The evil king favors his stubborn wife

Chapter 180 Waiting for the day you say you love me and want to marry me

Chapter 180 Waiting for the day you say you love me and want to marry me

"Bai Yanqing, I gave you a chance, but you don't know how to cherish it. Don't think that I really dare not kill you."

Liulihuang was obviously annoyed by him, her slender hand slowly moved to his neck, and gradually began to apply force.

The air in his lungs became thinner and thinner. After a while, Bai Yanqing felt it was difficult to breathe, but he couldn't struggle, and he was powerless to resist. He was just a scholar, he knew some medical skills, but he didn't have any kung fu in his hands and feet.

Not to mention that it fell into the hands of a master like Liulihuang, but if it fell into the hands of any passer-by with some skill, he could only be a knife and a knife, and I would be a fish.

So for so many years, he has been living in the Wuming Sect, so no one dares to disturb him. After all, there are many people in the world who need a genius doctor like him.

Even so, there are still guys who are not afraid of death, risking being shot to death by the leader of the Shenyue Sect, and running to the villa to look for him. They will be robbed in three days, and their whereabouts are unknown, so the right protector of the Shenyue Sect has to send people all over the world to find them...

He likes the days at Wuming Sect very much. It is quiet, in that small piece of world that belongs to him, living with herbs and studying pharmacology all day long. He lives a full life, but the last thing he wants is to be there, There is actually a chance to meet this woman.

His mind gradually became blank, and his vision became more and more blurred.

He felt Liulihuang's killing intent, but he wasn't afraid.

Anyway, there is not much difference between him alive and dead, whether he is one more or not, everyone is living equally well, isn't it?

Just when he was about to lose consciousness, the shackles on his neck finally disappeared, followed by the woman's slightly cold lips, she breathed slowly to him, the soft lips touched his lips and teeth dawdling, wandering...

If time could be turned back, she would definitely not use him to provoke Ming Han, she would obediently stay by his side, and would not go anywhere, she would not need internal strength, supreme martial arts, as long as he was.

Then, even after death, she must be the most beautiful in his heart, and he will never forget her.

Instead of being like this now, no matter what she did, it seemed that it was impossible to restore his increasingly alienated heart.

She regretted it.

If God gave her another chance, she would definitely stop after meeting him in the back mountain of Wuming Sect, and she would not plan all kinds of things behind, and would not let him be called a traitor.

Even though Minghan knew he didn't know and was framed by her, so he didn't say anything, but this matter was always nailed to Bai Yanqing's heart like an iron nail, so he was extremely jealous of Liulihuang, and kept away from her In short, from then on, he never believed her again, even though she said that she had really fallen in love with him.

Gradually easing his thoughts, Liulihuang stood up, his nostalgic eyes fell on his slightly kowtowed, expressionless cheeks.

"I will wait, no matter how long, I will wait."

Waiting for the day you forgive me, waiting for the day you say you love me and want to marry me...

Liulihuang reached out to tuck him in the brocade quilt, turned around and walked out with a lot of thoughts.

Bai Yanqing opened his eyes, staring blankly at the curtain beside the bed, he didn't know what he was thinking, obviously he missed that person very much, but he still couldn't face it kindly.

(End of this chapter)

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