Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 135 Brother Phoenix, Don't Bite Me

Chapter 135 Brother Phoenix, Don't Bite Me (12)
Kill decisively, leaving no future troubles.

This seems to be the principle of young Xuan Yu's handling of affairs.

An Luo has been with the Four Demon Kings for thousands of years, and the most important principle he learned is "no evaluation."

Xuan Yu rested for a while beside the magma lake, and An Luo took advantage of this time to change into his original form, absorbing the nearby aura by himself.

"Is it really no problem to absorb spirit energy, monster energy, ghost energy, and life energy at the same time?" An Luo asked.

"How do you feel about yourself?"


Xuan Yu smiled: "I knew it, you also have such a super spiritual energy absorption physique, any type of spiritual energy is welcome, and there will be no adverse reactions after absorbing it."

While the two were looking at the boiling bubbling magma, a whirlwind whizzed by, and someone shouted: "The leader is here."

A young man dressed in white floated in front of the crowd, with his head bowed and his long hair flowing like a virgin. Everyone shouted: "Long live the leader! Long live the leader!"

An Luo muttered silently: "What the hell is this?"

"This is Luoshagui Xiyan, the leader of Huaishuwu on Sanlong Island. Who are you two? What is your business here?" The young man in white reported his family name. He sounded quite polite, but he didn't look up.

Xuan Yu introduced himself, and the Luosha ghost giggled, as if his teeth were chattering, which gave people goosebumps.

"Well, what's so funny?" An Luo couldn't help asking.

"I laugh at you who are exiled, and still have the mood to resist? Tell you, being eaten in Huaishuwu is a blessing you have cultivated. If you go to the center of the island, I'm afraid your life will be worse than death." Luo As the ghost spoke, he raised his head. There were only two gleaming green eyes and a blood-filled mouth on the whole face. There was only darkness in the rest of the face. No matter which direction it was facing, it seemed to be darkness, like a black hole, which could absorb light.

Without saying a word, he wanted to suck An Luo away, but Xuan Yu stood in front of An Luo and flew towards the Luosha ghost.When he was about to get close to it, Xuan Yu used a spell to strike its eyes precisely.

Luo Shagui let out a scream, and rushed towards Xuan Yu with a howl, but he was enveloped by the whirlwind spell, and then pulled out the magma from the magma lake, stirring it into pieces and turning it into ashes in a few seconds.

An Luo had never seen these operations before, and he was deeply impressed.

"The chief is dead."

"How to do?"

"We can't have a leader in Huaishuwu, why don't we choose this young man?"

"But isn't he too young?"

"You disagree? Why don't you go compare with him?"

Everyone chattered and discussed for a long time, Xuan Yu leaned against a tree and yawned: "Uncles and aunts, if you still want to eat me, come here and die quickly. If you don't want to, go home quickly .Don't waste your time here, okay?"

An Luo then added: "If you really can't decide something, just show your hands and vote. The minority obeys the majority."

"good idea!"

"Why didn't I think of that?"

An Luo went on to say: "Then, everyone present, it is settled now, and those who agree with Xuan Yu to be your leader, please raise your hands."

Many people raised their hands, and An Luo counted them again: "Uncle, although you raised eight hands, I can only count one person, please understand."

"This big sister turtle, you don't need to be on all fours, just raise your hand a little bit, I can understand."

"Thanks to this little brother for his enthusiasm, you really don't have to spit fireballs on me."

. . .

After a show of hands vote, the minority obeyed the majority, and Xuan Yu became the leader of Huaishuwu.

(End of this chapter)

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