Domineering black-bellied mad wife

Chapter 95 Don't be afraid, I'm here

Chapter 95 Don't be afraid, I'm here

Xiao Minghong didn't even know what to do?
The child also seemed to feel some changes, quietly smiling to himself, looking at the world in a novel way.

what happened?

A cry of a child was clearly heard outside the operating room, which showed that Chu Yan had given birth, but the person did not come out for a long time.

Everyone's hearts were suspended.

Dr. Zheng looked at the bewildered Chu Yan, the mother's heart stopped rhythmically, and Dr. Zheng discovered that the patient actually wanted to die.

"Quickly, say something to make her listen. What you said just now seems to be useful."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Minghong nodded immediately.

"Daughter-in-law, the child is ours, ours, no matter what happens, I will be with you."

"Daughter-in-law, can you wake up, I will listen to you from now on."

"Daughter-in-law, if you can't wake up, I'll accompany you!"

"Daughter-in-law, I only want you to be well..."

"Daughter-in-law, if you don't wake up, everyone here will be buried with you, including your brother from the Dragon Society!"

"Daughter-in-law, did you hear me, I said I will do it!"


This is the first time Dr. Zheng heard such persuasion?But luckily it really worked.

The bleeding finally stopped, and seeing the mother's appearance, it seemed that she had entered a trance.

Whether she can wake up depends on her fortune.

"The operation was successful, but the dangerous period will not be known until two days later, you..."

Dr. Zheng didn't continue talking, Xiao Minghong even felt that every word of Dr. Zheng was like a death sentence for him.

"My daughter-in-law will be fine, no."

Chu Yan had a very long dream. In the dream, many people were chasing her. No matter how she ran, she couldn't escape this vicious circle.

Chu Yan looked at the bottomless black space with some despair, as if the boundless blackness was about to swallow her, and she was so depressed that she couldn't breathe.

Suddenly a pair of blue eyes appeared in front of Chu Yan.

Chu Yan took a few steps back, but those eyes kept chasing Chu Yan, as if they wanted to drag her into a deeper hell.

"Chu Yan, you cannot escape, you are mine!"

Chu Yan shook her head, waved her hand to disperse the phantom, but she didn't want countless clones to appear in front of Chu Yan, all the phantoms spun and said together: "You can't escape!"

Chu Yan fell to the ground, unconsciously stroking her stomach with her hand, but found it was empty.

child, where is the child?

Chu Yan broke down and began to cry, looking angrily at the phantoms around her, and beat her hands and feet in a random manner.

Those phantoms dissipated but turned into more phantoms, always surrounding Chu Yan.

Suddenly there was a bright light above his head, and Chu Yan instinctively looked up.

Someone grabbed his arm.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here!"

Who is it, the voice is so familiar.

"It's so sad here, take me away!" Chu Yan pleaded softly.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling light appeared around Chu Yan, and the phantom around him disappeared like melting.

White, endless white.

A figure ahead was crying.

Chu Yan walked forward silently.

Chu Yan was taken aback for a moment, he...was so familiar, and suddenly his chest tingled.

Chu Yan came over and hugged the man in her arms.

The man was startled, turned his head to look, stopped crying, and took Chu Yan into his arms.

When Chu Yanyouyou opened her eyes, she saw Xiao Minghong holding her hand, looking at her without blinking.

Seeing that Chu Yan woke up, Xiao Minghong rubbed his eyes to make sure that Chu Yan was really awake, and stood up happily, but he didn't want to fall straight down as soon as he got up.

Chu Yan was startled, all this happened too fast, and immediately pressed the call for help.

Chu Yan felt a twitch in her temples, wouldn't this guy be watching by her side all the time?
Chu Yan subconsciously looked at her stomach, which was already flat, that is to say, the child was born.

Abdominal pain proved what Chu Yan thought.

This person who killed a thousand swords almost caused him to die, but he himself was fine and passed out just like that.

Chu Yan was more worried, just when Chu Yan wanted to see Xiao Minghong, Doctor Zheng came in, followed by Yan Tianfei.

"Boss, you're awake!" Yan Tianfei let out a long breath, it's good to wake up, it's good to wake up.

Chu Yan nodded, and continued, "Look..."

Chu Yan wanted to say something, but found that she couldn't say anything, and her throat hurt badly.

Yan Tianfei poured a glass of water over, and then drove Xiao Minghong to the bed next to him.

