God's Chosen Archmage

Chapter 270 Magma and Strange Fish

Chapter 270 Magma and Strange Fish
Waves of heat waves composed of fire-type magic power passed by like the hottest wind in summer.The pink grass under his feet also made a rustling sound.

But Ed, who was standing here, was still unmoved, he just closed his eyes tightly, almost greedily, sensing the completely different magical power in his body.No matter why this magic power is not affected by the brown-black substance of the fireball monster, at least, he now has a small but very practical hole card.

After a long time, Ed woke up from the kind of not-so-deep meditation.He looked around, and found some changes in the pink slot far away, good and bad, so he couldn't evaluate it for the time being.However, the two distinct concentrations of magic power on the lawn guided him towards the place where the magic power was most concentrated.

As he walked, a small hillside suddenly flashed in front of him.Some slimes, mainly in warm colors, are happily gnawing on the green grass on the side grass.

When did this slime also have a variant of the fire attribute?Ed smiled, but still walked towards the little monsters.He promised Benitez that at the cost of finding Chi Yanhua, he would exchange for the two damaged space storage rings he had obtained by repairing him.But for the monsters inside, no matter whether he is really willing to participate in the fire trial, the effect is not too obvious, but it is also a good experience to learn more about the monsters to be killed in the fire trial.


The slimes were quiet, eating green grass in their respective small areas.

Suddenly, Ed's eyes fell on a grass field among the group of slimes. Although most of the pink grass near here had been eaten by the slimes, only the area with a diameter of five meters nearby was covered with green grass. Also intact!What's even more strange is that right in the center of the lawn that was "deliberately" ignored by the slimes, there is still a once-red flower stalk, although the top of the plant is just a flower bud of the same color as the flower stalk, but from that Speaking from the front, this should be the Chi Yanhua he was looking for this time!
In less than 10 minutes after coming in, you found the red flame flower that Benitez thought was rare in poetry?When did my luck get so bad?Ed pondered, but his eyes were always full of suspicion!Suddenly, his right hand went straight to the direction of the flower bud.

Under the circumstance that nothing can be seen, anyone would never use teleportation to forcibly pick the unopened flower buds, but Ed did just that, and just when he was using his strength After pulling the flower stalk a few times, the whole place suddenly felt a strange tremor!

At that moment, almost all the slimes turned out their eyes that were usually hidden in their bodies!Although Ed didn't have time to take care of them at all, he still read excitement from the eyes of the lowest-level monsters from the corner of his eyes!
"Whoa, whoa-"

In an instant, streams of magma suddenly occupied this vast area that originally belonged to the grassland.There are not many signs, and the conversion speed is only an instant!But right in front of Ed, a pillar of lava fire suddenly appeared from the red flame bud!The pillar of fire between the fire and light stones came straight to Ed.A big mouth full of previous times also gradually emerged a pillar of fire!

"Pa" is the double defense attached to the left hand bracelet, which made Ed get stuck in the big mouth, and then Ed's palm pushed deeply!

A huge and ugly fish fell straight into the lava in the distance!In the hot volcanic lava, a big fish appeared that was completely inconsistent with the environment here!Such a monster really exceeded Ed's expectations!
A flying thaumaturgy immediately stabilized the falling figure.Although Ed also knew that wind magic would not last too long in this area with strong fire magic power, but just when his fourth-level magic failed, his palm went straight to the magma under the dark fragrance. At that moment, The orange flame was like a trickle returning to the sea, and was directly absorbed by Ed's body!

From the point of view of magic, lava is indeed a magic that is dominated by rocks (earth) and supplemented by fire, so after Ed forcibly washed away the fire heat of the hot lava under his body, his body was already Turned into a rock floating above the magma!

The figure of the big fish in the lava reappeared in the hot magma.This time it swooped more fiercely than before, but what it faced was Ed with aggressive eyes shining in his eyes!The orange fire magic suddenly began to gather around him, and the naked fiery man appeared above Ed's head again!

I saw Ed stretched his hand forward suddenly, and the orange-red flames rushed out like huge waves, shooting directly at the strange karst fish in mid-air!Although the ninth-level Yanling Judgment is not good at physical impact, when the beam of flame light hit the body of the strange fish, the latter's body still fell backwards suddenly!


