One Thought Feixian

Chapter 730 Examination Questions

Chapter 730 Examination Questions

This statue is the legendary Emperor Avatar, the founder of the Central Dynasty.

Jiang Yi immediately looked up, wanting to see what the Divine Ability Great Emperor looked like, but there was a faint layer of mist covering the statue's head, and the naked eye could not see anything at all.

Jiang Yi suddenly saw that this layer of mist seemed to be not simple, the mist was misty, like a dream, he pondered for a few breaths, his mind moved, and suddenly he quietly gathered his thoughts, emitted from the sea of ​​spirits and souls, and probed upwards.

But his thought power had just risen to half, and before he touched that layer of mist, he suddenly felt a glorious coercion filling the world, containing the power of the heaven and the latitude, rolling down like mountains and seas.

His thought power was instantly shaken away, and under this coercion, the window, like paper, looked fragile.

However, Jiang Yi had already expected it in his heart, and he retracted his thought power into his body in time, and operated the "Taiyin Yuehua Jue", his heart shook violently, but he was not injured.

"This statue has such a terrifying coercion, ghosts and evils do not invade, and the mist on it is very mysterious, it seems to be the luck of the Central Dynasty..."

Jiang Yi thought about it secretly, and felt that this statue was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

The Hunyuan Tianding suppressed the luck of the central dynasty, and this statue stood in this alien space, so it would definitely be nurtured by luck.

Luck to nourish the spirit!

"Luck, coupled with so many people worshiping, each person with one thought, the incense is at its peak, gathered on this statue, and many thoughts have accumulated over the years, could it be that this statue has already given birth to a spirit?"

Jiang Yi couldn't help guessing, and felt more and more that it was possible.

This is like those disciples of cults who believe in demons and worship day and night, calling them true gods.

There is no true god in this world, but if there are more people who believe in it, those demons may really become true gods.

Because the will of heaven is the will of the people, and the heart of heaven is the heart of the people.

This is also the reason why, throughout the dynasties, cults have been severely suppressed.

This statue, erected in the Hunyuan Heavenly Cauldron, was shrouded in infinite luck and worshiped by all people. Although it did not become a god, it possessed some divine power, and when it exploded, it was also very terrifying.

Having figured this out in his heart, Jiang Yi became more vigilant, and at the same time had a deeper understanding of the things in the "Bamboo Garden Notes".

"Jiang Yi, do we want to worship?" Lu Yan, Gu Heng, Meng Chang, and Ding Yunjie looked at the statue in front of them, then all eyes fell on Jiang Yi, and asked.


Jiang Yi knelt down on the ground as he spoke, and bowed three times sincerely. He felt that when he worshiped, part of his mind power was silently sucked away by the statue.

But to him, it was harmless.

The reason why he bowed down was mainly for two reasons.

One reason is that the supernatural emperor established the central dynasty and established immortal achievements, so that the people of the world can live and work in peace and contentment.

Another reason is that his mother, Princess Ronghua, is the daughter of Emperor Shentong, that is to say, Emperor Shentong is his maternal grandfather.

So he naturally wants to worship.

Even if not for himself, he should also think about his queen mother.

All goodness and filial piety come first. If he doesn't even understand this truth, then he has read so many sage books in vain.

Seeing Jiang Yi bowing, several people glanced at each other, then knelt down and bowed.

After the worship, soldiers came over immediately and led them to a distant square.

"You guys are right here." The soldier pointed to several examination room numbers and said, and then arranged them one by one in order.

This square is the examination room. Countless examination rooms have been built, stretching as far as the eye can see. I don’t know how many there are. Anyway, this is a different dimension, and it can accommodate as many people as possible.

This is the great generosity of the Central Dynasty, and it is impossible for Daliguo to match it.

After Jiang Yi entered the examination room, he observed it and found that the examination room was like a fence, closed on three sides and open on one side, about a few square meters, in which there was a wooden desk and a stool , and a potty, after all, I have to stay here all day and cannot go out.

On the desk, there are the four treasures of the study, pens, inks, papers and inkstones, and everything needed for scientific research is fully prepared.

Jiang Yi checked carefully and found nothing missing, sat down, rolled up his sleeves, poured water into the inkstone, and began to grind the ink.

The exam room is spacious even if there is only one person in it. Jiang Yi scanned it with his mind, and found that there was some kind of mysterious power around him, blocking his mind.

The power of thought cannot be transmitted from this chant at all.

If you think about it, among the candidates, there are countless hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and countless people who practice meditation. If you don't isolate your mind power, you can easily check other people's exam papers and plagiarize.

In this case, the scientific research will lose its meaning.

This imperial examination, because of the formation prohibition, replaced manual work, so the speed is extremely fast, and I don't know how much time has been saved.

There are more than 30 people participating in this imperial examination, and each person has a number. How much space is needed?

Simply unimaginable.

After about a stick of incense, another melodious bell sounded and spread throughout the square.

