Chapter 250 The Gap
"We have also eaten at this restaurant. At that time, the boss saw that we were students, so he didn't charge us at all. He also said, how can we poor students have any money. Keep this little money and buy more Take a look at a few books. When we work and earn money, we will collect money when we come here again. It’s just that we haven’t waited until that day, they… they will I will never see you again." Zhang Boxin, clinging tightly to Fang Jue's arms, shed tears silently, and slowly told about their past with this store.

"Brother Ma, why is all this??? They are just a group of ordinary people, and they will not cause any harm to the Japanese at all. Why do the Japanese want to kill them next time!!!" Fang Jue said to Ma Chao with a sad and indignant tone asked.

Yes, they are just a group of ordinary people who can't be in the ordinary people.What they ask for every day is nothing more than food and clothing for their wives and children, and a roof tile to cover them in the hot sun and snow.For those in power, they will only allow themselves to be seized. It can be said that as long as they can survive, they will never know what resistance is. It is no exaggeration to say that they are a group of harmless ants.

But it is such a group of ants who are desperately trying to survive, and the little devils want to kill them all!What is the law of heaven! ! !Where is the justice! ! !
"Because we are weak!!!" After hearing Fang Jue's words, Ma Chao stopped and turned around, revealing the root cause of all this unwillingly!

"Just because I'm weak??? Just because we're weak!!! Hahaha, it's just because we're weak!!!" Hearing Ma Chao's answer, Fang Jue was so unbelievable at first, then turned into grief and anger, and finally He said it in a mocking tone again.

"What about those other countries, are they indifferent to being bullied by the Japanese invaders like this???" Fang Jue said hopefully, like a child who is still full of fantasies about the world.

"Hehe, they...their interests haven't been lost, why should they meddle in our affairs!" Ma Chao's answer revealed a bloody reality for Fang Jue!
Yes, up to now, all those diplomats in foreign countries have been wandering in the political arena of various countries, trying hard to win the unreachable support for their country.However, apart from those overseas wanderers who continue to provide support within their ability, which country's politicians have made even a little voice for China?

No, never!They would rather believe the so-called goodwill photos between China and Japan provided by the Japanese than the cries and pleadings of the Chinese!It is undeniable that many countries have provided support for China's resistance to Japan's attack, but torn off the coat of these supports, it is full of unequal exchanges one after another!
The Soviet Union was the first country to provide support to China, providing aircraft, weapons and personnel support.But at its root, all these supports are obtained by China in exchange for a large amount of tungsten ore.Essentially, this is a form of employment.Moreover, as Germany attacked, they cut off this support!From a commercial point of view, they are in breach of contract!

The United States is the second country to provide support to China, and also provides a large amount of loans.But, is he really so kind? ? ?First of all, Chen Guangfu and Hu applied a huge amount of tung oil as collateral for this loan!
You know, the value of that batch of tung oil far exceeds the amount of the loan.Moreover, these loans did not go out of the United States at all, and were exchanged for weapons, medicines and other materials that were urgently needed in the country at that time.

Therefore, this is simply the plan of the United States to kill four birds with one stone!First, the money has been exchanged for materials in China, and it is still a high-priced material, which stimulates the production system in the United States!You know, the United States had just emerged from the Great Depression at that time, and all walks of life needed support.Therefore, even if this loan is not given to us, it must be loaned to those factories, but if it is loaned to us, it can bring high interest rates, and for the second generation to the factories, it can only be low interest rates.

Second, this is also a kind of speculation!If the Chinese government fails to resist the Japanese attack, the country will perish!Then, there is no way to talk about repayment.Then, the batch of tung oil that was used as collateral will naturally become something in the United States.Then, selling it to Germany, Britain and other countries is naturally a large amount of income!This can be completely interpreted as that the United States took advantage of China's imminent bankruptcy to forcefully buy a batch of materials from China at a low price, and then planned to sell it at the market price.It's just that I didn't expect China to hold on.

Third, in order to better sell products to the outside world!What is the biggest business in the United States?I'm afraid there are many answers, but if you want to ask which business in the United States is the most profitable, it is definitely the arms business.So, when is the sales volume of the arms business the best?Naturally it is time for war!At that time, the United States could be said to have monopolized Japan's demand for oil, rubber and iron ore.In order to stimulate him to buy more goods, it is natural to find a place to use these things
Consume it, and then you can buy more supplies.Then, strengthening China's strength and letting him confront it is naturally their first choice.

Fourth, and most importantly!That is to keep Japan firmly in the Asian region!At that time, the two most powerful naval powers in the Pacific Ocean were the United States and Japan, and there was only one Pacific Ocean between them. Although the distance was not close, it was not far either!Therefore, in order to be able to contain the development of the Japanese navy, they must be allowed to use all their resources elsewhere.So, is there any other choice?Let them fall deeply into the battlefield of China, and let them put all their scarce and limited resources into it.In this way, wouldn't they be able to easily achieve their goals?By the way, I can sell them a little more stuff, that would be great.As for how many Chinese died?Oh, don't tell me, we are not familiar with them.

"Without interests, do they turn a blind eye to what happened here? How could they do this? How could they do this!" Fang Jue said with a bit of a breakdown.In this world, there is a huge gap between what he read and learned in the book at school!It's so big that he can't accept it at all!
(End of this chapter)

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