Start with Four Lines Warehouse

Chapter 189 Winter Rain 10

Chapter 189 Winter Rain 10
Ma Chao and the others were wearing raincoats and hid behind the roof of the house, only their eyes were exposed to observe the situation below.After seeing that the little devils had started to carry food outside, they slowly moved down until they left the roof and hid in the house, quietly waiting for the opening sound of the last performance.

Listening to the sound of rushing water when the rainwater flowed down the tile mouth to the ground, Ma Chao silently counted the time in his heart, looking forward to the two loud noises he expected.I don't know if I counted too fast, or there is something wrong with the grenade. The explosion sound that Ma Chao expected has not appeared for a long time.This gave Ma Chao a bad premonition.

Let me tell you a very interesting joke, that is, the few German armorers originally formed in the Kuomintang, except for the military uniforms on their bodies, were all imported!Includes a helmet and grenades on the head.Many people are talking about how good the Germans were to China during World War II. After being influenced by their ears and eyes, everyone felt that Germany's attitude towards China during World War II was a friendly attitude.Please note that what the Germans here represent only individual actions, such as Dr. Rabe who protected a large number of citizens in the Nanjing Massacre, but this is not the attitude of Germany as a country! ! !

But, may I ask, apart from the novel and the book, there is a book that clearly stated that Hitler had a friendly attitude towards China.Including the autobiography "Mein Kampf" written by Hitler himself, nothing has been said.What do you want to say that Hitler received selfless help from Chinese families when he was applying for the Academy of Fine Arts of the University of Vienna in Vienna, Austria?

You know, Hitler's father was a civil servant working in the customs, that is, a civil servant.What does Hitler who grew up in this kind of family have to do with his poor family.Furthermore, Hitler was impoverished when his parents were both dead and he failed in the Academy of Fine Arts, but at that time, Hitler was already an adult.But how does the joke say, it talks about the help Hitler received when he was living in Austria as a child, this is a conflict that cannot be refuted at all.

According to historical records, Hitler expressed only one view on China, that is, in the early [-]s, sent by Chiang Kai-shek and Chen Lifu, the Chinese Liu Boqian visited Germany and met Hitler. He said that although China has a large land area, it is not worth mentioning, and Germany has a lot to learn from China, and they should spend more time here.Then Hitler changed the subject again: China is not good at anything, only one book is not bad, and it is still very sacred in his heart, and that is "The Art of War by Sun Tzu".

Dear judges, pay attention here!Hitler said that although China has a large land area, it is not worth mentioning. The only thing worth mentioning is "Sun Tzu's Art of War". I really don't know whether Hitler is praising China or despising China. A fool can hear it. Hitler looked down on it. China!
Moreover, China's international status at that time, to put it bluntly, was not much different from today's Iraq and Syria, and the Chinese were synonymous with ignorance and stupidity!To put it bluntly, if there is such a weak person among the people you know, will you confide in him and help him no matter the cost?Is it okay if it does not exist, the friend of the lion will only be the lion, not the sheep!And China, in the eyes of the big powers, is a sheep.And Germany, even after the defeat of World War I, is still a lion!
As for the existence of the German mechanic and the German instructors, it is just a product of the trade contract and Germany to ensure the combat effectiveness of the army!Tungsten is an essential ore raw material for modern weapons and equipment.However, European countries after World War I were always wary of Germany, so they did not sell him tungsten ore at all.In desperation, Germany had to turn its attention to China.

In addition, Germany, as a defeated country in World War I, had to abolish its domestic army under the restrictions of the Treaty of Versailles. As a result, a large number of professional soldiers fell into a state of unemployment, but in order to ensure that the officers Germany will send them to other countries to act as instructors to be active on the battlefield to ensure its own combat effectiveness.

At the same time, they are also responsible for the task of selling German weapons to other countries, using overseas orders to ensure the survival of various weapons factories!This is why there are German armorers and German instructors.

Of course, the weapons produced in Germany are indeed quite excellent products. Compared with the quality of domestically produced weapons, they are beyond reach.And things like that before the war with Japan, Germany sympathized with China, and urgently sent a large amount of weapons and equipment to China to strengthen China's combat effectiveness, are even non-existent.

That was an emergency measure taken by Germany to prevent China from canceling the order and refunding the refund after the war.After all, the meat that has been eaten into his mouth, how can he let him run away so easily.So, it's not surprising that there is this behavior.

As for Ma Chao, this is what worries him now.The original German-style grenades were exhausted during the defense of the Sixing Warehouse. Now, they are using domestically imitated grenades.Although the quality of this grenade has improved greatly compared to the original one, it still smokes like a pull wire and does not explode.Or explosions, also just blown in half things abound.So, sometimes, this kind of grenade is a big hammer!If you want him to explode as you imagined, it all depends on your character!

After waiting for a long time, there was no sound of explosion. Ma Chao knew that the final battle plan could already be declared a failure.Looking at the winter rain outside the house, it has begun to gradually decrease.Ma Chao said to the other three people: "Get ready to retreat, the plan has failed." After finishing speaking, he walked outside, ready to take advantage of the opportunity of the little devils to save food, and leave here to avoid being discovered by them.

Yangguai and the three of them looked at each other in amazement after hearing Ma Chao's order.After all, in their view, everything was going well according to plan, so why did it suddenly fail?After all, such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is something that can be met but not sought after.If these little devils are not completely dealt with today, it will not be so easy to deal with them so easily in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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