God please lie down

Chapter 2010 Different feelings

Chapter 2010 Different feelings

Things could not have been like this, but I don't know why, what can be done at that time.

When you can't find a way, it's the most correct to just look at it so simply.

Otherwise, once it is said, many of the relationships involved are not so easy.

At the beginning, he used to be like Xiao Muchen, who had longed for the future, but at the end, what happened.

It was because there was no result that they were thinking about it, and it was because they were not well prepared that they couldn't do anything about it.

If he really came here and realized that many of the original relationships had become like this before he thought about it, then he might still have a chance, instead of being like now, only leaving a way.

You know, someone told him this a long time ago.

But at this moment, Jiuhen didn't think about anything in his heart, so don't ask, because you don't know.

It's like, you understand a lot of people why they do this.

But when he came to him, there was absolutely no chance for him to start over.

If you make a mistake, you can only go wrong all the way, and don't even think about the rest.

Because even if you think about it, it's useless.

In their hearts, the result is very important, even after a long time, they are still here, so they can think better.

As they said, when playing games, they feel more nervous, so what do they think in private.

When I didn't understand it before, it seemed like I was just watching the excitement, regardless of whether it was my own thinking or someone else's thinking, anyway, it didn't matter anyway.

At the very beginning, it was only when I thought of this that I thought about it. In the past, I didn’t plan to say anything else, and it was only because I realized that this problem was the last one before I thought about it. important.

And a lot of the content in the eyes still hasn't happened.

"I also had times when I was confused, but it passed after that, and it didn't have much impact on me, so I think you can also let go of it appropriately and don't push yourself so hard."

Proper relaxation is definitely necessary for them.

When playing games, I often put myself in a tight state, which is not very good.

Thinking of this, in their opinion, it seems that it has nothing to do with it, but it makes people feel that it is too difficult.

Originally, Jiuhen didn't want to think about it, but there was no way.

When things have already happened, if he stands in this position, he cannot turn back.

Once he turns his head back, what will the people around him do?

In other words, when you think about it, you will have a different feeling.

Now when I heard Xiao Muchen talk about it, it was like this, but when I think about it by myself, it must be different.

He didn't think about it just once or twice. After he got used to it, he didn't want to prepare any more, it didn't matter.

Even if it happens, there are many ways to find it.

Will not stay here because of these.

You will see if there is any difference after those things.

Anyway, that's what Jiu Hen thought, as for other people's words, he didn't care.

(End of this chapter)

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