, not everyone can participate in such a large-scale conference.

On the water and land meeting, Xuanzang sat cross-legged on the couch, lightly talking about Buddhist scriptures, Buddhist teachings, and Buddhist recitations.

The concept of rebirth is mysterious and mysterious.

During the period, many Buddhist theories and dharmas were mixed in, so mysterious that everyone present felt that the rebirth in the Dharma seemed to be true.

Xuanzang's voice is not loud, but it can be clearly heard by everyone present. Such skill can be seen.

After a long time, the concept of rebirth has been completely explained. Xuanzang then gently closed his eyes, and the monk behind him picked up the magic weapon and tapped it lightly.

"The thoughts of rebirth are only in people's minds. What the heart wants is the bliss of rebirth. If the heart doesn't want to, it will be wasted in the world."

"Thousands of mortals are rolling, and thousands of desires are born, all of which are obstacles on the road ahead. If you see this fetter clearly, you will be reborn in bliss, and it will be just around the corner."

"Here is the thought of rebirth in the Buddhist scriptures. Today's Dharma meeting, if you let the benefactors have something in their hearts, it will be Xuanzang Yinde, Amitabha Buddha."

Afterwards, Xuanzang said a few more mysterious words, and planned to end today's conference.

The water and land conference is going to last for three days. According to the request of Tang Emperor Li Shimin, Xuanzang intends to put his ideas in the water and land conference to seek gradual progress.

The first day is for enlightenment, the second day is for the thoughts in Tang Emperor Li Shimin's mind, and the third day is for answers.

Xuanzang arranged the conference so completely that he had already thought about what he would use as an excuse to talk about the current situation in Chang'an.

Unexpectedly, just as Xuanzang was about to end the puja, a person suddenly stood up under the wooden platform.

The man looked rich and middle-aged, and seemed amiable.

"Master Xuanzang, when you talk about rebirth, does it mean to accumulate virtue and do good, and not to do evil?"

When the man opened his mouth, the eyes of others immediately looked at him, but the man smiled slightly without showing any timidity.

Hearing this, Xuanzang looked at the man indifferently, just about to get up, but sat back down again, and then said softly: "What this benefactor said is very true, to accumulate virtue and do good, not to do evil, and to retreat from the desire in one's heart, is to be reborn. One of the ways to bliss.”

"Then I have a question to ask." The man looked at Xuanzang, speaking neither humble nor overbearing.

I am afraid that there is only one person who dares to talk to Xuanzang on such an occasion.

Emperor Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty held such a grand ceremony, so he would naturally make some arrangements. What he wanted was not blindly speaking and force-feeding moral education.

What he wants is that the Fa conference can really play a role.

And the person who stood up to ask questions was the Tang Emperor Li Shimin.

The purpose of his getting up is to attract the attention of everyone present, to integrate all the questions that Xuanzang just said, and to use this way of attracting attention so that everyone present can absorb it again.

Sure enough, this person stood up, which aroused everyone's attention. As soon as he said something, someone started whispering.

"Who is this person..."

"I don't know, it looks like he has a lot of background."

"Could it be people from other cities invited by His Majesty, or some high-ranking official?"

"It doesn't look like it, but this person is indeed not a dignitary in Chang'an City, otherwise why don't we know each other?"

"Yes, yes, but just leave it alone and see what this person has to say."

"It's really courageous. He even dared to stand up and question the puja organized by His Majesty. You can see what the puja is for by looking at His Majesty's attitude towards Master Xuanzang."

"Look and talk, look and talk!"

Under the wooden platform, there was a whisper, Tang Emperor Li Shimin sat on the wooden platform, his eyes narrowed slightly.

This is exactly what King Taxi saw. As long as these people are interested, no matter whether they respect Buddhism or not, the subsequent conversations will be remembered in their hearts.

The man looked at Xuanzang and smiled lightly, but Xuanzang's face remained calm, and he said softly, "Excuse me, benefactor."

"Master Xuanzang, you talk about accumulating virtue and doing good deeds and getting rid of desires, but do you mean people give up their desires and devote themselves to Buddha?"

The man looked at Xuanzang with a bright light in his eyes.

This question hits the nail on the head.

When Xuanzang heard the words, he just smiled lightly, and then said calmly: "The issue of benefactors can be generalized."

"The meaning of the poor monk is to abandon the evil thoughts in the heart, not all desires."

"Even if Fang Kezhi becomes an eminent monk, he still cannot give up all his desires."

"The birth of desire is the foundation of human beings. If there is no fundamental desire, people will have no survival instinct."

"Without instinct, how can we talk about survival, and if we can't survive, how can we talk about rebirth?"

Xuanzang talked eloquently, neither humble nor overbearing, with a firm tone.

Many spectators heard this, but nodded slightly.

After Xuanzang finished speaking, the man smiled lightly and said: "Master Xuanzang said that he was reborn, and that he should abandon all desires. It is not to make people abandon all desires. So what desires need to be rejected, and what are necessary?"

Asking this sentence, Xuanzang's heart moved.

He turned and looked at Tang Huang Li Shimin calmly, and immediately understood what was going on in his heart.

Afterwards, Xuanzang smiled faintly, and said softly: "Amitabha, benefactor, there are many distracting thoughts in the hearts of the world. The so-called keeping warm and thinking, people's desires change with time."

"Therefore, at different stages of a person, different desires will be born."

"The desires mentioned by the poor monk are the fundamental desires of human existence. They are eating, drinking, sleeping, and walking."

"If it wasn't for monks, besides these four desires, there would naturally be other desires."

"But in addition to the needs of survival, the additional desires that breed need to be abandoned and retreated."

"If these desires are allowed to grow and run rampant, they will occupy the original mind and lose the possibility of rebirth in bliss."

After Xuanzang finished speaking, he immediately made many spectators nod their heads.

When Xuanzang was lecturing, many people were simply absent-minded.

In their view, this is just a big show done by His Majesty today, in order to show His Majesty's adherence to Buddhism and Taoism.

But now Xuanzang breaks apart the theory in his mouth and spreads it to the ears of other people present, so they really listen to it and understand it.

At this point, Tang Emperor Li Shimin also showed a smile on his face, and nodded slightly.


(End of this chapter)

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