The princess has a crow's mouth

Chapter 150 She's Really Worthless

Chapter 150 She Is Really Worthless

"You dare?" Jun Ruoli gave Su Xiaoxiao a fierce look, his pale face and trembling lips revealed the panic in his heart.

"You're still bleeding! You won't last long." Thinking of the almost suicide-like choice, Su Xiaoxiao was also very afraid, but in this situation, she could only make a choice.Maybe she's lucky, and it's okay to fall!

Trembling, Su Xiaoxiao let go of Jun Ruoli's hand, but found that she didn't fall.Looking up, she found that Jun Ruoli was holding onto her collar tightly, and blood spurted out from the shoulder pierced by the arrow.

Her heart was tightly held in an instant, her eyes were blurred with warm tears, Su Xiaoxiao choked up and said, "Let go! You are bleeding more! Let go of me, you can last a little longer!"

"I can hold on!" Jun Ruoli ignored the pain on her body and replied firmly.

"Jun Ruoli, let me go! If you keep pulling me, you really won't be able to last long! Even if you have strength, an arrow won't be able to withstand the weight of two people."

Jun Ruoli wanted to say stop talking nonsense, but couldn't.He also knew that he couldn't last long, but how could he let go of Su Xiaoxiao?

card wipe!There was a cracking sound from Jun Ruoli's bleeding men.

If you can't stand it, let's fall together!Even if he was going to die today, he couldn't let go of Su Xiaoxiao.Thinking of this, Jun Ruoli fell down with Su Xiaoxiao, wrapping Su Xiaoxiao into her arms.

The two hit a tree at the bottom of the cliff, breaking a branch and rolling to the ground.When he saw the tree, Jun Ruoli subconsciously protected Su Xiaoxiao's head, and when he hit the tree, he still did not forget to protect Su Xiaoxiao.

The fallen leaves are everywhere, like a thick carpet.Su Xiaoxiao was protected by Jun Ruoli, and rolled a few times on the ground, only slightly scratched and dizzy.But Jun Ruoli's situation was not so good, she fell directly on the tree and protected Su Xiaoxiao with all her strength, and fell into a coma after falling to the ground.

Su Xiaoxiao's head was a little dizzy, seeing Jun Ruoli lying motionless on the ground, with bright red blood staining the withered yellow leaves, Su Xiaoxiao's heart couldn't beat.

Hurriedly crawling to Jun Ruoli's side, she reached out and patted his face lightly, Su Xiaoxiao's voice trembled uncontrollably. "Jun, Jun Ruoli, wake up! Wake up! Don't sleep..."

However, Jun Ruoli didn't react at all, her face was pale, and even her lips were bloodless.

Su Xiaoxiao was flustered, and kept murmuring that she couldn't do it, tears streaming down her face, she took off her outer clothes, and pressed hard on the wound on Jun Ruoli's shoulder to stop the bleeding.

The blood soon soaked through the clothes, feeling the sticky heat under his hands, Su Xiaoxiao couldn't help crying.

What should I do?What should I do?She can't do anything!She can't think of anything!She knew she had to do something, but what was she supposed to do?Sanity has collapsed.

Su Xiaoxiao pressed Jun Ruoli's wound tightly, crying so hard that her heart also twitched.

Jun Ruoli fell into a coma, she could only rely on herself!Su Xiaoxiao pressed the wound tightly with one hand, and wiped away her tears with the other hand. "Calm down! Calm down! Jun Ruoli will be fine! I won't let Jun Ruoli get into trouble!"

Although he was talking to give himself courage, he still couldn't calm down in his heart.Su Xiaoxiao clenched her fist, then raised her hand and slapped herself.

This slap was so hard that I felt a little tinnitus from the slap, but the pain made Su Xiaoxiao regain some sense, so she raised her hand and slapped herself again.

His face hurt, but his heart slowly calmed down.Su Xiaoxiao looked at Jun Ruoli's face and said firmly, "I can do it! Trust me, I can do it!"

