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Chapter 346 Let go of that Milady

Chapter 346 Let go of that Milady (28)
Including An Luo soon figured out that Milady was actually taking advantage of the dance to steal some important documents.

As for the existence of An Luo, it was purely a cover-up, in order to attract the attention of all the guests present.

It has been spent here for 4 years. According to the rules of this world, Constance is now considered an old girl. After all, she is 25 years old, so she is no longer suitable to continue this task.

Until this time, Milady and An Luo returned to Country F together.

Things have changed since he came back this time. Portos has married a widowed countess and jointly inherited the huge property of the former count. Woolen cloth.

Ados had a big blow last time, so he had already arrived at his hometown.

As for Aramis, he still continued his previous career.

Still, D'Artagnan has made great progress in his official career. Now he is the captain of the Musketeers, and he is also deeply appreciated by Richelieu.

For a long period of time to come, Richelieu and the king got along very well. Although it seemed that there was no particularly great achievement, and it did not make country F very powerful, it definitely made a very important achievement. With a good foundation, at least everything is very stable, and the former three-legged rift no longer exists.

The so-called tripartite existence exists between Richelieu, the king and the queen. Since the necklace incident, the relationship between the king and the queen has become much better, and soon there will be a little prince.As for Richelieu, he is not a careerist at all, and everything he does is for the king and country F.

It's not that An Luo can't see Richelieu at all. Sometimes she will meet him at some balls. Now she no longer has a flower shop, and she always lives as Milady's younger sister. This so-called high society.

In fact, Richelieu would dance with her every time, and he was even unwilling to give her up to any other partner, and some gossip spread over time.

It's a pity that there is still no substantive evidence that the two people met in private, so it is nothing more than an urban legend.

But when this guy dances, he really just dances, and he won't say anything extra to her. An Luo just thinks that being such an identity is very hard, right?
Whether there will be a plot like Alexandre Dumas' "20 Years Later", An Luo is not sure, because it will be ten years later.She just left this world.

It was a plague that swept across the entire F country and even neighboring countries. An Luo still knew a little bit of modern medicine, so he volunteered to go to the front line to solve the problem.

However, the medical conditions here are very limited after all, and there are many problems in their living habits.

She originally thought that Milady was not interested in this matter, but she didn't expect her to say: "My tasks in this world are all over, and I would like to do a little bit of good deeds in the remaining time, just like you."

However, how can a person walk by the river without getting his shoes wet? Although the plague was brought under control thanks to the efforts of An Luo and Milady, Constance couldn't.

May be too tired?

In the cry of Nine Tails Milady, An Luo left this world and re-entered the void.

(End of this chapter)

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