Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 188 The Undersea Temple Mermaid Ji

Chapter 188 The Undersea Temple Mermaid Ji (17)
Planting sea crops is naturally not a job that requires skill, but for children, it can exercise his patience and perseverance, and let him know that 1.1 rice is not easy to come by.

Dig the soil, plant sea carrot seeds or seeds of other crops, and just come and have a look at it from time to time. After all, it is in the sea and there is no need to water it, so don’t worry about drought or flood. The only risk is greedy fish .However, it is enough to leave the work of driving away the fish to the servants.

An Luo took Edward and needed to check the progress of mining and the operation of each store.

"That's why I said that learning to count is very useful." An Luo held the account book and said to Edward, "You finish the account today, and you are not allowed to eat if you can't finish it!"

Edward looked at the thick ledger, cried, and shouted: "Mom, I'm going back to class~~~"

An Luo also began to try to take him with him to go hunting for treasures all over the seabed, so that he could try to get rid of those monsters under the sea.

"I'll leave the smaller one to you!" An Luo pointed at the monster that was almost two stories tall over there. Tall behemoths, these two undersea monsters guard a mysterious ruin together.

However, in an instant, the huge monster in front of her was already split open. She couldn't imagine that it was the strength of an eight-year-old child.

Helpless, she had to deal with the smaller monster by herself.

"Son!" An Luo said to Edward earnestly, "When we deal with this monster in the underwater world, it's best to stab its heart or head with a sword, so that it won't bleed too much, and it can avoid polluting the environment or Attract other monsters."

She pointed to the body of the huge monster just now and said: "Look, it's a mess everywhere now, and the sharks should come later, we have to hide."

Fortunately, the sharks on the bottom of the sea like to eat these things. They swam over in groups, had a full meal, and left in a hurry.

"Mom, I...I want to eat it too, it should be delicious!" Edward said to An Luo suddenly.

An Luo was taken aback. This was the effect of Warnabi's gene, and the child's blood of the giant snake was awakening.

I had no choice but to tell him in an educational way: "Eating wild animals will make your stomach hurt, it's unhygienic! Look at these monsters, they don't belong in the sea. They must have been exposed to some strange radiation to appear here. If If we eat it like this, the radiation will accumulate in our own body, which is very unhealthy. Especially if you are a child, you should not eat meat of unknown origin, understand?"

Under An Luo's intimidation, the child never dared to mention the matter of wanting to eat the monster's flesh again.

In a blink of an eye, the child was already 12 years old, and he looked like a reckless teenager.At this time, An Luo had a new worry: he seemed to have some yearning for land.

"Mom, I found that the people on land are the same as me."

"They're not like you, they can't breathe in water."

"But they look just like me!"

An Luo had no choice but to take him to the Poseidon statue and tell him: "Did you see it? Your father is the Poseidon, so you inherited his appearance. Don't think about going to land, that's not your world!"

The statue of Poseidon seemed to be shining with golden light, but An Luo only thought it was his own illusion.

(End of this chapter)

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