After finishing speaking, Su Xiaoxiao took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment.Then she tore off the hem of her skirt and tore it into strips to bandage Jun Ruoli's wound.

Seeing the nondescript bandages she had bandaged, Su Xiaoxiao felt sore, but fortunately, after bandaging Jun Ruoli's wound, the blood didn't bleed so scary.

Su Xiaoxiao looked around, looking for a place to spend the night.Although Yingyi will definitely bring people to look for them, Su Xiaoxiao is not sure when Yingyi will find them.

It was getting late, and the autumn night was extremely cold, Jun Ruoli must not be allowed to lie here overnight.But she can't find a place to spend the night by herself. I don't know if there are any wild animals here. If she walks away, Jun Ruoli will be in danger.

No way, Su Xiaoxiao can only take Jun Ruoli to look for it.But Jun Ruoli fell into a coma with injuries on his body, so Su Xiaoxiao had to use all her strength to carry Jun Ruoli on her back and drag him away.

Why use drag words?It was probably because Su Xiaoxiao couldn't carry Jun Ruoli completely on her back, Jun Ruoli's feet were still on the ground, half on her back and half on her back.

so heavy!Her shoulders and legs hurt, and Su Xiaoxiao had a hard time taking every step. "God, please help me! Let me find a cave! Or let me find a river, I beg you!"

Su Xiaoxiao doesn't know if praying is useful, but she has such a vicious mouth, maybe it will be useful or not!

Not long after she finished speaking, Su Xiaoxiao seemed to hear the sound of running water.Joy crept into her heart in an instant, Su Xiaoxiao worked harder and carried Jun Ruoli to the side of the river.

Finding water is a good thing!Su Xiaoxiao carefully laid Jun Ruoli down, then went to the river to wash her hands, pulled off another piece of cloth from her body, soaked it and wrung it dry to wipe Jun Ruoli's face.

Jun Ruoli's lips looked a little dry, Su Xiaoxiao hurried over with water to feed Jun Ruoli.But Jun Ruoli was unconscious, afraid that she couldn't drink water by herself.Looking down at the water in her hand, Su Xiaoxiao drank it all in her mouth, and slowly pressed it to Jun Ruoli's lips.The two lips touch each other, and they cross the water with their mouths.

The slightly sweet water moistened the lips of the two of them, and Jun Ruoli swallowed the water unconsciously. Su Xiaoxiao repeated this several times, fed Jun Ruoli and drank several sips of water, and finally stopped when she felt that it was almost enough.

Su Xiaoxiao looked at the sky, thinking that it might be too late to find a place to spend the night.Jun Ruoli had bled so much, she would definitely feel cold at night, and she hadn't cleaned and disinfected Jun Ruoli's wound yet, her clothes were almost soaked in blood, it seemed that tonight was going to be hard.

It is imperative that there should be a fire!Su Xiaoxiao immediately thought of the key point. There is no fire in the wild!If there was a fire and no caves or anything, they should be able to survive.

After thinking about it, Su Xiaoxiao hurried to pick up flammable branches, but she didn't dare to stay too far away from Jun Ruoli for too long.

After finally picking up the branch, Su Xiaoxiao realized that she didn't have a stick at all!In the past, these things were prepared by servants, and she just had to pack herself up when she went out, but now she didn't have the conditions to start a fire at all.

It doesn't matter!Try turning logs to make fire?

But Su Xiaoxiao tried for a long time, but she didn't see any sparks or smoke!The tender white hands turned red from rubbing.

At this moment, she was sure that she didn't have the skills to survive in the wild, not even to make a fire in the wild.

The more she thought about it, the more wronged she became, and Su Xiaoxiao began to doubt the meaning of her own existence.He can't do anything well, dragging down Jun Ruoli all the time, if she hadn't stayed in the carriage, Jun Ruoli would not have been injured and fell off the cliff because of saving her.If she hadn't said that the arrow would break, Jun Ruoli might have lasted a little longer...

She is really useless!
(End of this chapter)

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