"Boss, I'll feed you some water first. You hurt your throat when you gave birth, and it will be fine in two days." Chu Yan took a sip and looked at Xiao Minghong hurriedly.

Yan Tianfei frowned, the boss is too partial, and he never saw her ask his child.

"Brother Xiao is fine, it's just that he hasn't slept for the past few days, and his blood sugar is a little low. Just give him an infusion later."

Chu Yan nodded, just thinking of her own child.

Chu Yan loved this child very much, but... when she saw those blue eyes, Chu Yan was depressed, and the pain was beyond words.

Yan Tianfei was startled, the boss seemed to be in a bad mood.

Dr. Zheng suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly said: "Miss Chu, the child is a little deformed. Based on the eyes that were injured on your body when the child was conceived, the child's eyes have mutated into blue, and the left foot is slightly sloped."

"But don't worry, the child is healthy."


Dr. Cheng means...

"Boss, are you wondering if this child belongs to Brother Xiao? I was also curious at first, but the DNA is confirmed. He is the blood of you and Brother Xiao, and he is a kid."

Chu Yan's eyes widened, and then she smiled.

Hehe, kid...

Not knowing whether it was because of excitement or something, Chu Yan's forehead felt hot, and she passed out again.

"Boss!" Yan Tianfei was startled, but seeing the smile on Chu Yan's mouth, Yan Tianfei frowned, feeling happy.

The news of Chu Yan waking up spread throughout the Tianlong Society, and the brothers planned to come to visit in groups, so recently there was a big scene in the city hospital, with luxury cars appearing in the city hospital every day, and a large area, unified swarthy suit with sunglasses.

After this group left, another large group came, uniformly dressed in green, and looked like they were coming to the hospital to suppress bandits, but after a while, they were thrown out like the previous group...

All the theatergoers came out, and it was rumored that some important person had moved in here. Everyone in the hospital in the city was on high alert, for fear of being accidentally offended.

When the media reporters heard the direction of the wind, they all rushed over and surrounded the city hospital.

So the first group of black people and the second group of green people formed a human wall, strictly preventing any flies from flying in.

Xiao Minghong only woke up after resting for two hours, Yan Tianfei explained the situation to Xiao Minghong, and was relieved when he learned that his daughter-in-law really woke up.

So he came over and looked at Chu Yan eagerly, waiting for Chu Yan to wake up.

When Shui Yixin heard the news that Chu Yan had woken up, she hurriedly made chicken soup and came to visit.

Yun Qing was also worried about her sister-in-law's comfort, so she also came running with Shui Yixin.

When the two came, Chu Yan was still awake.

"Boss, is your wife awake?" Shui Yixin went in and put the things she had brought on the table, and continued.

Seeing his mother coming, Xiao Minghong nodded and replied: "Well, after waking up once, Dr. Zheng and Yan Tianfei both said that there is no danger, just take good care of it."

I still remember Yan Tianfei's words, this time Chu Yan's body is very weak, if she doesn't take good care of her, the root cause of the disease may be left behind.

Shui Yixin nodded. "It's fine, it's fine."

"I made some tonic soup for Xiaoyan, when she wakes up, don't forget to warm it up for her to eat."

Xiao Minghong nodded, and put the things on the table into the incubator.

Seeing that Yun Qing was also here, Xiao Minghong came over and asked, "Girl Yun, what did Xiao Ru do when he came to our house that day?"

Yun Qing was stunned for a moment, and replied: "Second uncle got into a fight with sister-in-law when he came, and sister-in-law seemed to be afraid of hurting me, so she let me in to get tea, but when she didn't want to come out, she saw second uncle push sister-in-law to the ground. "

When Xiao Minghong heard it, his heart trembled.

These days, he gave in everywhere, but he didn't want Xiao Ru to be aggressive and hurt his wife and children, this was the last thing Xiao Minghong could tolerate.

Shui Yixin also lowered her face, she was already dissatisfied with this little uncle, but now that the bullying has come to the fore, Shui Yixin is also furious.

"Boss, you still remember a will left by the old man, it's about Xiao Ru."

Xiao Minghong nodded.

"Well, I know how to do it."

Yun Qing seemed to remember something, and continued: "Brother Xiao, I remember that Second Uncle went to Grandpa's room, took something and left again."

Xiao Minghong was startled, what did he take?
Could it be the Iron Blood Order!
This book was first published by Xiaoxiang Academy, please do not reprint!

(End of this chapter)

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