God please lie down

Chapter 458 As long as he is here, don't say much

Chapter 458 As long as he is here, don't say much
For Jiuhen, it took him a long time to get used to the version.

And once the mid-lane heroes are cut and enhanced, they will spend a long time re-studying their playstyles.

But after such a long time, he has gotten used to this process.

"See if you're still sneaking away?"

It's rare for Xiao Muchen to make a joke, but at Jiuhen's place, it's still the same sentence, and his heart is bitter.

It's miserable, Xiao Muchen is completely like a joker, his every move, to him, looks like an actor.

If his teammates played like this in a passerby game on weekdays, Jiu Hen would scold him to death.

Thanks to Xiao Muchen's good temper, he never cared about these things.

It is estimated that the glory of the king has played too much. I have seen all kinds of stupid teammates, so I don't think it is strange.

At that time, they were lining up day and night, and they would always meet a bunch of actors and all kinds of people.

Hang up, drop the line, give away the head, there is nothing they can't do.

It was at that time that Xiao Muchen's mentality had been tempered.

When playing professional games again, even if it is against the wind, the mentality will not explode, and the operation will not be affected in any way.

People who are born to play games like this don't have to think so much at all.

Even if there is not much time left, to him, it seems to have the same result.

Maybe this is the path he is destined to take. Sometimes, although he doesn't understand it very well, but now that he is clear, he should know what he should do.

For Jiu Hen, he has long been used to these things.

After the past few years, his whole mind has been devoted to the game, thinking that as long as he can play games for a day, he will not regret it. Since he chose this path, he has always felt that it was worth it. of.

Later, even though he encountered so many things, maybe what he saw in his eyes was different.

During the two years when Xiao Muchen left, he was very sad.

My best friend left, and took the blame that didn't belong to him.

At that time, how disheartened he should be, but he didn't care about him at all.

Those fans who still support him will not turn around and leave just because he didn't win the championship.

He wanted to tell Xiao Muchen very much, but Xiao Muchen already didn't want to touch anything.

He walked very thoroughly and never gave anyone a chance at all.

He didn't even have a chance to speak. Looking back now, Jiu Hen hated himself a little. He should have stopped him in the first place. If so, things wouldn't be like this today.

Xiao Muchen should have returned to this arena a long time ago, for him, this is his place.

If he doesn't come back, he will always feel that something is missing.

They used to fight side by side together, but when they separated later, he still misses those years together.

I always feel that this is a good memory for him.

After switching to many teams, I still feel that some people and some things have never changed.

Xiao Muchen is still that person, his mind is still on the game.

His enthusiasm is still there, so he will come back here eventually, which is a good thing for him.

This is the best news I have heard this year.

With Xiao Muchen here, there won't be so many burdens.

 Three shifts~
(End of this chapter)

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