Chapter 233 Search
At present, all the Japanese troops in Nanjing City are basically those troops that experienced the exhibition in Shanghai.Therefore, the commanders of all the troops have also seen the investigation report on the raid on the headquarters.

But now, in the city of Nanjing, the same incident as before was discovered. Although the result was that a brigade headquarters found losses, who can guarantee that the next unlucky one will be his own headquarters.Therefore, after receiving the information from the headquarters, all the commanders of the troops issued an order to search their defense area again.

At this time, on the eastern horizon, there is already some light, which has passed through layers of barriers and appeared. Dawn has arrived.

In the Zijin Mountain area, Yangguai and the three of them are gathering together, and they are constantly advancing towards the depths of the mountain. They are constantly searching, hoping to find a few surviving soldiers of the teaching corps.

"I said, both of you, it will be dawn soon, do you think we should find a place to rest, eat something, recover our strength, and then continue searching. After all, after dawn, it is very difficult to regenerate the fire." It's easy to be spotted by little devils." Yangguai, who was walking at the front of the line, turned his head and suggested to Daozi and Zhu Shengzhong in a low voice.

After hearing Yangguai's words, Zhu Shengzhong first raised his head and looked at the sky that had begun to fade, and then said, "Daozi, go to the cave we just searched in the back, prepare some food, and take a rest. Yangguai, we two Search both sides, meet here in 10 minutes, and then go over."

"Okay!" Knife responded, and then quickly turned around, went to the foot of the mountain that had been searched just now, prepared to make food, and then waited for the two people to come back.

But Yangguai and Zhu Shengzhong took this place as the center, and they ran in opposite directions, and began to search for possible survivors.

They have been searching in the Zijin Mountain for most of the night, and to be honest, they are already very tired at this time.You know, at this moment, the Zijin Mountain is already completely occupied by the little devils.Therefore, those roads in the mountains and forests can no longer be walked on, and can only be walked in those undeveloped woods.Otherwise, if something unexpected happened and the three of them were discovered by the little devil, they would be completely surrounded by the little devil.Although, at this time they were already surrounded by little devils.However, the little devil doesn't know their existence, so as long as you are careful and don't leave obvious traces, no one will find out.

At this time, a light mist has begun to rise in the mountain forest, which seems real and unreal, like a tulle. When people look into the distance, they are always blurred and cannot see clearly.Moreover, it also makes people feel very cold, as if all the heat in the body has disappeared.As a result, Yangguai and Zhu Shengzhong, who were searching, had to put up all their energy to carefully identify the scene they saw. While avoiding danger, they also had to confirm whether it was their own or not. Target.

At this moment, Zhu Shengzhong raised the rifle in his hand and kept aiming at places he thought were suspicious.The whole person is like a hunting civet cat, walking alertly and slowly in the bushy woods, except for the slight friction sound of the bush branches passing by the body and Zhu Shengzhong's faint breathing, the only thing left is the sound of stepping on the dead wood. The sound on the rotten leaves.Other than that, there was no sound, and once something was wrong, as long as he didn't move, he couldn't find a person standing here just by the sound alone.

The mist, at this time, has formed a slight cold dew on the shrub branches that have lost all their leaves.When Zhu Shengzhong passed through, the cold dew naturally soaked into his body.After passing through the barriers of layers of clothing, the cold feeling stimulated Zhu Shengzhong's exhausted spirit to wake up instantly.It's just that the temperature between the waist and abdomen, after losing the temperature, suddenly feels extremely cold.And this is also constantly affecting Zhu Shengzhong's control over his body.

"Hmm..." It felt like the time was almost up. When Zhu Shengzhong was about to go back to join the sheep crutches, he suddenly found a tree trunk not far away, which seemed to be leaning on a person, but was blocked by mist. , it is not very real.However, this was enough to make Zhu Shengzhong vigilant, and aimed his gun there quietly to avoid accidents.

After confirming that the figure did not make any moves, Zhu Shengzhong slowly approached him, and in the process of approaching, ensured that the muzzle of the gun was always aimed at him, and did not leave him for a minute or a second.No way, in order to ensure your own safety, this must be done.

To be honest, this person was not the first person Zhu Shengzhong and the others discovered.Before that, they had already found one, but that person was not the target they wanted to rescue, but a little devil who might have been a deserter.

In a state of war, there are only a few definitions for soldiers, alive, dead and missing.Of course, in many cases, disappearance will also be regarded as death by default, but when no body is seen, it can only be defined as disappearance.And the little devil the three of them first met was probably one of the missing members.

At that time, the three of them didn't think of this. After seeing this figure from a distance, they were eager to save people without confirming their identities too much, so they rushed over impatiently. It's a little devil.If the knife hadn't rushed up and killed him quickly, all three of them would have been injured.Because, at that time, the safety pin of the grenade in the little devil's hand had been pulled out, and as long as it was bumped, it could enter the detonation state.

After such a incident, every time the three of them saw a suspicious target, they would check again and again whether it was one of their own personnel, but every discovery after that was a fuss, not a real person.After all, it can only be said that this place has just approached the edge of the battlefield, and there is still a little distance from the real battlefield.

As the distance approached, Zhu Shengzhong could already see the officer's uniform of the teaching corps that this person was wearing, which made his expression somewhat relaxed.After getting closer, he saw the officer's head hanging down, which gave Zhu Shengzhong a bad premonition.

(End of this chapter)

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