The huge piece of lava fell straight into the hot magma. Just as Ed breathed out, the rock under his feet suddenly made a crisp sound!Underneath is hot lava like water!Even if Ed could use the magic power of the fire department to recreate the shelter, the time would never last too long!
What to do, this question is nothing to Ed.Before the beaten lava fish appeared, he simply slammed the ground with his left hand. Accompanied by the hand of the red dragon, which was like a red jade stone, the vertical pupil on the ring of blood pupil couldn't help trembling violently!The orange-red magic power began to slip towards the one delicately like a whale swallowing water until it reached the end.

The reason why the colorful jewelry is hailed as a treasure is naturally not like the general props that accumulate magic power and release magic. Although the magic power of this ring is also manifested, under the action of the more precious and valuable red dragon hand, that This ring has become a bottomless pit that absorbs magic power!

Large areas of karst began to gradually turn reddish brown.And the color of these reddish-brown rocks also quickly deepened. No one knew why the combination of the blood pupil ring and the red dragon's hand was so powerful.But it is an indisputable fact that the area of ​​this piece of rock, which has lost the magic power of the fire element, is constantly expanding in the endless lava!
Of course, no matter how much magic power a small ring absorbs, it cannot threaten the entire karst sea.But for the lava monster who had been waiting for an opportunity to attack Ed, this added a variable to his actions!

Not far behind Ed, the rock there suddenly bulges!However, the strange lava fish is the overlord of the magma sea after all. Just as the brown-black ground bulges, fiery flames burst out again from the gaps!

Just like a sea monster that broke out of the ice, the strange fish finally flew over Ed's head!The strange fish howled and writhed!But just before his big mouth was about to devour Ed's body, he suddenly played a musical instrument, and this time Ed's target was the strange fish's soft-looking belly!And the magic he chose this time is still the fist of heaven that can knock opponents away in one fell swoop regardless of the difference in level and strength!

The huge strange fish flew directly into the distance, and Ed, who could use the flying thaumaturgy to stay in mid-air, was still staring at his right fist in a daze.The ghost fish was knocked into the air from a distance, which indeed gave him a long period of respite.But look at his right hand again... the skin is brown and red, and if it is not treated in time, there will be serious burn sequelae!
After pouring a bottle of healing medicine, his right hand quickly recovered under the effect of the fire spirit communication in his body, but this time he looked at the strange fish leaping and approaching from a distance, and his eyes were not just anxious!It seems that this monster is deliberately trying to turn me into fish dung!Ed Twilight also spat out a spell here aggressively!
"The flying windmill, the arrow of the king! The king of purple land has never stopped conquering! Burning, alienation! With endless purple flames, dominate the palace of Vulcan! Alienation burning ball!"

A burst of purple fireball flew to the far side of the strange fish that was constantly churning forward in Rongfeng's eyes.I have to say that the level of Ed's Ziyan magic is too low!Not to mention turning the billowing magma into purple flames to burn the strange fish, even the most basic attack effect seems to be negligible!

At this moment, the strange fish indulged in desire and jumped up again.The floating rocks near Ai's have been melted by the magma he engulfed!Maybe in the simple mind of this strange fish, as long as there are no rocks in the way, Ed will definitely not be able to escape his attack!

Under the excited strange fish, even the insignificant "red flame bud" on the top of its head looks so gorgeous!The big mouth of the strange fish was getting bigger and bigger in front of his eyes. At this time, Ed had many choices and could dodge it calmly, but just when he was about to use magic, a strange light suddenly appeared in his eyes !
Because just deep in the mouth of the strange fish, Ed felt the existence of a sphere!Not to mention whether this kind of strange fish has the so-called monster crystal nucleus that only monsters have, even if there is, the magic crystal will only be in the depths of the monster's brain, and it will not be felt in the big mouth!
When the tyranny reaches the extreme, it will produce a majesty instead.This is what he heard from the teacher who is the top magician in the fire department in his most recent class, but at that moment, the bead gave him a warm feeling!

Warm and comfortable!Ed's heart also suddenly pulsated, just like the situation when he devoured the fire heart in his body, now, the spiritual power of fire hidden in his heart perceives him in this way again—that sphere, It is the purest fire magic power in the world, eat it!

That voice was like a spell, constantly echoing in Ed's mind.So much so that Ed didn't have time to react, and watched the strange fish swallow him directly!

The strange fish finally jumped back to the orange-red lava proudly.It's a pity that it didn't realize what a stupid mistake it was to swallow Ed in its stomach.

(End of this chapter)

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