Chapter 248 Passed
"Cangling..." Seeing that Goto Yamatomohiro had no intention of compromising at all, Ma Chao silently pulled out a small piece of samurai sword, hoping to force him to order and open the railing.As a result, apart from the fact that Goto Yamatomo's body began to tremble, there was no other discovery. It seemed that Goto Yamatomo was ready to carry it to the end.The Japanese soldiers around him, after seeing this, raised their guns slightly upwards. It seemed that as long as Ma Chao looked at Goto Yamatomohiro with the knife, they would shoot and kill him immediately.

"Huh... Kacha..." After seeing the little devil's actions, Ma Chao snorted very angrily, and stuffed the samurai sword back heavily.After the soldiers saw this, they also silently lowered the muzzles that had just been raised.After all, if they really killed a major, although they may not be court-martialed, they will definitely not have a better life in the days to come.

"Ask." Ma Chao gritted his teeth and squeezed out these words.

"Huh..." After hearing Ma Chao's words, Goto Yamatomohiro breathed a sigh of relief.He knew that this matter would pass like this.According to the unspoken rules in the Japanese Army.If Ma Chao turns around and walks away, it means that this matter is not over and there are still entanglements.And since he didn't leave, but complied with Goto Yamatomohiro's request, it meant that he had conceded defeat, and the matter came to an end.

"Thank you very much for your size, Your Excellency Major. Password: Martial Luck Prosperity!!!" Goto Yamatomohiro first expressed his thanks to Ma Chao, and then asked him for the password.After all, there's no shame in saying something nice.Moreover, describing his failure as size is also giving him a step down.

"Reply: East Asia Co-prosperity!!!" Ma Chao replied stiffly.

"The password is correct, Your Excellency Major. Please let me see your ID. Thank you very much!" Goto Yamatomohiro first confirmed the correct password, and then asked to check the ID.

Ma Chao didn't pay attention to Gotoyama Tomohiro's words at all, but silently took out his ID from his jacket pocket, and handed it to Gotoyama Tomohiro.

"Thank you very much, Your Excellency Major." After receiving Ma Chao's ID, Tomohiro Goto Yama checked the photo on the ID, compared it with Ma Chao's face, closed the ID, and returned it to Ma Chao.Although the appearance in the photo was only [-]% of Ma Chao's imagination, Goto Yamatomoyo didn't find it strange.Not to mention how poor the current camera technology is, if the exposure is not good when taking pictures, the whole picture will be blurred like porridge.

Besides, the photo on the certificate cannot be updated at any time.As long as time goes by, there will definitely be a certain difference from the actual person.What's more, after such a long period of war, it is possible for the image to change drastically.If the photo is exactly the same as the current person, as long as it is not a newly issued certificate, it is definitely a fake and has not escaped.

Therefore, after Goto Yamatomo found that Ma Chao had [-]% of his imagination in the photo, he was not surprised at all.

After Ma Chao got his certificate, he put him back in his upper pocket.Then he asked indifferently: "Now, can I go there???"

"It's okay, Your Excellency Major. I'm very sorry for wasting your time." Goto Yamatomohiro replied immediately, and signaled his soldiers to immediately open the block and make way for Ma Chao.

After the blocking lever was opened, Ma Chao didn't talk to Tomohiro Gotoyama at all, and just took the two people behind him, and left here in a hurry. It seemed that he didn't want to stay here any longer.

"Huh... finally left." Goto Yamatomohiro watched Ma Chao disappear into the darkness, and heaved a sigh of relief. This trouble was finally solved.Then he turned his head and yelled at the soldiers around him!If they hadn't reacted violently and pointed their guns at Ma Chao, there would be so many troubles.But in fact, if he hadn't reacted so strongly at the beginning, these soldiers would not have raised their guns to aim immediately.However, Goto Yamatomo would never mention this matter.Therefore, the mistakes were made by these soldiers under his command.

After the three of them walked for a while, Zhang Boxin, who was behind him, couldn't bear the doubts in his heart, and asked Ma Chao, "Brother Ma, were you really not afraid that they would shoot you just now?"

"I'm afraid, how can I not be afraid." After hearing Zhang Boxin's words, Ma Chao did not say that he was not afraid at all like in the plot of the novel.Instead, he said very bluntly that he was also very scared.

"Then why are you still so...then..." "No fear!" "Yes, then why are you still so fearless?"

Zhang Boxin forgot her words just now, and it was Fang Jue who reminded her to ask her the question she wanted to ask.

"Think about it, when will a high-ranking official be in awe and fear of an ordinary soldier???" Ma Chao didn't answer, but asked a question instead.

"I don't know about this." Zhang Boxin said after thinking about it carefully.

"Let me tell you, there will be no such emotions at all. Just now, if I had really acted according to that little devil's words, then the three of us would definitely reveal our truth." Ma Chao said.

"Ah...why???" Zhang Boxin couldn't figure it out.

"Hehe, let me ask you, what will happen to you when you directly stop Chairman Jiang's car." Ma Chao asked with a smile.

"I thought, I might be arrested immediately." Zhang Boxin said.

"So, when we were stopped by Goto Yamatomohiro just now, it was the same as when you stopped Chairman Jiang's car. However, you will be arrested because he is strong. However, my status is much higher than his, so , I will show my anger to him to make him worry about it." Ma Chao said.

"What are you worried about??" Zhang Boxin asked curiously.

"Do you think that at the checkpoint, you just report a password and look at the certificate?" Ma Chao said, looking at Zhang Boxin as if he were looking at an alien.

"Isn't it???" Zhang Boxin asked with a confused face.

"They will conduct a detailed search of the things we carry, and they will also conduct a body search." Fang Jue said helplessly beside him, answering Zhang Boxin's question.

"Ah, there is such a thing." Zhang Boxin exclaimed softly.

"So, you understand why I did this." Ma Chao said.

(End of this chapter)

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