The scientific research has just officially begun.

Many examiners, shuttling between the various numbers, handed out test papers one by one. On the test papers, the content of the test questions, the scriptures to be done, and the articles were written.

The topic is: "Husband, emperor, and king, the destiny belongs to him, the merits are high in the universe, and the Taoism is full of spirit!"

In ancient times, the three emperors, the emperor as the pan, led the human race to prosperity and became the overlord of the heaven and earth, with immeasurable merits and blessings for the common people in the world. In the countless classics of later generations, the pan is strongly praised.

This sentence comes from the disk.

The current exam questions are to interpret the meaning of this sentence, express your own views, and then write an article. In this article, there must naturally be a policy theory, explaining the principles of governing the country.

Jiang Yi didn't start writing. Looking at the topic, he began to meditate.

Before the ancient times, it was the ancient times, when the barbarian race ruled the world and did barbaric things, cruel and bloody, which made the common people fearful and dare not speak out.

At this time, Pan Hengkong was born, led the human race to rise up to resist, obeyed the destiny, rose strongly, overthrew the ancient rule of the barren race and replaced it, ended the cruel ancient times, and established benevolence, morality, and etiquette for the world. Humans and beasts are completely separated, and they no longer eat hair and drink blood.

The history of the ancient holy dynasty kicked off from this.

"Husband Emperor, the destiny belongs to the destiny, the merits are high in the universe, and the Taoism is full of spirit!"

Since this sentence came from Pan's mouth, it is naturally of far-reaching significance and has a great relationship with that period of history. Many candidates must be able to think of this, and thus make up their minds, talk about it, and praise Pan highly like countless people in later generations. The merits and virtues benefited the ancient three emperors, and their merits are as high as the sky, unparalleled.

But in this way, it also fell behind.

"This scientific examination question was written by Emperor Qingtian himself. It is not only praising the great achievements of the three emperors in ancient times, but it must have another meaning!"

Jiang Yi still didn't start writing. The scientific examination is definitely not that simple. If you don't dig out the meaning of the topic thoroughly, the article you make will inevitably be one-sided and deviate from the central point. In vain.

All candidates' essays were first read by various examiners, and then excellent essays were selected from among them, and then submitted to the chief examiner Pang Tiandu.

Pang Tiandu then selected the best three examination papers from these articles and submitted them to Emperor Qingtian to determine the pros and cons.

Therefore, the No. [-] Scholar position was ultimately not decided by Pang Tiandu, but by Emperor Qingtian himself.

Jiang Yi knew that if he wanted to win the No. [-] Scholar position, he first had to cater to the examiner's taste, secondly he had to conform to Pang Tiandu's governance theory and school of thought, and finally he had to figure out the thoughts of Emperor Qingtian.

The first two are the things he has been doing for the past few days. Through "Bamboo Garden Notes", he has already made up his mind and knows Pang Tiandu's theory of governing the country, the school of thought, that is, "the people are the most important, the community is second, and the king is the most important." For lightness".

Pang Tiandu took the people very seriously, and believed that the foundation of a country was the people.That's why you get the people of Qiu to be the son of heaven, you get the son of heaven to be a prince, and you get the princes to be a great official.

If the princes are in danger of the country, they will change their positions.

Those who win the hearts of the people win the world, and obeying the hearts of the people is the destiny of heaven.

This is the so-called "the will of the people is the will of heaven, and the will of the people is the heart of heaven."

At this moment, an hour has passed, and almost half of the candidates have already started to write, panicked, and started answering questions on the test paper.

It is conceivable that they must not be able to write any excellent articles on the classics.

Jiang Yi knew that this question had other meanings, but the heart of a king was unpredictable. The emperor Qingtian was a generation of emperors, the depth of the city was immeasurable, and the mind was not so easy to guess.

He closed his eyes and kept quiet, pondering over and over in his mind, and soon two hours passed, and he was still a blank sheet of paper.

Su Qian looked at this topic, and suddenly smiled slightly. He was extremely confident, and began to write, ink and write.

The fairy in the painting pondered for a while, and started writing one after another!
At this time, almost all the candidates have started to write, no matter how difficult the exam questions are, they have been brewing for so long, and they are almost done.

If you continue to brew, it will be too late to finish writing the scriptures, then you will be in trouble.

The Minister of Rites, You Qingfeng, as the supervisor, constantly patrolled the examination room, caught more than a dozen candidates who cheated, and made a detailed registration, all of them were kicked out of the examination room, with strict rules.

At this time, he led a group of examiners to Jiang Yi's room, and saw that the test paper on the table was not written. Jiang Yi closed his eyes and remained motionless. He shook his head immediately, with a look of disappointment on his face: "Hey, the current candidates are really getting more and more outrageous. On such a grand occasion, they actually sit here and sleep soundly. If the majesty's grand plans and great achievements are handed over to these people, I am afraid it will be over."

(End of this chapter)

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