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Chapter 116 The Little Brothers in Jasmine Town

Chapter 116 The Little Brothers in Jasmine Town (17)
During this time travel, Emperor Xuanyu became a blacksmith, or an alchemist to be precise.

Mining, spawning monsters, and casting weapons have become his daily routine.

Although he doesn't know who he is, but in the past few lifetimes, he was a philanderer, the president, the young master, the prince, and the monarch. This time he finally became an ordinary and glorious laborer.

But soon, he realized that this blacksmith is not ordinary, and even more profitable than his previous profession. A top-level fire-type bident can be sold for 500 million yuan, and armor with diamond bonus can be bought for 800 million yuan. It is strange that the Dragon Armor obtained can make the weapon buy tens of millions of high prices.

Of course, it is not easy to obtain these materials, and a considerable price needs to be paid.

He has been practicing here for five full years. During these five years, he has met countless transmigrators who want to take away this body. Fortunately, compared with him, these people are like mustard seeds. Easily resolved.

He sometimes wonders why he is so powerful?
Despite this, there are still various dangers in this world, and there will be people who are stronger than him, so he is full of vigilance against everyone in the town.He never paid attention to those miscellaneous fish, but a few people seemed to be worth noting.

The first is Dr. Max, who came to the town at about the same time as him. He is highly skilled in medicine, but he is extremely indifferent. He usually likes to wear gold-rimmed eyes without lenses, as if this can hide the evil in his eyes.The strange thing is that although he exudes a chilling evil all over his body, he hasn't killed anyone over the years, and instead he has won the title of divine doctor.At present, although it is powerful, it is not a threat;

Then there was Mr. Donald, the magistrate who came here a year ago. He came here with a king's decree. His appearance was so perfect that it couldn't be more perfect. , to be exact, it's evil spirit plus ghost spirit, why is it so familiar, as if he is his own brother in a certain plane.Fortunately, he is a sheriff and there is no threat.

Payne, and after Donald's arrival, came to this town.This ragged vagrant boy, relying on his snow-white, playful face and sweet words, managed to win the sympathy of the dizzy-eyed old granny and let him work as a clerk in the grocery store.I have to say that the old lady is still very wise. Since he came, the grocery store has become the favorite place for girls in small towns to visit.

Relatively speaking, Payne is warm to the girls. Although Dr. Max is handsome, he is too cold and very busy, so he doesn't say a word or do one thing more.Although Mr. Donald is beautiful, he resolutely ignores these little girls. Any girl who wants to joke with him is not allowed. He always says that he is married and must be self-disciplined. Although it can be seen that he sometimes drools, but Still able to hold their own bottom line.The only thing Emperor Zun didn't guess was that sometimes Donald drools because of the girl's pure beauty, and sometimes he just wants to drink blood and eat meat, but with self-discipline, he can overcome all these pains.

The most surprising thing is that Payne, who was regarded as a homeless boy by others, actually carried a huge sum of money. The first time he came back to the blacksmith shop to buy equipment, he threw out one billion: "Give me a set of the most expensive equipment!" ! Remember, the most expensive one!" If he wasn't a desperado, he must be an anonymous super noble.

Recently, some changes have taken place in the town, and it seems that a powerful force is coming.

First, the most humble poor girl in the small town transformed overnight, from ordinary to glamorous, showing her sharpness, from being able to clean other people's tables to being able to destroy monsters with bare hands and slay giant dragons with a knife.

He felt that this young girl seemed to be his wife from a previous life.But he knew that every time she went to a world, she couldn't remember anything.

She doesn't want to remember, maybe she wants to have a new start, in this case, he is willing to guard silently, not to disturb her.

But the price of the items sold to her cannot be lowered, otherwise, it will be unfair to other customers.

She sometimes gets annoyed because the price is too high, but it motivates her to make more money.Since she is here to practice, her goal in life is to make money and earn points, so the normal fee is also good for her.

Not long after, Jiaojiao, a domineering rich girl, also changed. It was obvious that her soul had been taken over by a powerful demon.

The blacksmith waited and watched, and all these changes made his business better and better.

As the saying goes, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.In a small town with less than a hundred people, there are so many powerful souls, and it is amazing that they can still live in peace.Maybe it's because the aura of this small town is too strong, so there is no competition between them?

The only thing that worried him was whether the girl named Jasmine would be threatened, but it seemed that these people treated her very differently, especially Jiaojiao, who even moved to live with her.

What is the situation.

Emperor Zun, who had been silent for five years, couldn't bear it anymore, daughter-in-law, where are you looking, I'm here!
(End of this chapter)

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