Chapter 268
It would be impossible without sending troops in.

Let's not mention whether Onishine Taro can find those two people quickly, and then bring them back to confront John Rabe, and then find out all the reasons behind it.It's just that his majestic Prince of the Japanese Empire and Commander-in-Chief of the Japanese Central China Front Army Hatohiko Asakamiya did not achieve his pre-planned goals at all. It was simply impossible for Rabe to send him away with this reason. accept!
According to the current words, King Jiuyan of Chaoxiang Palace is ashamed and hard to get into the sheath.So, in order to reverse the current situation and earn back my face.King Chaoxiang Palace Hatohiko directly decided to forcibly enter the safe area to search!And as for the rules that both parties are following, well, to hell with it!
After all, as long as any evidence is searched in the safe zone, Prince Chaoxiang Palace Hatohiko will have an explanation to the outside world!At that time, people in the country will only say that he is wise and courageous, and has foresight!But in Europe and the United States, if he is exhausted, he will only say that he is reckless and domineering.As for his breaking the rules, no voice would mention it in front of the evidence found!Moreover, it can also cover up the soldiers before, go into the safe zone to rape women, and kill innocent people indiscriminately!At that time, it can be said that it was discovered by the hostile elements during the investigation process, and it was just a last resort!Politics, isn't that what it is?
Therefore, it is not surprising that King Hatohiko Asaka Palace would make the decision to directly send troops to forcefully enter the safe zone, both for his own face and for the reputation of the Imperial Japanese Army.

Hearing Hatohiko Asaka's threatening words, Rabe fell silent immediately.Rabe knew how threatening these words of King Asaka Palace Hatohiko were!If Rabe was the only one here, he wouldn't care about the threat of King Asaka Palace Hatohiko at all, but for his own life, the life of his family, and the lives of his colleagues, Rabe had to think carefully about it!After all, the choice Rabe is making now can be said to be a choice made for everyone in the safe zone.

Today's weather is very good. If in previous years, in winter, we could encounter the current clear sky and bright sun, Rabe would have to set up a set of tables and chairs in a place leeward of the wind and sunny, with his wife Dora Rabe was sitting together, drinking tea slowly, while listening to him constantly telling the stories of his parents.And his pair of sons and daughters are not far away, playing happily.

Or, walking along the streets of Nanjing City with three or five friends, listening to the hawkers hawking along the street, experiencing the bustling hustle and bustle in this ancient land, and chatting about something that makes everyone feel touched. topic of interest.

But now, all the things I experienced before have disappeared like a passing cloud, and the prosperous ancient capital of the Six Dynasties in the past has also disappeared.In front of them were the sharp bayonets of the Japanese soldiers and the corpses scattered all over the city of Nanjing.

Rabe turned his head and took a deep look at those relatives and friends who were blocked by the Japanese army in the distance. Seeing their faces, they were all full of worries.Turning his head, he looked at the sun that was still bright in the blue sky.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, as if he wanted to experience the feeling before the war again from the air full of gunpowder smoke.However, in the cold air, apart from the choking smell of gunpowder smoke, there is only the disgusting rancid smell.

He exhaled heavily the air in his chest and abdomen. Rabe opened his eyes, looked at King Hatohiko Asaka in front of him, and said in a slow but firm tone: "I'm sorry, Your Excellency! As the chairman of the International Safety Zone, I refuse to Japanese soldiers have entered the safe zone!"

In Zijin Mountain, Zhu Shengzhong, Guan Chengli and the others were lying on the edge of a battlefield, watching quietly about a small team of little devils, who were constantly dealing with the bodies of soldiers who died in battle.

The corpses they found, if they belonged to the Japanese army, were carefully lifted up, placed on a stretcher, and then neatly placed in an open space not far away.On the other hand, if it was from the National Revolutionary Army, they were first stabbed severely, and after confirming that it was a completely dead body, they were dragged very roughly into the trenches aside, and thrown into it indiscriminately.

Guan Chengli watched his old robes being treated like this by the Japanese army, his eyes were full of tears, and his expression was filled with grief!The hands in front of him were firmly grasping the ground, and they kept chanting names one by one!

The scale of the battlefield here is not very large, so the battlefield was quickly cleaned up by the Japanese army.After two barrels of gasoline were dumped by the Japanese army on the corpses of the soldiers who taught the corps in the trench, a fire dragon shot up into the sky immediately after!

"Ah..." In the middle of the fire dragon, there was a miserable howl suddenly!Then, I saw a soldier burning with raging fire, running out of the fire dragon, rolling and struggling.I hope I can extinguish the flames on my body and live on!

And the Japanese soldiers around laughed at the soldier who had already set fire to it!It was a soldier of the teaching corps who escaped the Japanese army's mending knife by chance. He originally planned to hide in the corpses of his brothers and waited for the opportunity to escape. The object of the devil's ridicule.

Inside the little devil, there was a younger soldier, who couldn't bear to hear the miserable wailing, and raised the rifle in his hand, ready to give him a good time.But just before he shot, he was slapped in the face by a veteran beside him.stopped his approach.And the little devils around, after seeing this scene, laughed even more!It seemed to them that there would be a fool here.

"Wang Sanhuai!!!" Guan Chengli at the edge of the battlefield heard the soldier's wailing, and immediately called out his name without distinguishing.Seeing Wang Sanhuai's body covered in flames, he didn't care about his physical condition at all, so he planned to go up immediately, and if he was lucky enough to survive, he would take down the robed Ze.


(End of this chapter)

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