Chapter 167
Chapter 167
No matter how cruel the war is, this time is finally over.

Except when Xuanyuan first woke up, after kneeling in front of the hero monument for three days, Xuanyuan was no longer obsessed with the past.

Jingwei was relieved to see that he could recover.

On the contrary, it was because of this that Xuanyuan laughed and called her "housekeeper", which made her blush at the time.

The victory of the human race in the battle is just the end of the war.

But the prosperity of the human race and the soaring luck are just the beginning.

Now that the human race has just experienced such a catastrophe, the human tribes from the ancestral land of the human race to the north are still in a state of waste.

Even the ancestral land of the human race became somewhat chaotic due to the admission of too many clansmen during the war, and it was no longer in order.

A group of elders were convened in the meeting hall to come to discuss the matter, and they all thought that the human race was waiting for prosperity at this time.

At the meeting, Jingwei put forward an eye-catching insight.

She believes that rebuilding the tribes is the key to the rejuvenation of the human race, a challenge and an opportunity.

Before rebuilding the tribe, you can improve on the basis of the past according to the current needs, which saves the trouble of making improvements after the completion of the building.

Everyone heard it and agreed.

Afterwards, everyone had a little discussion on the improvement, and agreed that the most important thing for the new tribe was the ability to transmit information.

Thinking about war in times of war, now that the human race has just experienced the war, they all understand that peace is the foundation of a clan's prosperity, and the strength of a clan's army is the key to ensuring peace.

Everyone recalled back then, why were there so many casualties in the early stage?It is because of the lack of news.

In the past, tribes paid more attention to the connection within the tribe, while the connection between tribes was often much weaker.

In addition to the distance between the tribes, if ordinary people walk, it will take a day or two at least, and more than a month at most, which is very troublesome.

This is why people did not think about the development of inter-tribal relations at the beginning.

But if the connection between the tribes is tight, the transmission of news will not be so blocked, then if there is another attack from another tribe in the future, all the tribes of the human tribe will be able to quickly know and respond.

Everyone had an extremely heated discussion in the meeting hall. Some people said that they could ride beasts, but they were rejected because of potential safety hazards.

Then someone said that you can ride a horse, and if it is a long distance, riding a horse is also a kind of suffering, not to mention that if a catastrophe strikes, this method can also allow one or two people to travel lightly.

All the people in the family were thinking hard, and they still couldn't understand it after the meeting ended.

After everyone left, only Xuanyuan sat on the main seat, thinking about what everyone said earlier.

The new tribe requires fast message transmission between the tribes, just to deliver the message, horses are enough.

It's just that if the human race wants to be more prosperous, the connection between the tribes needs to be strengthened, and the travel time between the two tribes needs to be shorter.

However, if the distance between the tribes is shortened, the two tribes will not be able to develop due to resource problems.

That's how to go faster and bring more things.

Thinking of this, he felt something in his mind.

Before the war, when the human race was prosperous, he had discovered that what was surplus in some tribes might be extremely insufficient in other tribes, but the two tribes didn't even know about it because they were too far away.

According to the past practice, when such a story spread, people came from the ancestral land and ran back and forth between the two places with their belongings. Now it seems extremely inappropriate.

Often the needs of a family are reported, and it takes several months to be truly resolved.

There must be a way to improve this matter!
Xuanyuan thought hard, thinking about the horses, and suddenly thought of the previous war between the two clans, and the fact that the Wu clan used ferocious beasts as mounts.

If a horse has a limited load, increasing the number of horses will allow it to carry more...

If there is a plank behind it...

Following this direction, the more he thought about it, the more he felt it was feasible, and then he creatively installed wooden round wheels on the wooden frame on several horses.

The next day.

He found a group of capable carpenters in the ancestral land and told them his requirements, and the carpenters started working enthusiastically to build the wooden frame.

After a group of carpenters made it, they all thought it was not stable enough to be of much use.

But Xuanyuan smiled and summoned a group of people to come together.

Seeing that the patriarch was making such a big fuss, everyone just let everyone look at the strange "trolley", and they all laughed.

And when they saw Xuanyuan had another two horses brought in and hung the wooden frame on it, the laughter gradually stopped.

Some smart people are already thinking about how great it would be if they could sit on the wooden frame behind with the goods at the speed of a horse...

Then, the next moment, they saw Xuanyuan carrying a heavy object, getting on the wooden frame, and then galloping away on horseback.

There was an exclamation in the crowd.

After Xuanyuan went around and finished the display, he came down from the top and said, "Let me introduce, this is a carriage..."

The creation and promotion of horse-drawn carriages enabled the resources in the ancestral land to be quickly transported to various tribes, and the reconstruction of the tribes began quickly.

The appearance of carriages has greatly reduced the time for people to travel between tribes, and the flow of goods between tribes has also spontaneously flourished.

In less than a year, the tribes previously destroyed by the Wu clan had all been rebuilt, and even because of the closer exchanges between the tribes, the development was much faster.

In the past, the rebuilding of so many tribes would have taken at least ten years.

Now it is more than ten times faster!
In the year after the war, the prosperity of the entire human tribe gradually gained momentum again, causing the rest of the races in the prehistoric world to exclaim.

As for Xuanyuan in the ancestral land, the goods of various ethnic groups can flow freely, which greatly reduces the burden of affairs.

At the beginning of the year, the ancestral land of the human race was filled with the smell of meat.

In the first year of recuperation after the war, the human race achieved great feats that were difficult to achieve in the past ten years.

At this time, it was the beginning of the year, and there were seven days and seven nights of Daqing in the ancestral land, and all the clansmen were full of joy.

In the middle of the tribe, a group of people gathered around the bonfire, watching the fragrant barbecue, and they were all very excited.

Xuanyuan also felt the joy here, and suddenly felt that just laughing can't express it.

So he casually picked up a bone scattered on the ground, and excitedly tapped it on the stone wall beside him.

And when hitting the ground with that bone, there is a different sound.

Afterwards, he seemed to have discovered a certain pattern, constantly changing the rhythm, knocking on the stone wall and the ground, the sound was high and low, and the speed was fast and slow...

As the sound passed, the clansmen soon heard the sound, and their figures unconsciously swayed, like dancing.

Xuanyuan silently recorded the rhythm of the tapping in his heart, and recorded it when he went back that night.

In the prehistoric times, the first score called "Xing Sheng" was born and spread widely.

With Xuanyuan creating the rhythm, there is a new way to express the emotions in the heart with the human race.

(End of this chapter)

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