Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 435 It’s Dark, Please Don’t Close Your Eyes

Chapter 435 It’s Dark, Please Don’t Close Your Eyes (05)

During the whole day, An Luo went door-to-door to investigate.

The villagers were very cooperative. Those with dogs let go of the dogs, and those without dogs let go of the geese. Anyway, it was very lively.

"Mr. Xiao Jiulang, you are very agile!" A man's voice came from behind An Luo, it was Ze Chuan.

An Luo, who had just escaped the attack of the big goose, looked at Ze Chuan angrily, and asked, "Mr. Ze Chuan is so eccentric, could it be that we were once enemies?"

"Enemy! My colleague is an enemy." Ze Chuan sneered, as if he was still a little bright, and he didn't look so annoying.

An Luo looked at him suspiciously: "Are you also a detective?"

"I can't compare to a famous detective like Mr. Kokuro. However, if Mr. Kokuro is willing, we can also cooperate." Zechuan smiled and extended his hand to shake hands with An Luo.

An Luo didn't reach out, she vaguely felt something was wrong, but couldn't figure it out, so she sighed in her heart: As expected, detectives aren't suitable for me, what does this guy mean?Whether it is an enemy or a friend is completely indistinguishable!

Headache!The saddest thing is that the demons and dryads who are still sealed in her space don't know what happened in this village.

"Maybe this is a brand new plane, we have not participated in it before." The tree demon explained.

An Luo had no choice but to cheer herself up. This is an opportunity to be independent and to exercise herself. After all, she has to adapt to the world without assistance.

Zechuan was a little embarrassed by her flashing like this. He rubbed his hands and said to her, "Since Mr. Kokuro is wary of me, then don't bother me. But having said that, Mr. Kokuro's method of handling the case is really special." , It's been all morning, and you haven't asked a word, right?"

"I want you to take care of it!" An Luo patted the dog and goose feathers on his body, and went back to the patriarch's house for lunch angrily.

The patriarch told An Luo that the villagers would not say anything to her without someone of high esteem in the village following her.

An Luo muttered in his heart, this old man, if he didn't say it earlier, he clearly wanted to see a joke about me, a big detective, and he was really unfriendly.

Next, the patriarch came along, and the villagers really cooperated a lot. An Luo checked around and found no problems, but there were some doubts:
First, the attitude of the villagers is very indifferent, and they seem to be deserted and sad.

Second, they seem to be very afraid of the patriarch. Although their attitude is good, they still don't talk much.

Thirdly, she had to mind the way those young children hesitated to talk to An Luo.

Something is wrong with this village!

In the evening, she had to take care of Teacher Chai who was seriously injured.Teacher Chai's condition is much better today, he is already awake.

An Luo asked him, "Are you the murderer?"

Teacher Chai asked: "If I am the murderer, then who wants to kill me?"

"So did you see anyone who wanted to kill you?" An Luo asked him.

"No, I went out to catch bugs at night, and heard a voice from the third master in the west of the village. As soon as I arrived at the door of the third master's house, I felt a figure flash by, and I lost consciousness."

"Catch bugs?" An Luo felt a little strange, "What bug?"

"It's the common insects in the village. I like to collect insects." Teacher Chai said, and took out a bottle from his pocket. There were indeed insects in it, but he didn't care about them these days, and these insects were dead. .

"It's a pity, I managed to catch it." Teacher Chai was very sad.

An Luo could tell that he didn't seem to be pretending.

(End of this chapter)

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